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NDJ Application for new show new DJ

globocop edited this page Dec 20, 2017 · 1 revision

New Shows - Existing DJs

Applications for new shows with established DHs are must only obtain approval as per Gate-1, interview and schedule agreement as per Gate 5.

New Shows - New NJs

All new DJ's must go through all Gates as per Permit to Broadcast.

Original Application Form:

====================================================================== Form Backup:

NDJ Onboarding Questionnaire Applicant name or handle: MSP-WAVES-TEMPLATE

This document forms part of GATE 1 of the Permit to Broadcast.

Table of Contents


Document Purpose

The document exists to aid a new broadcaster in formulating a new show concept and assist in determining the suitability of hardware, show slots etc for the best possible brodcast experience for the NDJ and for the audience in line with MSP Waves values of Peace - Abundance and Liberty.

Instruction for MSP Operations Staff

:::danger In order to provide a NDJ with this application form, please follow the steps below:

  1. Do not make changes to this template.
  2. Make an independent copy of the entire document.
  3. Replace the handle placeholder in the first line of this form with the handle of the NDJ
  4. Remove the enire section Instruction for MSP Operations Staff in the copy, as it is irrelevant for NDJs.
  5. Publish the document.
  6. Provide the published link to the NDJ, and ask to submit the completed form via DM to globo for approval and verbal interview. This is to keep any personal data confidential. :::


Instructions for Applicants

This is your application form. Please follow instructions below:

  1. Click the PENCIL icon to edit (upper right)
  2. Please make sure the name in the first line is your correct discord handle.
  3. Go to the Questions Section and add your answer below each question ideally in *itallic*
  4. Publish it. (upper right), which gives a short url.
  5. Copy that url link into and send via DM to @globocop.
  6. Join MSP Waves Discord Operations and wait for a role assignment.
  7. For the duration of the application, a personalized application channel will be created for you on the OPS server in the DJ Onboarding category to track the progress of your application and to provide support.
  8. Wait for response from the MSP Waves Ops team, usually within 2-3 days of submission.
  9. NEXT STEP: Verbal interview. Approval follows within 2 business days. :::


See Approval Gates - Permit to Broadcast below.


  1. NDJ Handle on Discord/Steemit
  • 1a. DJ Nickname (optional)

  • 1b. e-mail address

  1. Desired Name of Show

  2. Briefly describe what the show is about and where the show content will be sourced from.

  3. NDJ Timezone

  4. Desired day and time slot (**please list in UTC AND local time zone - check for current availble slots) Ideally, shows are for a minmum of two hours and up to three hours per single show. One hour shows are not approved, unless they contain a single learning subject such as language, math or similar.

  5. Single or multiple host

  6. If more than one host, are they in different physical locations?

  7. Planning to have guests/callers?

  8. Planning to play music? Royalty free music may be played with permission from it's creator or provider. Inclusion of commercial music must be approved by globocp.

  9. Broadcast computer(s), internet,microphone

    • Make/Model

    • Graphics Card Make/Model/RAM

    • RAM

    • HDD

    • Processor(s)

    • Operating System

    • Internet Speed

    • Microphone make and model

  10. How would you rate your computer literacy on a scale from 1-10, 1 being "no computer skills" and 10 being "computer expert?"

  11. Are there foreseeable any conflicts with proposed show schedule in the next 6 months?

  12. If NDJ is unavailable for personal reasons, i.e. sickness, unexpected travel, etc - what is the back up plan to fill the show during absence? (Back-up DJ, Prerecorded show(s), Encore broadcasts)?

Approval Gates - Permit to Broadcast

Depicted below are the general approval stages, or gates, and the steps leading to an on-air show. The MSP Waves team will guide the applicant through each step - and is here to help all the way. graphic by @McKenzieGary

Back to Workflow

:::info Status: APPLIED/SUBMITTED ON NEXT STEP: Voice Interview with @globocop on :::

Gate-1 Approval

Only one approver sing-off is required for Gate-1 :::danger


  • [name=globocop]
  • [name=r0nd0n] :::

MSP Waves Staff ONLY: Please post the completed document on Discord for part 2 of Gate 1, verbal interview

END OF NDJ Questionnaire [name=MSP Waves Operations Dept]

:::success SIGNED OFF BY: Please replace with your complete handle followed by YES

[name=globocop YES] [name=inquiringtimes YES] [name= ma1neevent YES] [name= r0n YES] [name= uniwhisp YES] [name=mckenzie YES] :::

Related Documents:

PtB Permit to Broadcast NDJ Handover Guide NEW

*[PtB]: Permission to Broadcast *[MSPWA]: Administrator for *[NDJ]: New DJ *[UTC]: Universal Time Code - Goto *[Ops]: Operations

:::success Process Sponsor [name=Chris Hatfield (globocop) MSP Waves Operations] Process Owner [name=McKenzie Gary (mckenziegary) MSP Waves Operations] :::

tags: mspwaves msp-waves mspops PtB onboarding NDJ application
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