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some ways to modify the accuracy of an weapon

Renegade edited this page Dec 4, 2011 · 1 revision

Some ways to modify the accuracy of an weapon

This specification was automatically generated from a feature request imported into Ares's LaunchPad bugtracker. If you are interested in fleshing out this feature, please update this page.

Original Request

Instead of the hardcoded scatter ranges defined by these under [CombatDamage]: BallisticScatter= HomingScatter=

Have an override like these on the projectile, but would only apply if it has Inaccurate=yes tag: InfantryInaccuracy= UnitsInaccuracy= AircraftInaccuracy= BuildingsInaccuracy= DefensesInaccuracy=

As defined by maximum scatter distance (cells) for inaccurate projectiles. This would allow for a more realistic combat sceneraio in which infantries could still be killed by a tank if the shell lands on them directly instead of the ridiculous amount of shells it takes just to kill an infantry. This would also give more control to inaccurate projectiles, such as flak or rockets, to target aircrafts. As for buildings and defenses, it wouldn't look as dodgy to have all the rounds hitting the same spot every time.

Specification details


  • This needs to be filled by a supporter/drafter of this specification.

Suggestions / Notes

  • This needs to be filled by a supporter/drafter of this specification.

See also

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