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Johan Fält edited this page Nov 20, 2022 · 77 revisions


Fix in 2.2.0

General Additions

  • Added Hunter the Reckoning sheet. #8, #412, #417
  • Added so Mortals can get the other sheets advantages. #87
  • Added Mortals to be kinfolk. #390
  • Added Mortals to be ghouls. #84
  • Added so you are able to see wound penalty in rolls and able to ignore the penalty. #376, #377
  • Added so the max rating of abilities can be set in the Settings. #333

WtA Additions

  • Added a remain active icon. #375
  • As you change forms, the form is visible on the token. #229

General Changes

  • Everyone can change item's names. #416
  • Other traits can now be rolled and have descritions as any power. #411
  • Background area on Bio has editor. #370
  • Fixed so some abilities can both be listed in different areas depending on the sheet. #374
  • Removed the clear icon. Instead you just click on the values to set value to 0. #189, #252
  • Items now use splat fonts. #214

WtA Changes

  • Kinfolk can roll fetishes. #398
  • Icons are visible on Core/Shift/Combat tab. #364

MtA Changes

  • Showing health on Core tab. #366

CtD Changes

  • Fixed the graphics of the dreaming tab. #362

General Bug fixes

  • Fixed Tooltip on Creature sheet. #388
  • Fixed rolling power graphics on Creature sheet. #389
  • Fixed translation problems. #392
  • Fixed newly created power items, some had problems with description. #368

WtA Bug fixes

  • Fixed tooltip on active gifts not visible on combat tab. #386
  • Fixed problems with rolling fetish or talens. #385

VtM Bug fixes

  • Fixed graphical problems with disciplines without rolling. #387

MtA Bug fixes

  • Fixed rolling Rotes caused name be undefined. #396
  • Fixed problems with saving Foxus. #399
  • Fixed problems with setting Time ratings on Rotes. #419

Fix in 2.1.0

General Additions

  • Added Changeling the Dreaming sheet. #7, #325, #225, #221, #197, #127, #220, #221, #222, #272, #131
  • Added support for ranged weapons to use automatic fire - burst, full-auto and spray fire. #280, #275, #65
  • Added possibility to add your own values in select boxes. #187
  • Added Other Traits under Notes tab. #259, #210
  • Added full support Secondary Abilities where you create your own. #192, #213, #257, #259, #233, #237, #274
  • All types of items has a reference field. #265
  • Added so you can alter the shown text for any ability under Settings -> Abilities able you to use specialities e.g Craft. #161, #258
  • Equipped armor is automatically added to soak rolls. #67
  • Added so you can set weapon difficulty to variated. #260

WtA Additions

VtM Additions

  • Added possibility to add temporary generation value. #217
  • Some disciplines uses Roads/Path/Virtues. #270, #230

MtA Additions

  • Added Resonance on Magic tab. #190
  • Added so you can add Fetish items under Gear tab. #20
  • Added an add button for Rotes. #227

CtD Additions

  • Creature sheet supports Chimeras #332

General Changes

  • German is up to date. #335
  • Added editor to format the text of Power descriptions. #271
  • Added editor to format to description fields in the sheets. #235
  • Health boxes are always listed in a line.
  • Bloodbounds can be seen on all sheets. #218
  • Updated version of fontawesome icons. #327
  • As you make an attack the possible damage dialog appears automatically. #281
  • Removed the Roll Damage button from chat.

WtA Changes

  • Only Nagah and Garou can reach rank 6. #249
  • Nagah don't have Rank. #242
  • If your temporary Rage goes beyond your permanent one a warning pops up.

VtM Changes

  • Added Inconnu and True Black Hand. #251
  • Virtues are capped to 5. #244

General Bug fixes

  • Added bonus vanishes in some cases from dialogs. #268
  • Added a number of different missed texts to translate. #241, #246
  • Fixed graphical errors if using French. #226
  • Fixed translation for soak. #243
  • Fixed bug in calculation of wound penalty if more than one health level box. #324
  • Fixed but that made roll to miss if ability roll and the attribute had a speciallity. #319

WtA Bug fixes

  • Fixed Gurahl renown. #247
  • Nuwisha don't have Humour. #245
  • Changing breed rolls used wrong color. #236

VtM Bug fixes

-Fixed description and system tooltip for Disciplines. #263

MtA Bug fixes

  • Moved Technology to the skills tree. #286

Fix in 2.0.0

General Additions

  • Support Foundry v10.

