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Jay edited this page Sep 8, 2015 · 4 revisions

Import MOLA TRACKS Shapefile

  1. From the SOCET SET menu bar, select Preparation > Import > Features > Shapefile.

  2. Select File > Open Shapefiles… in the Shapefile Import window.

  3. Navigate to D:\\DATA\\<ProjectName>\\MOLA\_TRACKS. Select <ProjectName>Z.shp, and press Open.

  4. Enter the Output FDB name without an extension. Then press the enter key and SOCET SET will add the project data path and file extension.

  5. Turn on radio button for Generate New File, and press Start to import the MOLA Track Points.

  6. Select File > Exit when import is finished.

Verify MOLA Track Import

Display the MOLA Track points using Feature Extraction (FE) to verify the import.

  1. From the SOCET SET menu bar, select Extraction > Feature > Feature Extraction.

  2. Select File > Open FDB…` in the FE window.

  3. Select <ProjectName>_mola_tracks, then press OK.

  4. The Feature Extraction tool should have defaulted to Auto Draw On, and the Tracks should be drawn on View 1. If not, press the Draw icon to draw the Tracks.

  5. When the MOLA Track import is verified, select File > Exit on the FE window.

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