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Jay edited this page Sep 2, 2015 · 2 revisions

Import Pushbroom/Linescanner Images

  1. Select USGS Tools > Imports > Import Pushbroom.
  2. From the USGS Import Pushbroom window, if the project listed is your current project confirm the Project by clicking the Project File checkbox. Otherwise press Project File… to bring up the Project_Selection window, select the current project, and press OK.
  3. Press Image Path… and navigate to the project’s E:\\IMAGES/<ProjectName>/ISIS folder. Then press OK.

Note: The ISIS folder MUST contain the <image>_keyword.lis and <image>.raw files.

  1. Either select Individually the images required for the project or use the Select All button to import all the images in the list.
  2. Press Execute, and the utility will populate then execute program import_pushbroom to build the required images and project support files.

Note: This utility expects that the image name and the keywords file are in agreement with each other, with “_keyword” appended to the base file name. For example, An Image file named “Image_123.raw” should have an associated keywords file of “Image_123_keyword.lis”.

If your import fails then please verify that the naming convention is correct.

  1. Close the Command Prompt Window when import is complete for all images selected.
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