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Brian Gianforcaro edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 5 revisions


Enumerate the PE binaries in a process.


HMODULE DetourEnumerateModules(
    _In_opt_ HMODULE hModuleLast


hModuleLast : The handle of the last module enumerated. Pass NULL to start enumeration for the beginning of the process.

Return value

Handle to the next module loaded in a process, or NULL if the enumeration is complete.


DetourEnumerateModules enumerates all of the PE binaries loaded into a process. Once a module has been enumerated, its entry point can be located with the DetourGetEntryPoint API, its exports can be enumerated with the DetourEnumerateExports API, and its payloads can be found using the DetourFindPayload API.

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