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Jay edited this page Sep 8, 2015 · 1 revision

#Image Control Overview and Naming Convention

Controlling HiRISE images to MOLA Tracks is a three-stage approach. Stage 1 is a Relative Orientation to remove y-parallax between the images of the stereo pair which aids stereo viewing. Stage 2 is Vertical Adjustment of the stereo model to align it in height (elevation) to the MOLA surface; which aids viewing the MOLA DTM or MOLA Tracks superimposed over the stereo pair. Stage 3 is an Absolute Orientation to align the stereo model with the MOLA Tracks, if-and-only-if there are sufficient MOLA Track data to accomplish the orientation. Depending on the analyst’s desired level of accuracy, the Image Control process can stop at any of the three stages.

We ask that all users follow the same naming convention for triangulation file names and backup folder names (listed below). Following the same convention allows for ease of transition with multiple users accessing a project.

Triangulation files (*.atf) will be named as follows:

  1. <ProjectName> – Relative Orientation
  2. <ProjectName>_Rel_VertCtrl.atf – Vertical Adjustment using relative orientation image parameters and vertical (Z) control points.
  3. <ProjectName>_Abs_XYZ_Ctrl.atf – Absolute Orientation using absolute orientation image parameters, and XYZ Control.

Project Backup Folders will be named as follows:

  1. <ProjectName>_Original – Stores the original (a-priori) image support files.
  2. <ProjectName>_Relative – Stores the result of the Relative Orientation
  3. <ProjectName>_Relative_VerticalControl – Stores the result of the Vertical Adjustment
  4. <ProjectName>_ Absolute_XYZ_Control – Stores the result of the Absolute Orientation
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