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Brian Gianforcaro edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 4 revisions


Force Detours to retain trampoline allocation regions even after the trampolines have been released.


BOOL DetourSetRetainRegions(
    _In_ BOOL fRetain

Return value

Returns TRUE if Detours was previously retaining unused trampoline regions; otherwise, returns FALSE.


fRetain : Specifies whether trampoline memory allocation regions should be retained (and reused) after all of the trampolines in the region have been released. If this parameter is set to TRUE, these regions will be retained. If this parameter is set to FALSE, then region will not be retained.


Detours allocated trampolines from contiguous regions of 64KB of memory. By default, these regions will be returned to the OS when all of the trampolines in the region have been release (detached). However, in some cases, such as when a program frequently attaches, detaches, and reattaches, it may be desirable to retain the memory regions.

Detours releases prior to version 3.0 always retained trampoline regions. For backward compatibility, some programs may want to force this deprecated behavior by calling DetourSetRetainRegions(TRUE).

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