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Start of Day (SoD) End of Day (EoD) MSPW Operations Procedure

globocop edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 6 revisions


This is an official MSP Waves Operations Document. Its purpose is to document Processes and Procedures for @show-handover duty on MOBS and Discord.

Related Documents

Soundcheck for DJs

Preparation Time

Start of Day procedures are suggested to be undertaken up to one hour before the first show of the day-start to give enough time to deal with potential problems and provide comms/sound check for the first Live-Show DJ.

Please note, we are now running two independent instances of OBS on MOBS.

Instance one: Live to Twitch/discord/icecast/etc (main OBS)) Instance two: Live to Dlive (Dlive OBS)

SoD Checklist

  1. MOBS Steemix Scene Countdown Timer
  2. Stop/Start main OBS stream to reset latency (make sure no DJ is streaming or that stream will go live!)
  3. Prepare Dlive Post (no longer necessary - auto creation via VIMM)
  4. Provide Sound Check quality control where appropriate and requested
  5. 10 mins before the first live show, start stream on Dlive OBS (DLIVE Scene Collection and DLIVE Profile)
  6. 1-5 minutes before Show Start: Disable Azura PAL Webhooks
  7. 0-1 minute before Show-start, assign DJ On Air Show role
  8. Confirm SPAM is taken care of, if not, take responsibility for Spam by doing or delegating.
  9. Monitor throughout broadcast on both Dlive and Discord for any problems.
  10. Start VIMM if not running following guide in OPS Server # Show Handover Resources channel

EoD Checklist

  1. Enable Azura Webhooks
  2. End Dlive broadcast. (This step is no longer valid).
  3. Check Next Show Countdown source is accurate (date/time) and correct if necessary Next Show Countdown source

Prodecure SoD

1. MOBS Steemix Countdown Timer

Each day has its own Steemix scene, which is based on the master Steemix template scene (formerly Backfill). Its purpose is to provide automation for automatic show start 24x7. It has a countdown source. The countdown source displays the time of the next day's show.

In order to check the current countdown source, select that day's SteeMix scene and look at the date under The stream will start . If this date is in the past or not otherwise accurate, carefully correct the date in the countdown source by going to the properties of the source and adjusting the date values in the string. Take care not to edit any other value inside the string.

Confirm accuracy of change by looking at the overlay, which dynamically updates beside the Next Show announcement. Here's a video which shows the process:

2. Stop/Start MOBS Stream

  1. Confirm that no DJ is currently streaming. If MOBS stops streaming while a DJ streams the DJ stream will go live on Twitch. If this happens, have DJ end stream, start MOBS stream, then have DJ start stream.

  2. Simply stop the stream giving it time to stop.

  3. Start stream again and ensure it is green.

3. Azura Webhooks

This service provides Steemix Announcements on overlay and in Discord.

While Steemix is running 24x7 in the background, Steemix Webhooks must be disabled during any live show, as they otherwise disrupt the audience channels with irrelevant Steemit song announcements.

The Azura Website should be already logged-in. If error 500 occurs while trying to enable/disable, hit the back button twice, refresh, and sign in with auto-filled fields if necessary.

4. Sound Check Quality Control

As a general rule, every DJ has the primary responsibility to check their own OBS stream. However, it is useful to provide a quality control, particularly for newer DJs or those whose audio quality is not consistent.

  1. After receiving mention in #show-handover, go to #show-handover-resources and copy current DJ stream URL.

  2. Open VLC. Press CTRL+V and hit enter. Once stream is loaded:

  3. Respond in #show-handover and confirm you have opened their audio stream.

  4. The mic will be the first to be checked. This will establish a base to compare to other sources. Mic Volume will be adjusted via Mic/Aux Input on OBS mixer.

  5. After the mic is checked, ask them to play media so you can compare against the mic. You may need to first play media, test the mic again, and resume media if the levels are too far off. Volume will be adjusted via Desktop Audio on OBS mixer.

  6. After OBS mixer adjustments are made, have guests and co-hosts talk one at a time. Have Dj adjust audio settings according to feedback.

  7. Inform DJ that Soundcheck is complete.

  8. Stop/Exit VLC

5. DJ On Air Show role

  1. Just before Go-Live, assign the upcoming DJ the on-air role. This can only be done if you are a Mover of All Roles. If you are not, please ask a PAL Moderator or globocop to assist.

  2. Unassign any outgoing DJ the On Air role where applicable.


The Discord spam alerts show subscribers and certain channels, in which the show announcements (spam) is placed, to the start of a live show.

Normally, @jesse2you is taking care of SPAM. There are instances where he is not available. Jesse will usually signal in the show-handover room that he is taking care of Spam.

The Spam template is located on The link is on the Ops Discord server #show-handover-resources. Copy the appropriate show text and paste it in #general on PAL and any other room noted above each show template.

7. Monitoring

Monitor DLive for sound quality and continuation while keeping an eye/ear on Discord.


Crackle in audio

A known bug that happens when DJs drop network frames causes the audio to degrade noticeably. Simply cycle the "default (dj) stream" source on OBS to fix. Video Related:

VIMM not live

Please refer to VIMM SSH instructions on OPS Server.

Discord Bot Issues

Sound stops

If the @mspwaves bot ever quits playing the stream in the MSP Waves Listening channel, do these following steps:

Note: all commands starting with mspw! must be made in the #mspwaves-audience channel.

  1. Type mspw!np to see if it is playing the live key, if not use mspw!stream rtmp://

  2. If no response try mspw!restart and repeat step 1.

Bot doesn't rejoin the voice channel, or doesn't respond after restarting from discord:

  1. Show the ubuntu console on the Oracle VM Virtualbox Manager located on MOBS

  2. Use the command tmux a -t mspwaves to bring up the nested terminal console with the running bot process. a. If nested console isn't available, use tmux new -s mspwaves to create one b. Ensure you're in the ~/djbot/MusicBot directory; if not, use cd ~/djbot/MusicBot to get into it.

  3. If the bot is running, use ctrl+c to stop the running process.

  4. Run the sudo ./ command to start the bot.

  5. If bot doesn't automatically join the MSP Waves Listening channel, use mspw!summon in Discord.

  6. If bot doesn't automatically start playing the stream, use: mspw!stream rtmp://localhost/live/live in Discord to start it.

  7. To exit the nested console, focus mouse pointer on the terminal window, then press keys ctrl+b and then the letter d to detach from the session. Then, the processes inside the tmux session will stay alive and are not influenced by commands issued in Terminal.

Procedures EoD

1. Enable Azura Webhooks

Please see SoD 5 for procedure.

2. Check Next Show Countdown

This is a double check that should be in our Operations DNA. Please see SoD 1.

Procedure General Show Handover

These are covered in the SoD procedures.

1. Auto-Transition Failure

The current system on MOBS is designed to automatically advance from Steemix to Steemix, transitioning each show by means of automated countdown exactly at the top of the hour or scheduled show time.

In the event of a show not transitioning automatically (5 secs over), the OPS on duty must be in MOBS and manually transition.

Any manual transition must be noted on the Ops Discord server in #ops-chat. Once an auto-transition fails, it is unlikely that subsequent show will automatically transition.

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