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Meeting 2017 06 07

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Jun 7, 2017 · 3 revisions

Meeting: Wed 07 June, 08:00 UTC (See other locations)

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  1. Status of the conceptual model
  2. Status of the vocabulary (and new docs)
  3. AOB



  • Andy
  • Martin
  • Antonio
  • Chiheb
  • Nicolas
  • Peter Crawshaw

Status of the work

  • Martin: I’ve working on a new document with the vocabulary. Apart from the conceptual model, a set of terms and classes to define everything the model represents.
  • … Also information about formats (JSON-LD) and explanation about Semantic Web paradigm.
  • … [ Vocabulary and how-to explained]
  • Andy: This is better, easier to understand and to implement
  • … I’ll continue writing code.
  • … Also, I’ll send issues to Github. I have some suggestion such as types of records.
  • … Also about clubs and federations. It’s more complex than only this.
  • …I model that as Organizations and relations between them.
  • … Universities/schools/leagues, etc.
  • Martin: OK, maybe the model should be more generic. Organisations and (member and memberOf properties).


Roles in competition (Officials)

  • [Peter Crawshaw joined the meeting]
  • Peter: Volunteer official in track and field games. Judge and active across the spectrum of Athletics. Involved in EA.
  • [Round of introductions]
  • Andy: IAAF Rules mention a list of well defined jobs in the competitions.
  • Peter: You started at the right place (IAAF). Maybe we need to define also lower levels of expertise and qualification.
  • Andy: Qualifications should be described in a common way .
  • Peter: Modelling officials is not easy. In England we have five levels so firstly we need an alignment with the rest of Europe (most of them have three).
  • … Safety in competition is well defined (throws, position of marshals in XC races, etc.)
  • … We are looking for a common system for officials. We use email/phone/shared docs, but not a common platform.
  • … Keep the data up-to-date is difficult for us.
  • … As an start point, having a list of stakeholders roles with definitions would be nice.
  • Martin: list of roles + description + required skills
  • Peter: I’ll share with you references about rules and spreadsheet with basic information about officials.
  • Andy: This is a first approach to start the process of standardisation.
  • Nicolas: Regarding officials, we have a tool for communication based on appointments. People reject/confirm appointments. It’s based on our event management system.
  • Peter: Interesting tool. We need a tool based on per-day appointments.
  • Andy: Peter if you were able to join us in the next weeks, Nicolas could show that event managent system.
  • Peter: I’ll let EA know about this group.

Next meeting

  • Wednesday, 14th June (8:00 UTC)
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