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Brian Gianforcaro edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 5 revisions


Attach a payload to a binary.


PVOID DetourBinarySetPayload(
    _In_                   PDETOUR_BINARY pBinary,
    _In_                   REFGUID rguid,
    _In_reads_opt_(cbData) PVOID pData,
    _In_                   DWORD cbData


pBinary : Pointer to the binary opened by DetourBinaryOpen

rguid : GUID of the payload to be added to binary.

pData : Pointer to payload data.

cbData : Size of the payload data in bytes.


DetourBinarySetPayload attaches a payload to a binary opened by DetourBinaryOpen. The payload can be located at runtime using the DetourFindPayload API.

For more information on binary editing with Detours, see Payloads and DLL Import Editing in the Detours Overview.

Return value

If successful, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.

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