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#Transfer Files to SOCET SET Workstation

From the ISIS processing machine, we need the following files generated by the and scripts for each image in the ISIS pre-processing stage:

  1. <ProjectName>/<imgdir>/<noproj_img>/*.raw: The distortion corrected images in 8-bit raw format
  2. <ProjectName>/<imgdir>/<noproj_img>/*_keywords.lis: The associated SOCET SET USGSAstroLineScanner keywords files, and
  3. <ProjectName>/<imgdir>/<noproj_img>/campt*.prt: The campt report associated with the image.

If your plans are to control the stereo pair to MOLA, you will also need the following files generated by the script in the ISIS pre-processing stage:

  1. <ProjectName>/MOLA_DTM/*.asc: The MOLA DTM as an ARC Grid.
  2. <ProjectName>/MOLA_TRACKS: The entire MOLA Tracks directory which contains the files associated with the Shape file.

It is strongly recommended that the *.raw, *keywords.lis and campt*.prt files (items 1, 2 and 3 from the above list) be copied into a subfolder named ISIS in the project’s images folder on the SOCET SET machine (e.g., E:\\IMAGES\\<ProjectName>\\ISIS), and the MOLA data files (items 4 and 5, above) be copied into the project’s data folder (e.g., D:\\DATA\\<ProjectName>).

File Transfer for Guest Facility Users

Create ISIS subfolder

  1. Bring up Windows Explorer and navigate to E:\\IMAGES\\<ProjectName>.
  2. Create a folder in E:\\IMAGES\\<ProjectName> and name it ISIS.

Transfer Images and Keywords Files

  1. Navigate into E:\\IMAGES\\<ProjectName>\\ISIS.
  2. Open a second Windows Explorer window, and navigate into Z:\\<ProjectName>\\<image>.
  3. Copy the campt_<image>.prt, <image>.raw and <image>_keywords.lis files into E:\\<ProjectName>\\ISIS. Repeat for all images processed in Z:\\<ProjectName>.
  4. Note that there are no subfolders under E:\\<ProjectName>\\ISIS.

Transfer MOLA Data

  1. Navigate into D:\\DATA\\<ProjectName>.
  2. Open a second Windows Explorer window, and navigate into Z:\\<ProjectName>.
  3. Copy the MOLA_DEM and MOLA_TRACKS folders from Z:\\<ProjectName> into D:\\DATA\\<ProjectName>.