Fix in 1.6.0

General Additions

  • Updated German and Spanish
  • Added an "Add"-button to add backgrounds, mertis, flaws and blood bounds to the sheet #202
  • Added Derangement to Bio #99
  • Added more Second Abilities #162, #191
  • The sheets now handle resizing and their width/height reacts to the size of Foundry #132, #209
  • You can now see the calculated Initiative under the Initiative button #184
  • You can now set on the Creature sheet which advantages that are to be used under the sheet's settings #182
  • Added difficulty and summery result in the chat when rolling Soak #114
  • Showing base Attribute in the chat when rolling Initiative #112
  • Spirits can now have Gifts #71

WtA Additions

  • Added Bunyip, Croatan and White Howler as tribes #196
  • Added support for Rank 6 #69

VtM Additions

  • Added possibility to list Blood Bounds or Vinculums under Info tab #98
  • Added the Abilities from Dark Ages #176

MtA Additions

  • Added Paradigm, Practice and Instruments in Magic tab #167, #181
  • Added Extended Roll setting both in Rote casting and normal casting #185
  • The Creature sheet now supports Constructs and Familiars #170
  • The Ability Technology is now presented under Skills #125

General Changes

  • Cleaned up the graphics of the sheets #111, #135, #143, #147, #153, #157, #159
  • Cleaned the graphics of all the rolls making them easier to use #150, #152, #183
  • It is possible to turn off the special Sheet fonts, both on System Setting level and on sheet level #134
  • Cleaned the CSS making it easier to organize #203
  • The setting of World Anvil is now a field you can add or hide in the System Settings #137
  • Backgrounds, Merits and Flaws can have any rating #171

WtA Changes

  • Temporary Rage can now be higher than permanent (with a warning) #186

VtM Changes

  • Clan is no longer selected but written #128, #129

General Bug fixes

  • The total values of attributes are secured and always calculated #198
  • A new installation of the System will not see all changes done since System creation #165

VtM Bug fixes

  • Fixed so when you shift generation the change it does on the sheet is always done #208
  • Fixed a problem where clan, sect and Path resetted from their set values #199
  • Fixed so the value of Bearing is correct if Path is 10 #172
  • Cannot clear blood pool #144

MtA Bug fixes

  • Fixed a graphical error of the Quintessence Wheel that made it not round at some situations #206
  • A Rote set to use Intruments didn't set the setting when rolled #194, #195
  • When casting general spell you got no warning that no casting type was selected #149
  • Affinity no longer clears when unlocking sheet #130

Fix in 1.5.0


  • Added sheet for Vampire the Masquerade 20th edition #6, #74, #75, #76, #97, #102, #103, #121, #123
  • Added Soak dice bonus under the Setting /Combat tab #101
  • Added Accuracy on Weapon item #100
  • [WtA] Added possible so you can see the Rage penalty on the sheet #96
  • Added possible so you can see the Wound penalty on the sheet #85
  • Added possibility to add automatic bonus dices to Power Items #64
  • [MtA] Added Sphere specialty #61
  • [MtA] Added Sphere affinity #56
  • New design Roll Design #77, #78, #79, #80, #81, #90, #91, #92, #95, #117
  • Improved the design to handle values of +6 #82
  • Improved the update World function #94
  • New World Setting where you can set that an Observer only can see the Bio tab #12
  • Item's default image is patched as World starts #108


  • Redesigned the different Power tabs #107
  • Improved the design of the World Setting dialog #116
  • Divided the Settings tab into sections so it will be easier to find things
  • Abilities are sorted in alphabetic order regardless of language #70
  • All item lists are now sorted #10

Bug fixes

  • Fixed graphical problem with the design of the Spirit Charm list #122
  • Fixed so a Soak or Damage roll can't botch #118
  • Fixed so 1's is counted in Soak and Damage rolls #113, #115
  • Fixed errors in the Spanish language #45, #83
  • Fixed errors in the German language #54
  • Fixed problems with the default Item images #48, #47, #72
  • Fixed pointer problems #53, #73
  • Fixed a number of smaller graphical problems

Fix in 1.4.0


  • Added sheet for Mage the Ascension 20th edition #4, #37, #33, #21
  • Added secondary abilites which are added under Settings on the Sheet #40
  • Added [WtA] icon to roll Frenzy #32
  • Added [WtA] new setting to set Frenzy bonus/penalties #35
  • Added [WtA] new item Fetish visible under Gear #9 and #26
  • Added [MtA] function to be able to use a Rote - new item - to cast a spell #17 and #22
  • Added [MtA] new setting to set i Actor has any permanent Paradox #36


