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Jay edited this page Sep 8, 2015 · 3 revisions

Epipolar (Pair-Wise) Rectify Controlled Images

Epipolar rectification is used to enhance or enable stereo visualization of a stereo image pair. This rectification process: rotates the images so the epipolar (e.g., X-parallax) direction is horizontal, and scales the images to a common resolution.

Generally, SOCET SET can handle epipolar rectification on-the-fly (also referred to as Pairwise Rectification in the SOCET SET user’s manual). Although on-the-fly rectification works for viewing pushbroom/linescanner stereo images, it is unreliable when automatically generating a DTM. Therefore, we need to generate epipolar (pair-wise) rectified images of the stereo pair and supply them to NGATE (Next Generation Automatic Terrain Extraction) and AATE (Adaptive Automatic Terrain Extraction).

##Load Controlled Images

Load the images to insure the stereo display is using the final controlled solution of the images.

  1. From the SOCET SET menu bar, select File > Load Images

  2. In the Image Loader window, select the Left and Right Image to display by clicking on the image id in the Left and Right panels. (Selected images will be highlighted.)

  3. Under View Control Panel settings: Ensure that View = 1 and that Load Point is selected.

  4. Press Load.

  5. Press Close.

Generate Epipolar Rectified Images

  1. From the SOCET SET menu bar, select Preparation > Resample > Rectification > Pair-Wise.
  1. In the Pairwise Rectification window, verify the Output Image section is correct. Then press Start.

    SOCET SET will automatically populate this GUI based on the stereo pair loaded. Just make sure the Output Image Location is correct. The output image names are based are the left and Right images loaded, and will have _l and _r appended.

  2. Upon completion, Select File > Exit in the Pairwise Rectification window

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