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Steering Committee 20230110 Minutes

rtatterson edited this page Jan 10, 2023 · 7 revisions

Attendance: Song, Tatterson, Rylander, Panayiotou, Streasick, Kilsdonk

  1. Release update - Mike and Andy still testing ERM-63-modern-jquery-update-with-php8. Issues uncovered so far are with the Resources module, exports and issues. Group discussed ways to track progress and will create a channel in slack to share google doc that NC State will create with any issues uncovered from their testing. Andy and Mike will continue testing and report progress at meeting in February.

  2. Tutorials update- Rebecca and Jennifer met to plan work on CORAL's Vimeo channel. A cover image for CORAL videos was created and added to the CORAL Drive as well as a list of topics for tutorials. Rebecca uploaded a CORAL Licensing tutorial and will be adding one for the Usage Statistics module. Tim will add a video tutorial for the installation process some time February. A list of topics will be shared in Slack and members were invited to contribute as time permits.

  3. Discuss approaches to manage active issues and pull requests on CORAL Github repository- Yan, Tim, Angela and Rebecca will work on tagging issues as bugs or enhancements and prioritize items for testing and eventually merging to master CORAL branch. The group will review Pull Requests and prioritize work on these.

  4. Update on setting up access/server to involve CS students- This was put on hold until after release.

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