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Sheet: Vampire the Masquerade

Johan Fält edited this page Sep 18, 2022 · 31 revisions

The Vampire sheet it has Bio, Core, Disciplines, Combat, Gear, Notes and Settings.



You set generation in Bio tab. The selected generation then adapts the sheet based on the generation's stats.

If you need to add temporary generation you set the sheet to edit mode and then set the temporary generation you have for the moment.



Your total attributes with form bonus can be seen next to each.

To add a permanent bonus to an Attribute, or there are need to increase the maximum value you can do this under Settings Tab -> Attributes.


If you want to add Abilities that aren't listed then you can do this under Settings Tab -> Abilities.


To clear Willpower or Blood Pool, both permanent or temporary you reduce it to 1, then click on '1' again and it will clear.

To set your decided morality e.g Humanity you set this at Settings -> Attributes.


Health is handled by you left-click on the health boxes and then they add bashing damage to them. Clicking on a box with a damage on it already will increase it one step up. If the damage already was Aggravated then it will be cleared.

If you right-click a health box then it will automatically be cleared.


Discipline and Paths

To solve handling of Disciplines and Paths in Vampire the Masquerade these two were separated into two different units.

  • The Power item type Discipline
  • The Power item type Discipline Path

Both Discipline and Discipline Path are the base power - Auspex, Dominate, and so on. The Discipline Path is base path power - Path of Blood, Lure of Flames, and so on. As you add such items to the vampire sheet you can set what level you have on that power. You can't roll it, as it only works as a marking that you have that discipline of path, and for some this might fully be enough.

But if you wish to be able to roll the different powers within the disciplines or path you need to create these as well as individual items.

  • The Power item type Discipline Power
  • The Power item type Discipline Path Power

As you create these you are asked for what level the power is, if you need to roll it, what you roll and their description and system. Then once you drag them to the sheet they end up as unlisted on the Discipline tab as they hasn't been placed under a Discipline of Discipline Path yet. To do this you click on the headline of the unlisted power. A form will come up of the sheets Disciplines or Discipline Paths depending on what type of Power it is. You select which you want and then click save.
If a Power ended up on the wrong place, you just edit the Power on the sheet and click on the Clear connection button and select a new one.

Example on how it can be organized in the Items of your World:


Power items with Ritual type are only used by Vampires.



Moral Path

Then as you select the moral path of the character you selected than under Settings -> Attributes. This automatically set which virtues you have.