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Meeting 2017 09 06

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Sep 6, 2017 · 2 revisions

Meeting: Wed 6 September, 08:00 UTC (See other locations)

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Access Code: 110-180-797


  • Conference
  • AOB



  • Martin
  • Andy R.
  • Nicolas
  • Chiheb


  • Martin: I looked into the pre-registered people. This is a list of the entities and people who will attend:

  • [Checking the figures of the conference]

  • Andy: Quite good figures to be on holidays

  • … Good selection. This could be interesting for federations.

  • Nicolas: We can expect more federations. Some of them haven’t responded yet.

  • … In the next weeks, we will receive more people.

  • Andy: It could be interesting to organise a session on timing and measuring

  • … Wearables and other devices are now in competitions.

  • … Lightning talks are a good idea, to start the interaction.

  • Nicolas: The key talks now regarding logistics.

  • … We have the room but we need to book hotel, transfers, and meals.

  • Andy: The Algarve association may provide us with a list of hotels, but we may find cheaper hotels.

  • … Offering better options.

  • Nicolas: We are working on DNA project.

  • … we are talking to many federations we can involve.

  • Chiheb: We have contacted some legal experts to present the topic of privacy and data protection.

  • Nicolas: No fee for the conference (EA will cover rooms and some coffee)

  • Andy: We will create a text on the web page to clarify this.

  • Chiheb: We should offer some transfer options.

  • Andy: We can publish the organisations already registered so the rest can see the kind of audience we expect.

  • Martin: We should we change the pre-registration form for ‘final’ registration.

  • … Also, inform the already pre-registered people

  • Andy: Next week we should include 'data standards’ in the agenda.

  • Nicolas: We should present the data exchange standard in the conference. Every day we receive this enquiry form.

  • Martin: Next meeting, next week same time: 1h data standard+30’ planning.

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