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Brian Gianforcaro edited this page Jul 21, 2021 · 7 revisions


Attach a detour to a target function.


LONG DetourAttach(
    _Inout_ PVOID * ppPointer,
    _In_    PVOID pDetour


ppPointer : Pointer to the target pointer to which the detour will be attached. See the remarks section below for additional considerations.

pDetour : Pointer to the detour function.

Return value

Returns NO_ERROR if successful; otherwise, returns an error code.

Error codes

ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK : The function referenced is too small to be detoured.

ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE : The ppPointer parameter is NULL or points to a NULL pointer.

ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION : No pending transaction exists.

ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY : Not enough memory exists to complete the operation.


Warning: The variable pointed to by the ppPointer argument must remain alive for the duration of the transaction, that is until DetourTransactionCommit, DetourTransactionCommitEx or DetourTransactionAbort is called.

DetourAttach attaches a detour to a target function as part of the current transaction opened by the DetourTransactionBegin API.

For more information on using Detours to intercept function calls, see Interception of Binary Functions or Using Detours in the Detours Overview.

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