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Meeting 2021 11 02

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Nov 2, 2021 · 2 revisions

Title: Virtual Meeting Open Athletics

When / Where


  • Logistics
  • World Athletics strategy and high level specifications
  • Next steps for the community group


26 attendees

Introduction to the challenges discussed in AthTech21

Nicolas L. presented the challenges, as a follow up of Zadar's conference in September.

  • Data exchange:
    • What data standard
    • All parties to use WA IDs
    • Matching athletes
  • Global calendar
    • EA uses Opentrack calendar -> how to alight with WA
    • Creation of an API
    • Visualization of the global calendar
  • Comprehensive database
    • How to retrieve athletes performances (PBs/SBs)
    • How to get these performances.

World Athletics (WA): Data Exchange and Journey towards a Global Calendar:

Carlo DA and Andras S. presented a webinar on Data Exchange and Journey towards a Global Calendar

Andras introduced the technical aspects of the World Athletics' view:

  • Standardising Data Exchange

  • Stakeholders involved:

    • Member Federations, service partners --> send competition results in a standard format.
    • Challenge: matching of athletes with the distributed dbs
    • WA will share the data with the providers as well
  • Data provided by WA

    • Events in the data feed
    • List of athletes competed in recent years with the WA athletes codes
  • Matching of athletes is the main challenge.

    • There are various databases and this matching should happen in the two ends (member federation/supplier and WA)
    • WA could perform the matching.
    • 1000s of athletes per federations.
    • Newly matched athletes to be included in the WA update
  • Standardize additional entities:

    • Events
    • Rounds
    • Age categories
    • Date formats
    • Result formats
    • Country codes
    • Other taxonomies
  • Submission of competition results

    • Dedicated API for the member federations and service providers --> based on the WA standard
    • Using competition IDs --> World Ranking competition project (with identifiers)
    • JSON as preferred format but also some other accepted (e.g., XML, CSV, …)
    • WA to provide a template
    • New athletes will be created in the WA database
  • WA will maintain the database (qualifying process, rankings, results…)

  • Correction of results --> to align amendments from the member federations/suppliers.

  • Next steps

    • Required JSON format for result
    • Template for alternative results
    • Other entities and parameters.
    • Access to their athletes, including WA codes


  • Andy R: Any estimation of the roadmap?

  • Andras: We have the first draft of the format.

    • For the standardization, we need some discussion.
    • For instance, we need to handle all the languages differences.
  • Eddy V.: When the results should be sent? Live, a few seconds after the race, or AFTER made official (during the event)?

  • Andras: When we consider that the results are more or less stable. At least a couple of hours, to avoid too many amendments. 24h would be still a good time.

  • Andreas W.: Is WA interested in every result/competition? For example some masters competition from a local club (Where there will be for sure no record or "interesting" result)

  • Andras: Still to decide the competitions that will be involved.

Carlo DA.: Journey towards a unique and relevant Global Calendar

  • Challenges related to unique IDs and matching of national IDs
  • Data exchange -> the data would need a kind of agreement between EA/WA and the national federations. (Stefan F. mentioned this also)
  • Where the athletes qualify? what competitions (domestic competitions)?
  • Standard threshold but with the collaboration of the national federations.
  • Vision: one fundamental principle
    • Results only if achieved at pre-selected and identified competitions
    • One source of truth calendar centralized by WA
  • 2022: pilot year. 2023: compulsory for recognition of results for WA statistical purposes
  • Future landscape:
    • Application to include: Date, venue, programme, commitment to abide by WA rules…
    • Open and transparent
  • Principles:
    • Global centralised competition application platform
    • Standardized protocol (time to send results, to apply for the permit...)
    • Centralised results processing.
    • Required global co-operation.

So far, if anyone is interested in formalizing the agreement, you can use the email (WA's statistics).

ACTION: World Athletics to share a sample of the JSON format for the results and the template.

Next steps

There are some challenges that can be solved in the scope of this Open Athletics Community Group, including:

  • Athletes ID
    • Document the minimum data to identify the person.
  • Standardisation of the entities
    • We already discussed some of the entities discussed today (Events, Rounds, Age categories, Date formats, Result formats, Country codes, Other taxonomies)
  • Standardization of the competition results
    • WA to provide a template that could be used as the baseline.

ACTION: Martin A to coordinate with Andras and Carlo to start the technical discussion within the community group before next meeting.

Next meeting

Dec 7th, same time (09:00 UTC)

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