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Brian Gianforcaro edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 5 revisions


Pointer to function called once for each symbol while editing an import table using the DetourBinaryEditImports API.


BOOL BinarySymbolCallback(
    _In_opt_                  PVOID pContext,
    _In_                      ULONG nOrigOrdinal,
    _In_                      ULONG nOrdinal,
    _Out_                     ULONG * pnOutOrdinal,
    _In_opt_                  PCSTR pszOrigSymbol,
    _In_opt_                  PCSTR pszSymbol,
    _Outptr_result_maybenull_ PCSTR *ppszOutSymbol


pContext : Unmodified program specific context pointer passed as pContext argument to DetourBinaryEditImports.

nOrigOrdinal : Import ordinal listed in original import table.

nOrdinal : Import ordinal listed in current import table.

pnOutOrdinal : Pointer to output desired import ordinal.

pszOrigSymbol : Import symbol listed in original import table.

pszSymbol : Import symbol listed in current import table.

ppszOutSymbol : Pointer to output desire import symbol.

Return value

TRUE to continue editing import table or FALSE to abort.

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