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Meeting 2017 09 20

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 4 revisions

Meeting: Wed 20 September, 08:00 UTC (See other locations)

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  • Status of Reportlab development (JSON export)
  • AOB



  • Andy R.
  • Andy W.
  • Martin
  • Maxim
  • Mirko
  • Nicolas
  • Chiheb
  • Ricardo


  • Antonio

Reportlab's work

  • Andy: I cannot shown news about the spreadsheet export, we are still working on other features.
  • … Not really related to standards today.
  • … [Andy showing a demo regarding athletes representation]
  • … [Platform should manage results with a track of changes]
  • … [Reportlab and Tilastopaja joint work to share athletes info, as a good example that can be replicated in other places]
  • … Some other new features, such as the stable status field. Unit competitions now has split times (list of values within a field).
  • … [track of changes in results shown in the tree structure]
  • Andy: We will keep this work on.
  • … We will find different IDs for specific federations.
  • Martin: Should we build a common DB for IDs and mapping.
  • Andy: We are doing it, so we can be this central point if required.
  • Martin: I don’t know where, but we need to have a common place to store these common IDs. So we can have integrity of information.
  • Andy: Proposal: when someone uploads results, they should include the athlete’s ID and who is providing this ID.
  • Chiheb: This should be discussed in Faro.
  • Andy: We need to be sure we will be able to do this (in legal terms).
  • Nicolas: We spoke to a couple of experts on this field.
  • Andy: I suggest using the Wednesday session to nail this down.
  • … England A is using URNs to identify athletes.
  • … Is there any problem to take (Elite athletes) information from European Athletics and use that information?
  • Nicolas: We are changing the constitution clauses, so we are forcing them to include rules about data usage in their agreements.
  • Andy: Is this public for discussion?
  • Nicolas: Indeed is public on our website. I’ll find and send the concrete text.
  • Andy: This will be great, because we will be able to grab information from EA legally.
  • [showing a visualisation of high jump event]

Conference Planning

  • Nicolas: About 4th October session.
  • … When is schedule? People are asking.
  • Andy: Already included at the agenda.
  • Martin: I’ll prepare the agenda, some examples and also a overview of the work done. Everyone will be able to follow the discussions.
  • Nicolas: On Wed. we need to decide when we will stay.
  • … [talking about logistics]
  • … [venue: track/hotel depending on the day]
  • … [to be confirmed]
  • … [We need to promote the conference.]

Next meeting

Next week (27th Sep), same time (8:00 UTC)

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