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Hunter Seeker Super Weapon

AlexBx edited this page Apr 14, 2014 · 1 revision

Hunter Seeker Super Weapon

Bringing back the Hunter Seeker SW known from Tiberian Sun.

Specification details


  • The Hunter Seeker should at least support everything TS supported.

Suggestions / Notes

  • In TS, the Hunter Seeker could acquire Immune=yes targets, and it could destroy them.
  • There should be a way to exempt certain technos from targeting.


Side specific Hunter Seeker units:

[Side]HunterSeeker= (VehicleType): The unit used as Hunter Seeker for the SW firer's side. Replaces GDIHunterSeeker= and NodHunterSeeker= from Tiberian Sun. Set this to a vehicle type with the fly locomotor.

Global hunter seeker control

[SpecialWeapons]HSBuilding= (list of BuildingTypes): Buildings that can launch Hunter Seekers. [General]HunterSeekerDetonateProximity= (integer): Distance to target in leptons below which the Hunter Seeker will detonate. Tiberium Sun uses 150.

[General]HunterSeekerDescendProximity= (integer): Distance to target in lepons where the Hunter Seeker will start to decent. TS uses 700.

[General]HunterSeekerAscentSpeed= (integer): Speed value used while rising to a higher flight level. TS uses 40.

[General]HunterSeekerDescentSpeed= (integer): Speed value used while going down to a lower flight level. TS uses 50.

[General]HunterSeekerEmergeSpeed= (integer): Speed value used when ascending from the launch site. TS uses 6.

Overrides for TechnoTypes

[TechnoType]HunterSeeker.DetonateProximity= (integer)

[TechnoType]HunterSeeker.DescendProximity= (integer)

[TechnoType]HunterSeeker.AscentSpeed= (integer)

[TechnoType]HunterSeeker.DescentSpeed= (integer)

[TechnoType]HunterSeeker.EmergeSpeed= (integer)

Only the Fly locomotor makes use of these values.

Ignore certain target types

[TechnoType]HunterSeeker.Ignore= (boolean, defaults to no): Whether the Hunter Seeker will ignore targets of this type.

Type=HunterSeeker super weapon

[SuperWeaponType]HunterSeeker.Buildings= (list of BuildingTypes): Overrides the global HSBuildings list.

[SuperWeaponType]HunterSeeker.Type= (VehicleType): Overrides the side-specific HunterSeeker unit type.

[SuperWeaponType]HunterSeeker.RandomOnly= (boolean, defaults to no): Whether or not every object on the map has an equal chance of being targeted by the Hunter Seeker. If this is no, non-civilian targets are preferred for human players in multiplayer games. If no preferred target is found, a random target is chosen.

Default properties








See also

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