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Jay edited this page Sep 8, 2015 · 2 revisions

Image Control Stage 2 - Vertical Adjustment to MOLA

Update Tie Points to Vertical (Z) Control

Utility “Add Vertical Control” adds elevation information based on MOLA heights to the tie points measured in the Relative Orientation. The tie points are then flagged as Z-Control points in the ground point file (GPF).

The “Add Vertical Control” utility will auto-fill the input files based on the <ProjectName> listed. If the grayed out entries are correct, simply check the boxes next to each field to confirm them. Otherwise, press the buttons associated with each field to select the correct files. The following steps detail the procedure.

  1. From the SOCET SET menu bar, select USGS Tools > Add Vertical Control.

  2. If the project file listed in the Project File field is correct, check the box next to the Project File field to confirm it. Otherwise, press the “Project File…” button to bring up the list of projects and select the project from the list.

  3. The input ATF File should be <ProjectName>_Relative.atf. Either confirm the “ATF File” listed is correct by checking its check box, or press the “ATF File…” button to select <ProjectName>_Relative.atf. (The Ground Point File (GPF) is also listed. It should be <ProjectName>.gpf.)

  4. The input Grid File should be <ProjectName>_mola.asc located in the MOLA_DEM folder. Either confirm the Grid File listed is correct by checking its check box, or press the Grid File… button to select D:\\DATA\\<ProjectName>\\MOLA_DEM\\<ProjectName>_mola.asc.

  5. The input Track File should be <ProjectName>.tab located in the MOLA_TRACKS folder. Either confirm the Track File listed is correct by checking its check box, or press the Track File… button to select D:\\DATA\\<ProjectName>\\MOLA\_TRACKS\\<ProjectName>.tab. (Note: If a Track File does not exist, keep the Track File field blank and check the confirmation box.)

  6. Press Execute. (If the Execute button is not activated please check the confirmation checkboxes.)

  7. Close the window via the upper-right close button.

Restore Original (A-priori) Support Files

  1. Open Windows Explorer. Navigate to D:\\DATA\\<ProjectName>\\<ProjectName>_Original, select all the files in the folder, and Copy them.

    Note: There are more than image support files in this folder, but there is no harm copying the extraneous files, and it is quickest to just select all the files.

  2. Move up one folder so you are now in D:\\DATA\\<ProjectName>, and paste the files.

  3. In the pop-up window, check the box in the lower left corner to “do this for the next 3 conflicts”, then select “Copy and Replace”.

  4. Close the Windows Explorer window.

Bundle Adjustment

  1. From the SOCET SET menu bar, select Preparation > Multi-Sensor Triangulation.

  2. Select File > Save Triangulation File As… in the Automated Triangulation window.

    Note: <ProjectName>\_Relative.atf was automatically loaded. For the Vertical Adjustment to MOLA, no changes will be made to the Setup, however, we will provide a more meaningful name to the ATF file.

  3. In the pop-up window, enter <ProjectName>_Rel_VertCtrl, and press OK.

  4. Press Solve in the Automated Triangulation window.

  5. The Simultaneous Solve window will open, along with a Backup pop-up window. Press Yes on the pop-up to overwrite back up files.

  6. In the Simultaneous Solve window, press Start to perform the bundle adjustment.

  7. Once the adjustment is completed, evaluate the errors in the adjustment.

    An acceptable solution has (1) an Image (pixels) RMS of ~0.6 or less, and (2)no individual point measurement has an error greater than 2 pixels.

    Press Results button in the Simultaneous Solve window to review error of individual point measurements.

  8. In the Vertical Adjustment procedure, all points are now Z-Control, so inspecting the top of the list will suffice.

  9. If points have pixel errors greater than 2.0 pixels, SKIP TO: 18.4 Point Weights Refinement. Otherwise, continue to the next step.

  10. If the image RMS is < ~0.6 pixels, and the maximum point measurement error is < 2.0 pixels, then Press Close on the Multi-Sensor Triangulation Residuals window.

  11. Press Save on the simultaneous solve window.

  12. Press Yes on the Done pop-up window.

  13. Press Close on the Simultaneous Solve window.

  14. Select File > Exit on the Automatic Triangulation window.

    Vertical Adjustment is now complete!

  15. SKIP: 18.4 Point Weight Refinement and 18.5 Point Re-Measurement Process, GO TO: 18.6 Re-Load Images.

Point Weights Refinement

Continuing from 18.3 Bundle Adjustment…

The previous Relative Orientation adjustment should have met the criteria of the Image RMS less than ~0.6 pixels, and individual point errors less than 2.0 pixels. The only change since the Relative Orientation is that we added elevation estimates to the measured points. If the Image RMS < ~0.6 pixels; Point Errors < 2.0 pixels criteria is not met now, the cause is most likely that the weights (i.e., Accuracy Values) assigned to the elevation estimates by “Add Vertical Control” are too stringent. We will first evaluate and adjust Accuracy values. If the criteria of an acceptable solution is still not met after another bundle adjustment (Solve), then we will re-measure points.

  1. From the Multi-Sensor Triangulation Residuals window, record (on a piece of paper) the Point ID’s of the points with > 2.0 pixel line and/or sample errors. Then close the Residuals window.

