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Customer Journeys

MissyM2 edited this page Apr 14, 2020 · 2 revisions

Through user research we gain understanding of who our target audience is. We try to learn about their daily world, hopes and goals, frustrations and pain points. Once we have a good understanding of who our personas are, we envision what their specific touchpoints will be as they navigate the life process that we are trying to simplify. In discovering their journey, we endeavor to understand the following stages:

  • Awareness: A consumer discovers a particular issue, frustration or problem to be solved. T
  • Consideration: A consumer actively searches for a solution to this problem, whether through consultation with others, research online or other method.
  • Engagement: The consumer focuses on one option to resolve the problem and engages to move toward a solution.
  • Retention: Upon the consumer's resolution to their pain point, or realization of their goal, they develop loyalty to the solution.
  • Advocacy): As the consumer encounters others with similar goals, they advocate for using the solution that they found success with.
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