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Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Mar 15, 2021 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the W3C OpenTrack Community Group wiki! This is the tool the CG uses to draft the documents, and have the main information listed. Here you can find information about participation, roadmap, etc.


According to the Community and Business Group process, this Community Group may hold both face-to-face meetings and teleconferences under these basic premises:

  • meetings will be announced to the group in a timely fashion so that people can schedule attendance;
  • a tentative agenda will posted;
  • meeting minutes will be published, including topics discussions and decisions.

In order to offer a balanced participation due to different potential barriers for participants (timezones, agenda overlapping, etc.) the CG will try to minimize the impact of meetings, fostering a more asynchronous communication using the mailing list.

Next and past meetings

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