  2. Press Close on the Simultaneous Solve window. (Do not press Save.)

  3. Press No to Saving Files in the Done pop-up window.

  4. Press Interactive Point Measurement on the Automated Triangulation window.

  5. For each point recorded on your list:

    a. Use the Scroll Bar to the right of the point list, and scroll to the point. Click on the point’s Point ID to select it.


    b. IPM will move the stereo display to the selected point. Look at the measurement in stereo. If the point is on a slope, the Accuracy assigned to the Z coordinate may be too tight. We suggest you increase the Accuracy by approximately a factor of 2: double click in the Accuracy field for Z, delete the old value and type in the new value, then press the enter key.

  6. When you are done updating Accuracy values, press Save then Close on the IPM window.

  7. Press Solve on the Automated Triangulation window.

  8. Press Start on the Simultaneous Solve window.

  9. Press Residuals on the Simultaneous Solve window and make sure no individual point has an error greater than 2 pixels.

  10. If the solution continues to have points with larger than 2 pixel errors, the problem may be a bad measurement(s), so GO TO 18.5 Point Re-Measurement Process. Otherwise, continue to the next step.

  11. If the image RMS is < ~0.6 pixels, and the maximum point measurement error is < 2.0 pixels, we will exit Multi-Sensor Triangulation, and re-enter it in order to refresh the values stored in computer memory. First press Close on the Multi-Sensor Triangulation Residuals window.

  12. Press Close on the Simultaneous Solve window (Do Not Press Save.)

  13. Press No to Saving Files in the Done pop-up window.

  14. Select File > Exit on the Automatic Triangulation window.

  15. Re-enter MST: From the SOCET SET menu bar, select Preparation > Multi-Sensor Triangulation.

  16. Press Solve on the Automatic Triangulation window. (The triangulation file, <ProjectName>_Rel_VertCtrl should load automatically.)

  17. Press Yes on the pop-up to overwrite back up files.

  18. Press Start on the Simultaneous Solve window.

  19. If the Image (pixels) RMS is < ~0.6 pixels, Press Save on the Simultaneous Solve window.

  20. Press Yes on the Done pop-up window.

  21. Press Close on the Simultaneous Solve window.

  22. Select File > Exit on the Automatic Triangulation window.

    Vertical Adjustment is now complete!

  23. SKIP: 18.5 Point Re-Measurement Process, GO TO: 18.6 Re-Load Images.

Point Re-Measurement Process

Continuing from 18.4 Point Weights Refinement…

  1. On the Multi-Sensor Triangulation Residuals window, Left-Click on the Point ID(s) of the points to re-measure. (Hold the Control Key down to select multiple points.) Then press Re-measure Point(s)…. The re-measure point window will now open with the points selected.

  2. Left-Click on the point to re-measure. The View 1 (stereo display) window will display the current point measurement.

  3. Un-check the Measured box for the Right image only, to remove parallax.

    NOTE: Relocating the point is not advised because there is now an elevation estimate associated with the point.

  4. Clear the parallax by moving the Right image only (i.e., put the dot on the ground).

  5. Press Sample to collect the point measurement.

  6. Press Save write the measurement to disk.

  7. Repeat re-measurement process for remaining points in the list. (Go back to step 2.)

  8. After points in the list are re-measured press Close.

  9. Press Close on the Multi-Sensor Triangulation Residuals window.

  10. Press Start on the Simultaneous Solve window.

  11. Press Residuals on the Simultaneous Solve window and make sure no individual point has an error greater than 2 pixels.

  12. If there are points with larger than 2 pixel errors, repeat the Point Re-Measurement Process starting from step 1.

  13. If the image RMS is < ~0.6 pixels, and the maximum point measurement error is < 2.0 pixels, we will exit Multi-Sensor Triangulation, and re-enter it in order to refresh the values stored in computer memory. First press Close on the Multi-Sensor Triangulation Residuals window.

  14. Press Close on the Simultaneous Solve window (Do Not Press Save.)

  15. Press No to Saving Files in the Done pop-up window.

  16. Select File > Exit on the Automatic Triangulation window.

  17. Re-enter MST: From the SOCET SET menu bar, select Preparation > Multi-Sensor Triangulation.

  18. Press Solve on the Automatic Triangulation window. (The triangulation file, <ProjectName>_Rel_VertCtrl should load automatically.)

  19. Press Yes on the pop-up to overwrite back up files.

  20. Press Start on the Simultaneous Solve window.

  21. If the Image (pixels) RMS is < ~0.6 pixels, Press Save on the Simultaneous Solve window.

  22. Press Yes on the Done pop-up window.

  23. Press Close on the Simultaneous Solve window.

  24. Select File > Exit on the Automatic Triangulation window.


    Vertical Adjustment to MOLA is now complete!

Re-Load Images

After the Vertical Adjustment to MOLA is complete, it is necessary to re-Load the images in order to view them with the results of the adjustment.

  1. From the SOCET SET menu bar, select File > Load Images`.

  2. In the Image Loader window, select the Left and Right Image to display by clicking on the image id in the Left and Right panels. (Selected images will be highlighted.)

  3. Under View Control Panel settings: Ensure that View = 1 and that Load Point is selected.

  4. Press Load.

  1. Press Close.

Backup Vertical Adjustment Results

At this point, it is prudent to backup the project data in order to have a re-entry point for the up-coming Absolute Orientation of the stereo images to MOLA.

  1. From the SOCET SET menu bar, select USGS Tools > Backup Orientation.

  2. Make sure the current project name is listed in the Project field. If not, press “Project” to select the current project, then press OK. (Otherwise the backup will be made in, and for, the wrong project!)

  3. Replace Backup_0 with Relative_VerticalControl in the Local folder name field. The backup folder will be named <ProjectName>_Relative_VerticalControl.

  4. Press Backup.