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Meeting 2017 06 21

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Jun 21, 2017 · 3 revisions

Meeting: Wed 21 June, 08:00 UTC (See other locations)

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  • Status of current work
  • Competition Management Systems
  • AOB



  • Maxim
  • Andy R.
  • Andy W.
  • Martin
  • Antonio

Athletics Reference Data

  • AndyR: [Showing]
  • … List of clubs and details about clubs.
  • … Different type of organisations.
  • … All of this can be crowdsourced.
  • … Also information about competitions.
  • … Competition management and entries.
  • … [England Masters Outdoors Track and Field example]
  • … [Example of Rio Summer Games]
  • … There is a list of events already predefined. Events have a ad-hoc structure of rounds.
  • … This tool is useful to record the competition as it happens and afterwards we publish the information as open data.
  • … This will be also represented in a nicer way.
  • Martin: Crowdsourced? Clubs will be able to change their details.
  • Andy: We would like to rely on federations. The idea is moderate the information we receive from the world.
  • Maxim: The purpose of the tool is capturing information after the competition happened, or during the competition?
  • Andy: One contract we have is a platform for entries and competition management. This will be a easy tool for federations.
  • … Another tool we have is about results.
  • … EA wants to have a mechanism to quickly identify, lets say, the best athletes at the moment.
  • … So management of results in competition.
  • … The final result will be shown in a open database.
  • … [Example of]

Maxim’s spreadsheet of results

  • Maxim: [Presenting the upload spreadsheet for]

  • … Really simple: 6 columns (name, category, wind, birth date, license number, etc.)

  • … Licenses number doesn’t change.

  • Andy: Do you have an API?

  • Maxim: Yes, there is a proper API to access data.

  • … We have agreements with the Dutch union to manage all results in the Netherlands.

  • … For rankings they have to put it manually, but the idea is making it automatically.

  • AndyW: For throws, do you record all the competition?

  • Maxim: No, just the best throw.

  • AndyR: Interesting what you do with spreadsheets.

  • … Scoring spreadsheet is perhaps the simpler approach.

  • … Do you include Road races in your system.

  • Maxim: Not focused but there are some road races.

  • Andy: [Andy showing live events management]


  • … We should think in cooperating.

  • AndyR: The idea is that federations maintain their DBs and publish all the information as Open Data.

  • … So there will be always official data exposed to create rankings and don’t miss any result.


  • Andy: Conference 15th October.
  • … to be announced soon by Nicolas.
  • … There will be really interesting having a business model in the conference.

Next Meeting

  • 28th June, same time
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