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Brian Gianforcaro edited this page Mar 6, 2021 · 2 revisions


Copy a payload into a target process.


_Success_(return != NULL)
PVOID DetourCopyPayloadToProcessEx(
    _In_                     HANDLE hProcess,
    _In_                     REFGUID rguid,
    _In_reads_bytes_(cbData) LPCVOID pvData,
    _In_                     DWORD cbData


hProcess : Process into which payload should be copied.

rguid : GUID of the specified payload.

pvData : Pointer to payload data.

pcbData : Size in bytes of payload data.

Return value

Returns non-NULL pointer if the payload was successfully copied to the target process.

Error codes

On failure, DetourCopyPayloadToProcessEx will return NULL. Extended error code information may be retrieved by calling GetLastError.


DetourCopyPayloadToProcessEx operates like DetoursCopyPayloadToProcess but returns a pointer to the payload in the remote process, so that code may further read or write to the payload using ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory.

Related Samples

Tracebld, Payload, WithDll.

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