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Sheet: Changeling the Dreaming

Johan Fält edited this page Sep 18, 2022 · 25 revisions

The Changeling sheet it has Bio, Core, Dreaming, Combat, Gear, Notes and Settings.



The sheet shows the added Antithesis, Birthrights and Frailty from the Bio tab.


If you need to add more than 5 dots in any attribute you can set this under Settings Tab -> Attributes by altering the attribute's max value.


If you want to add Abilities that aren't listed then you can do this under Settings Tab -> Abilities.


To clear Glamour, Nightmare, Banality or Willpower, both permanent or temporary you reduce it to 1, then click on '1' again and it will clear.


To record the sheet's imbalance rating you right-click the permanent Willpower dot you wish to turn/unturn to show imbalance or remove it.


The different Art powers is listed in order under each Art the sheet has.


To solve handling of Arts in Changeling the Dreaming you create a Power item of the type Art.

Art is the base power - Contract, Sovereign, and so on. As you add such item to the changeling sheet you can set what level you have on that power. You can't roll them, as it only works as a marking that you have that art and to what degree.

But if you wish to be able to roll the different powers within the art you need to create these as well as individual items.

  • The Power item type Art Power

As you create these you are asked for what level the power is, if you need to roll it, what you roll and their description and system.

Then once you drag them to the sheet they end up as unlisted on the Dreaming tab as they hasn't been placed under a specific Art yet.

To do this you click on the headline of the unlisted power. A form will come up of the sheets Arts. You select which you want and then click save.
If a Power ended up on the wrong place, you just edit the Power on the sheet and click on the Clear connection button and select a new one.

As you roll a power you fill in the roll dialog for this and then roll. If you are to Unleash then just click that in.

If you have any Imbalance this will come up in the end result of the roll.


Adding weapons or armors can be done by creating them in the World as create Melee Weapon Item, Ranged Weapon Item or Armor Weapon item and then drag them to the sheet, or click on the add icon.

Armor Ratings are automatically added if the armor is marked as equipped. More than one armor can be equipped at the same time.

Secondary Abilities

Some weapons has secondary abilities as ability to use in the roll. To do this you set the ability to be Secondary Ability. Then as you do the roll from the sheet you first pick the correct secondary ability to use and as you do the system save the selected ability and will be using it in the future.

Macro buttons

Rolls the sheets initiative and if a things are setup in the Scene the result will be added to the Combat Tracker. Requires that an Encounter has been created and an Token connected to the Sheet is located in the Scene itself.

Rolls a soak roll. Any equipped armor will be added to this roll.

Rolls a generic roll.

  • If Ignore Pain is checked then any Wound Penalties are ignored in all rolls.


Health is handled by you left-click on the health boxes and then they add bashing damage to them. Clicking on a box with a damage on it already will increase it one step up. If the damage already was Aggravated then it will be cleared.

If you right-click a health box then it will automatically be cleared.

Both normal and chimerical health work on the same way. The damag type that is worse decides what level of wound penalty you are experiencing.


Adding trasures can be done by creating them in the World as create an Item Item with the type Treasure and then drag them to the sheet, or click on the add icon.


By clicking on the Add-button you automatically add that type of Feature Item to the sheet and you can edit it as you like afterwards.



Value is the value of the attribute in itself.
Bonus is if you wish to add a permanent dice bonus to the attribute.
Total is the calculated value of the attribute.
Max is the max value you can enter of the attribute.


If you need to add an ability that are not displayed on the sheet you just press REMOVED or if you wish to remove one just press ADDED.

Secondary Abilities

If you need to add an ability that are not present you can add it as a Secondary Ability. You do this by pressing the add button on the right type of ability you wish to add - Talent, Skill och Knowledge. Then you just edit its name and it will appear among the other abilities as normal.

As you edit it you can set if the ability is some kind of weapon ability. If this is the case then it will appear in the list of available abilities on the decided weapon type.


If you need to alter which type of damage you are allowed to soak. The total soak value is also listed per type of damage in the first box. The second one holds the number of bonus dices you might have in a particular type of damage.

If you for some reason have more health boxes than normal you can alter this in the value box under Health. This alters the number boxes you have for both type of health boxes Changelings has.
Altering the penalty box alters the wound penalty for that level.

Sheet settings

This setting is for if you wish the sheet to show the typical creature font or not.