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System Settings

Johan Fält edited this page Jul 17, 2022 · 25 revisions

Rule Settings

Advantage Attributes

The Advantage Attributes are e.g. Willpower, Rage, Humanity, and so on. If this setting is checked then all Advantage rolls are calculated from the Attribute's permanent value.
If it is unchecked then the system uses the lowest if temporary permanent value.

Handle 1s

A rather simple setting. If it is checked then all 1s removes one success from the roll.
If it is unchecked the 1s doesn't do anything - the rule about rolling Botches still remain.

Certain rules are excluded from the rule of one according to the rules. No successes are removed regardless of the setting if the rules states that no successes should be removed if 1s is rolled.

20th ed/5th ed

This is not as big setting as it looks at first glance. Instead if it is set at 5th ed then.\

  • Attributes Appearance and Perception are replaced by Composure and Resolve.
  • Permanent Willpower is calculated by the sum of Composure and Resolve.

If it is set to 20th edition, which is default of the System then you go by the rules in the book.

Permission Settings

Observer view permission

The default setting is that an observer can see the entire sheet. This can then be changed to only be able to see the Bio tab.

Changing Actor or Item images

If you wish to be able to do this you set the correct settings in the Permission Settings then your type of user permissions has to have permission to access the file system in Foundry VTT's User Management. Then the image you pick needs to not be within the system images. Most preferable use an image you place under your World's folder.

Graphical Settings