  • Altered fonts for Mortal and Werewolf sheets #28
  • Rearranged Settings adding a sub tab system to easier find things #39
  • Rearranging how rolling works to be able to handle more Sheet types #23 and #24
  • Fixed so you can set unique image to item #29

Bug fixes

  • Fixed if so when checking for Specification it always check Attribute Value without Shift bonus #38
  • Fixed graphical problems if using Spanish #14
  • Fixed minor German errors #27 and #30
  • Fixed so Spanish can be selected #15

Fix in 1.3.0

This version is the beta of Spanish language


  • Added sheet for Changing Breed #2, supported types are: Ajaba, Ananasi, Bastet, Corax, Gurahl, Kitsune, Mokole, Nagah, Nuwisha, Ratkin and Rokea
  • Added Spanish
  • Made code cleaning making my life easier


  • Altered Font as the old one didn't handle other language than English
  • Added Description in the tooltip for Background
  • Corrected graphics in the combat tab - melee, ranged and armor section
  • Fixed the System Settings page and added all Rule Settings under one selection fixing the graphics
  • Fixed so when Spirits is rolling charms Description is passed to chat
  • Fixed #11 the graphics to be able to handle German language.
  • Fixed #13 You can now clear permanent Renown

Bug fixes

  • Corrected some errors with German translation
  • Fixed with the patch system as I found out that if someone that hadn't permission to run what the patches did the System broke
  • Fixed under the Shapechange tab for Werewolf - Appearance is now visible if you run Default Settings
  • Fixed so you get notified on the Gift tab for Werewolf if you have Rank 0
  • Fixed design for the Roll Dices macro button
  • Fixed design for the Roll Soak macro button
  • Fixed so if no difficulty is selected with rolls then difficulty 6 is selected automatically
  • Fixed when Spirits rolled charm things broke as they don't have any attributes/abilities
  • Fixed creature sheet height
  • Fixed #1 Attribute setting in PowerItem didn't read the setting for 20th/5th System setting

Fix in 1.2.0

  • Out of beta


  • Supports 9.269
  • Supports Foundry Initiative System in Combat Tracker.
  • Added macro buttons on the sheets to handle Initiative, Soak and rolling set number of dices. Before this it was handled by marcos.
  • Added German Translation done by Pat Shaw.


  • Polished the design on the Item- and Actor sheets

Bug fixes

  • Fixed so you don't get a warning about sheet locked if you add damage to the sheet.

Beta Changelog

Fix in 1.1.1


  • Supports 9.268
  • Release of Creature sheet. Depending on what kind of Creature you add you can make specifications in the Settings of the sheet if you need more than 5 dots on attributes, what abilities it is to display, what type of damage type it can soak, and so on.
  • New setting where you can switch to use 5th ed Attributes (Composure and Resolve instead of Appearance and Perception) and 5th ed Willpower (instead of calculating it as a normal trait it is a sum of Composure and Respove). Default is 20th ed rules.
  • Added in Sheet Bio section the possibility to add a link you the sheet's World Anvil page
  • Added in Werewolf Sheet Gift section so you can edit an added Gift or Rite
  • Added in Sheet Setting so you can set which damage type you have Stamina to soak with
  • If the Sheet is locked then show the user a message about it


  • Exchanged the image for damage
  • Improved the patch system

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the graphics of the Creature sheet
  • Fixed to handle large text areas to store information correctly
  • Fixed to only show visible Abilities on specialities page
  • Fixed chatt message when rolling Attribute/Ability headline text
  • Fixed not correct headline for the selected Ability was shown in the Gift and Rite lists
  • Fixed if you switch setting how handle Advantage Attributes the new roll value are now read as GM login

Fix in 1.0.10

  • Beta Release

Fix i 1.0.9

  • Added Creature Sheet.
  • Added auto-bonus to Attributes in Settings.
  • Added max to Attributes in Settings.
  • Added able to change Wound Penalties to Health Levels in Settings.
  • Added to be albe to hide and show Abilities in Settings.
  • New game setting theRollofOne - 1s doesn't remove success.
  • Update macro Num RollDice.
  • Fixed problem with minimizing character sheets.
  • Fixed width experience point description field.
  • Fixed width gift name field.
  • Fixed width weapon name field.
  • Fixed pointer at Lock button.

