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Sheet: Vampire the Masquerade

Johan Fält edited this page Oct 20, 2023 · 31 revisions

The Vampire sheet it has Bio, Core, Disciplines, Combat, Gear, Notes and Settings.

Sheet Icons


This icon opens up the Bio tab.

This icon opens up the Core tab.

This icon opens up the Discipline tab.

This icon opens up the Combat tab.

This icon opens up the Gear tab.

This icon opens up the Notes tab.

This icon opens up the Settings tab.

This icon opens up this Wiki page.


Rolls a frenzy roll.

Select your difficulty and then roll. The dialog keeps coming up until enough successes has been aquired.

Rolls the sheets initiative and if a things are setup in the Scene the result will be added to the Combat Tracker. Requires that an Encounter has been created and an Token connected to the Sheet is located in the Scene itself.

Rolls a soak roll.

Select what type of damage that are to be soaked and then set the difficulty the soak roll is.

Rolls a generic roll.

  • If Ignore Pain is checked then any Wound Penalties are ignored in all rolls.
  • If Frenzy us checked then any Wound Penalties are ignored in all rolls.

Sheet tabs



You set generation in Bio tab. The selected generation then adapts the sheet based on the generation's stats.

If you need to add temporary generation you set the sheet to edit mode and then click on the the "-" icon. If you then wish to clear it again you click on the eraser icon.



Your total attributes with form bonus can be seen next to each.

To add a permanent bonus to an Attribute, or there are need to increase the maximum value you can do this under Settings Tab -> Attributes.


If you set the sheet to edit then you will be able to change what names an existing ability is called. This is primarily thought to be used with abilities like Craft and so on. The change is in name only.

If you want to add Abilities that aren't listed or if you need to increase the max rating of an ability then you can do this under Settings Tab -> Abilities.


To clear Willpower or Blood Pool, both permanent or temporary you reduce it to 1, then click on '1' again and it will clear.

To set your decided morality e.g Humanity you set this at Settings -> Attributes.


Health is handled by you left-click on the health boxes and then they add bashing damage to them. Clicking on a box with a damage on it already will increase it one step up. If the damage already was Aggravated then it will be cleared.

If you right-click a health box then it will automatically be cleared.


To add a Discipline, Discipline Path or a Ritual you can either click on the + icon or you can create them as items in Foundry. Create a Power item, set its type and then you are done. You then drag the power itself to the sheet that are to have it.

How this is done can be read HERE.


Adding weapons or armors can be done by creating them in the World as create Melee Weapon Item, Ranged Weapon Item or Armor Weapon item and then drag them to the sheet, or click on the add icon.

Armor Ratings are automatically added if the armor is marked as equipped. More than one armor can be equipped at the same time.


Health is handled by you left-click on the health boxes and then they add bashing damage to them. Clicking on a box with a damage on it already will increase it one step up. If the damage already was Aggravated then it will be cleared.

If you right-click a health box then it will automatically be cleared.



By clicking on the Add-button you automatically add that type of Feature Item to the sheet and you can edit it as you like afterwards.

If the character has any Boons you add these here.



Altering values You are able to change the base values of an attribute by either giving it a permanent bonus or increase its maximum base value.

  • Value is the value of the attribute in itself.

  • Bonus is if you wish to add a permanent dice bonus to the attribute.

  • Total is the calculated value of the attribute.

  • Max is the max value you can enter of the attribute.

Character path

By default the sheet uses Humanity but if something else to be used or something entierly customized you do that here.

Selected Virtues

If other than Conscience or Self-Control is used just change that here.

Give bonus to frenzy rolls

Adds an automatic dice (or removes) to the base dice pool of frenzy rolls.


If you need to add an ability that are not displayed on the sheet you just press eye icon.

If a vampire has a low generation enough to alter this then it is handled automatically by the system as you change the generation in Bio and can't be altered.

Secondary Abilities

To read more about Secondary Abilities click the link.


If you need to alter which type of damage you are allowed to soak. The total soak value is also listed per type of damage in the first box. The second one holds the number of bonus dices you might have in a particular type of damage.

If you for some reason have more health boxes than normal you can alter this in the value box under Health.
Altering the penalty box alters the wound penalty for that level.

Sheet settings


This setting is for if you wish the sheet to show the typical creature font or not.


By default the sheet belongs to Modern Era. But if you wish to shift a sheet to an alternative Era just click the appropriate button. This will shift the abilities around so correct abilities are visible.