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Meeting 2017 07 05

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Jul 5, 2017 · 3 revisions

Meeting: Wed 05 July, 08:00 UTC (See other locations)

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  • F2F Conference in Portugal
  • Representation of field events
  • AOB



  • Martin
  • Andy
  • Nicolas
  • Chiheb
  • Andy W.
  • Maxim


  • Antonio

F2F Conference

  • Martin: Andy opened a shared document to start the definition of a conference.
  • … We will put all this information on GitHub to promote the event.
  • … I’ll create the page.
  • Andy: [going through the document]
  • … We will have the support of all our companies, plus W3C Spain.
  • … The agenda, from a morning, run to specific technical sessions to discuss the 'standard’.
  • … Sessions specific about stages of competitions, results, technology to do it, etc.
  • … A potential registration platform: (thanks Andy W)
  • Andy: I’ll reopen the Google Drive folder with all details. The one we used last year.
  • Nicolas: Who will present and key topics. Data protection and privacy are relevant. If someone needs to come as a presenter, we can look for some money in our budget.
  • … If you know anyone to invite, please let me know.
  • Martin: I’ll look for speakers to cover these topics.
  • Andy: There are many use cases of federations that are publishing a lot of information but without risks. No problems with that.
  • Andy: Exhibition area where companies can have a table to present their tools and products.
  • Martin: This area should be in the common ‘coffee area’
  • Nicolas: We have been offered with the IAAF centre.
  • Martin: I’ll open a web page to discuss by next meeting.
  • Andy: I've thought about a custom domain.
  • …
  • … 2nd Annual Athletics Data Conference

Definition of Field Events

  • [Andy presenting the competition management tool]
  • … Vertical events and horizontal events.
  • … Thoughts on the JSON representation (example)?
  • Maxim: I have some experience in front development. Better trying to avoid logic in the front.
  • Andy: [Showing a cool example visualising a height jump competiton]
  • … Not for now but we should discuss having a common service to host IDs and information for athletes.
  • … [Discussion about local IDs for competitors and athletes]
  • [Show example of runners with the same bib ID: ‘R']
  • Maxim: We need some distinction in this case.
  • Andy: We all agree that we need competitor ID and bib ID.

Next Meeting

  • 12th July 2017 Same time
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