Fix in 1.0.8

  • Added the rules regarding Rage and social rolls. If your rolling Rage is greater than your Rolling Willpower you get social penalties on all Charisma and Manipulation Rolls.
  • Design Settings
  • Show total attributes on Core
  • Show rank name with Rank on Core
  • New game setting advantageRolls - using permanent or temporary in rolls with advantage Attributes.
  • Fixed Werewolf sheet height both app and web.
  • Fixed order of attributes in Choose Attribute in Roll Ability
  • Fixed so you can see Attribute speciallity when Roll Ability
  • Cleaned Code rolling dice

Fix in 1.0.7

  • Added Version on Items
  • Added Item Fetish
  • Fix design Item Melee Weapons
  • Fix design Item Ranged Weapons
  • Fix design Item Armor
  • Fix design Item Power
  • Fix design Item Experience
  • Fix design Item Feature
  • Fix design Item Fetish
  • Patch: Korrigerade Item Experience så visningstexten ligger i Description
  • Göm Charm egenskaper som inte skall synas för spelare
  • Göm Gift egenskaper som inte skall synas för spelare

Fix i 1.0.6

  • Lagt till så man kan se beskrivningen av en gift vid Active Gifts (Combat)
  • Lagt till så man kan fylla i Conditions under Combat
  • Funktionen av Conditions Ignore Pain och Frenzy
  • Conditions syns i slaget
  • BUGG: Kan inte skicka Charm till Chatt
  • BUGG: + ramlat bort om Attribute och Ability finns vid Itemslag.

Fix i 1.0.5

  • Added migration
  • Added worldVersion system setting
  • Spirit sheet
  • Lagt till Charms som Power
  • Flytta ner tooltip ca 20 px så det ej kommer i vägen vid popout

Fix i 1.0.4

  • Fixat kan inte slå gift med bara Rage/Gnosis/Willpower

Fix i 1.0.3

  • Fixat färger för Macro-tärningar
  • Fixat bredd på rutor i Notes
  • Lagt till Spirit dice
  • Lagt till Spirit CSS
  • Fixat problem om man anfaller med vapen där man har spec i attribute
  • Fixat bredd på specificationrutor attributes och ability
  • Fixat bredd på bredd Experience på edit
  • Fixat Soak macro tar inte bonus på slaget
  • Fixat Macro Antal tärningar - kan inte se diff
  • Designat rader i lister lättare att läsa
  • Designat slå tärningar till Chatt
  • Designat skicka beskrivning till Chatt
  • Flyttade visningen av beskrivning av gift/rites till ute i Foundry för testning

Fix i 1.0.2

  • Fixa spec Willpower
  • Skicka System om Gift/Rituals vid slag
  • Kan sätta gift som aktiv
  • Active Gifts som är märkta som Combat syns i Combat-fliken
  • Bredd på abilities-och attributesrubriker fixade under Core
  • Bredd på weaponnamn fixade
  • Bredd på health under Combat fixade
  • Visa total exp kvar på Core
  • Komprimerat Exp på Notes

Fix i 1.0.1

  • Döljer Edit/Delete-knappar om LOCKED.
  • Översatt språk som glömts
  • Visa totalt Earned Experience och Spent Experience
  • Korrigera bredd på formulär och sätt max
  • Hanterar bredd på Core och Shift
  • Designa textarea (Bio och Gear)

Fix i 1.0.0

  • Lägg till Specialities
  • Edit Combat
  • Feature form
  • Experience item
  • Korrigera utseendet för listning av gifts som ej har slag.
  • Kommer upp i text när man använder grundegenskapen eller färdigheten i tärningsformuläret
  • Använder man spec i tärningsslaget skall dess specialitet synas i chatt.
  • feature: background
  • feature: merits
  • feature: flaws
  • Design Notes
  • Design Gear
  • experience: (earned/spent)
  • räkna total exp
  • Om inte "klar" på spent exp är ikryssad visa inte kostnad och räkna inte den som spenderad
  • Knapp - Skicka Description Gift + Rites till chatt

Fix i 0.3.8

  • Töm Health Level högerklick
  • Visa Attribute Total i settings
  • Om ta bort fråga först
  • Roll Damage
  • Macro: Slå initiative
  • Kunna modifiera initiativ bonus
  • Soak beräknas baserat på form och typ av sheet
  • Macro: Slå Soak
  • Macro: Slå X st tärningar (t ex Willpower)

