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Brian Gianforcaro edited this page Mar 6, 2021 · 1 revision


Return the address of the specified payload within a remote process.


_Success_(return != NULL)
PVOID DetourFindRemotePayload(
    _In_      HANDLE  hProcess,
    _In_      REFGUID rguid,
    _Out_opt_ DWORD  *pcbData


hProcess : Process in which the specified payload should be searched.

rguid : GUID of the specified payload.

pcbData : Variable to receive the size in bytes of the specified payload.

Return value

Pointer to the specified payload or NULL if the payload doesn't exist.

Error codes

On failure, DetourFindRemotePayload will return NULL. Extended error code information may be retrieved by calling GetLastError.


Where DetourFindPayload and DetourFindPayloadEx search for a payload in the current process, DetourFindRemotePayload searches for a payload in a different process. The returned value can then be read or written with ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory.

For more information on binary editing with Detours and payloads, see Payloads and DLL Import Editing in the Detours Overview.

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