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Web Committee 201801 Minutes

Scott Vieira edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 1 revision

Attendance: Heather Wilson, Scott Vieira, Yan Song, and Louisa Choy

Announcements: Heather: Community Outreach Coordinator - communication, marketing.

Yan Song joins Steering Committee

Developer meeting update: No date for release of 2.1 yet. Each of the developers talked about features they wanted to include in release. Will have to work on documentation for 2.1 2.1 should be coming up? Loose January commitment from Steering Committee.
Github, agendas and meeting minutes

Steering committee has shifted towards Github for agenda and minutes. We should do this too. We can just link to it on website instead of hosting it on the website. One link will go to SC meetings and separate link for WC.

Website data migration

Menu is right, but page structure not quite right. Scott will work on it and migrate most of the existing data. Will ask us for help with CSS. Want to have website done by end of January.
Will share with steering committee in early February to get feedback. Mid-late Feb: migrate the DNS. Done by ER&L, March 4th. Images: screenshots from existing CORAL instance. Later part of January: consider if there is anything we want to add that wasn’t there before Need help with: social media setup.

Social Media setup Laurel will work on Twitter account. Yan will work on FB account. Use [email protected] Notifications: turn off, then change if it doesn’t work.

CORAL funding (i.e., gofundme) Research way to take in funding for CORAL - for something like an open source project Expenses: domain registration, website Louisa will look into it. Heather’s got friends in development.
Possibility of being hosted by Open Library Foundation?
Look for funding from a company? GoKB had those kind of partnerships at one time.

Newsletter & Website News/blog Tech Update: looking into EBSCO integration Steering Committee Updates Past presentation publication/future ones Should we bother migrating old posts to new site?
Future of the blog?

Newsletter plugin: allows people to subscribe. RSS feed. Drag and drop features.
Blog: question about time commitment and blog maintenance. Push news stories into newsletter and more immediate updates can go on the blog. Can also do a blog post when there is a new newsletter. Newsletter: highlights. Can reference to blog for details.
Need to figure out how the newsletter plugin works. Will it work on the blog. Heather will set up Newsletter plugin Idea: list of schools who use CORAL that don’t have a developer.
Idea: feature CORAL instances. Have people outside of CORAL SC.

Anything else? Heather sent out survey. Received 37 responses. The survey is open until January 12. Heather will send out reminder. SurveyMonkey was done for a few days.

Next meeting Thursday, February 1, 2018

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