Fix i v0.3.7

  • Sätta ut Rank
  • Flytta upp Tab brevid upplåsningknapp
  • Begränsa Gift baserat på Rank
  • Lägga till History karaktär (Bio)
  • Drag Rites
  • List Rites
  • Remove Rites
  • Lägga Rite Description + System i Hinttext
  • Man skall inte välja sitt wound level, detta skall systemet veta om genom : health.damage.woundlevel
  • WoundPenalty
  • Slå Attribute
  • Slå Ability
  • Slå Advantages
  • Om noll eller negativa tärningar slå ej
  • Skriv ut typ Dexterity (4) + Stealth (3) + 2 diff: x vid tärningsslag
  • Skriv ut WoundPen i slaget
  • Visa noll tärningar som resultat
  • Visa Diff i slaget
  • Visa Mod i slaget
  • Roll Attack
  • Hantera shift bonus på grundegenskaper
  • Roll Gift
  • Fixat om man klickar på samma form igen
  • Om man uppdaterar så häller den inte shift bonus hela tiden
  • Foundry v9.249
  • Rite och Gifts difficulty (-1)
  • Radiobutton difficulty

Fix i v0.3.6

  • Added type to Power
  • Added dice selection to Power
  • Lagt till byta Actor bild
  • Skapat Gift.html
  • Skapat listorna för gift1-5
  • Drag Gifts
  • Remove Gifts
  • Sätta Actor bild
  • Combat gifts list
  • Lägga Description + System i Hinttext med design... (tooltip)
  • Fountry v9.245
  • Designa hint-text
  • Design Gifts

Fix i v0.3.5

  • Werewolf: Shiftknapparna shiftar som de ska
  • Werewolf: Shiftfunktionen vet vilken form den har varit och vilken den skall till
  • Garanterat att om inga former så sätts Homid
  • Garanterat att beräkningar på formuläret för Werewolf också körs om Mortal körs
  • Lagt till ShiftMod och ShiftDiff som beräknas vid öppnande av Werewolf beroende vilken form som valts
  • Syns vad man valt för form
  • Design Shapeshift
  • Visa vilken form
  • Snygga till var formikonen finns

Fix i v0.3.4

  • Lagt till mods och diffs på mortal för att hålla bonusar i slag
  • Lagt till shiftmods och shiftdiffs på werewolf för att hålla bonusar vilken form de har
  • Sorterat i GetData() för mortal och werewolf
  • mortal öppnar mortal-sheet
  • werewolf-actor-sheet.js har get template
  • werewolf öppnar werewolf-sheet
  • Shapeshift har egen html-fil
  • Ersatt {{equalValue}} med {{iff}}
  • Städat i console.log vid öppnande av sheet så det skrivs ut i rätt ordning

Fix i v0.3.3

  • Design Armor
  • Armor Drag
  • Armor skapa
  • Armor Ta Bort

Fix i v0.3.2

  • Ranged Weapons skapa
  • Ranged Weapons Drag
  • Ranged Weapons alla Attribute
  • Ranged Weapons ta bort
  • Design Ranged Weapon
  • Sätta Health Levels /, x, *
  • Health Level hantering
  • Välja health även om låst

Fix i v0.3.1

  • Bygga om språkfilen
  • Item Natural Weapon
  • Item Melee Weapon
  • Drag Natural Weapons
  • Drag till Melee Weapons
  • Ta bort Natural Weapons
  • Ta bort Melee Weapons
  • item.Roll attack och damage Natural Weapons
  • item.Roll attack och damage Melee Weapons
  • item.Roll attack och damage Ranged Weapons
  • Visa ej skadekod om inte slå skada (som melee)
  • Natural Weapons alla Attribute
  • Melee Weapons alla Attribute
  • Design Natural Weapon
  • Design Melee Weapon
  • Design Combat

Fix i v0.3

  • Added bio.html
  • Kan inte slå Gnosis
  • Kan inte slå Rage
  • Slå Gnosis, Rage, Willpower tar inte minsta mellan temp och perm
  • Input visar ingen box om låst
  • Settings: Kan inte spara Health values
  • Nog fel i spara värde se _assignToActorField mortal.js
  • Kan inte skriva i Appearance och Concept editor??
  • bör ändra för att kunna ändra rage temp , gnosis temp, willpower temp, health typ även om locked css .locked .resource-value-empty och .locked .resource-value-step :not(.rage-value)
  • Sätta Renown
  • Tömma temp Renown
  • Design Bio

Fix i v0.2

  • Design slå tärningar från formulär titta på marcro för ideer särskilt med färgschema beroende på vad för slags varelse som slår. Vampire finns, kvar, werewolf och mortal. Från CoD?
  • Speciality dubblar inte success 10.
  • Kan inte slå Skill + Attribute, detta blir Skill + Skill.
  • Kan inte slå Attribute enbart
  • Slå t ex willpower funkar inte
  • Fel när öppnar werewolf sheet. (fick skapa en ny)
  • Bytt namn på attribute.label
  • Slår grundegenskap alltid en tärning
  • Kan inte uppgradera systemet. (world.json)