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DJ Requirements, Expecations, Capability

globocop edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 2 revisions

Being a Radio Host - What does it take? DRAFT

Who has not dreamed about being on the radio at some point in our lives?

DJ-ing: cool - awesome - fun!

That's all true - and some have the gift of easily talking freely and make sense at the same time, while managing the unexpected around us and not getting thrown off their game or freeze during the live broadcast.

We here at MSP Waves Radio want you to succeed.


Here is the good news:

Almost anyone can become a radio host - it's easier for some than it is for others. What all successful radio show hosts have in common is a the realization of the great responsibility they have, the recognition that the radio relies on the spoken word, and that a show starts and ends according to schedule. The first committment therefore is to being prepared and on time.

tbc [globo]