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- 18/7/2014 (Operation Dullness 3)
- 17/7/2014 (Operation Dullness 2)
- 16/7/2014 (Operation Dullness)
- 13/7/2014 (Classical Jeans 2)
- 12/7/2014 (Classical Jeans)
- 8/7/2014 (Lua Luau)
- 7/7/2014 (Unnamed)
Quick release inbound, mainly bugfixes. A few small tweaks to happiness, particularly happiness buildings. Also fixes crashes related to disabling happiness system in CBP and fixes religious yields bug with aurora/desert folklore in CP (as well as CBP).
Core Patch v56.1: Dropbox
Balance Patch v6.2: Balance
Added a few bonus happiness back to buildings, fixed a lua error with city banner, and fixed text for names. Have fun!
Core Patch v56: Dropbox
Balance Patch v6.1: Dropbox
This update is largely centered around balance, light tweaks, AI behavior, and game speed optimization. I think you'll notice a significant reduction in turn times from the previous version, and the AI seems to have regained some of its proclivity for war. We shall see.
- getGlobalAverage() function is now a Game-called event (instead of a player-called event). This means it is called once per turn, instead of once per player, greatly reducing turn times.
- Fix regarding plot yields with improvements/resources and beliefs. Players using just the CP should now have the standard game function, whereas players using the CBP will have the new function. I also optimized this function for much better performance.
- AI proclivity for war tweaked by reducing AI's necessary 'reserve' size in order to allow it to engage in earlier wars.
- Happiness system now has an independent function for each yield - culture and science are separated, and food is no longer considered for poverty calculations (as itis part of the famine function). New functions are fully integrated into the LUA and game, and their functions are greatly optimized for performance. Note: I need a better, succinct set of names for uncultured/uncultured-ness than 'dull' and 'dullness.' Creative types, assemble!
- Tweaks and changes to happiness system to accommodate new yield changes, and cities no longer increase the base unhappiness value of each city
- The number of cities owned by a player is now factored into a player's tech % boost instead of per city and per era. The more cities you have the higher this value is inflated. Current value is (# of techs * # of cities,, all divided by 15). This value can be adjusted in the SQL. This means the # of cities is now only considered once (rather than twice, as it was before).
- All yield happiness tests are currently sitting at 100 (1:1 tech % and yield increase %). Values may need to be adjusted later and/or may be adjusted upon release.
- Small error corrections in the DLL, and some tweaks to the Deal AI to make values more in-line with expectations.
Core Patch v56: Dropbox
Balance Patch v6.1: PLEASE ADD
Adds specialist policy function (see ideology policies like Capitalism for more), fixes some city specialization oddities, and ups tech rate % for global yields
Core Patch v55.2: Dropbox, Google Drive
Balance Patch v5.1: Balance, Google Drive
- Added era-contextual messages for cultural influence over a civ (or a civ's cultural influence over you). No more blue jeans and pop music in 80AD. (I'm excessively excited about this)
- Added modifiers to all elements of the cultural influence reward system, including adding gold to trade routes and modifying the bonuses of each tier of reward (siege % reduction, spy est. rate, science from trade, etc.).
- Happiness system now based on a system of global yield averages of all major civ cities. Only mod-controlled variable is the % increase rate for yields based on the number of techs you have researched.
- Additional work done on naval escort model, including greater attempts by the AI to find escorts, and better understanding by the AI to maintain escorts.
- Embarked units now receive a % of their base combat strength as additional embarked defense. This value can be tweaked in the CP, and is largely designed to help the AI with naval invasions and/or pathfinding failures.
- AI values its original three cities much more, and will be much less likely to trade them away for peace.
- AI will not make peace if it is in an offensive or almost-victorious war stance. This should cut down on the number of erratic peace deals made by the AI.
- AI will avoid specialists if its empire is unhappy, and will respond more quickly to sources of unhappiness in cities by changing city specialziations.
- Specialists once again create unhappiness. Full specialists are 1:1 unhappiness, whereas unemployed specialists are at a 2:1 ratio.
- Barbarians now spawn regularly from conquered cities (CSD)
- AI values regarding capitulation and peace treaty offers less generous - the AI will not offer cities or other important assets (such as vassalization) so quickly.
- AI's procilivity to desire maps and/or offer vassalization generally reduced (Civ IV DF thing).
- Test Trait modifications for Indonesia, Brazil, Byzantium and Attila - see mod for details
- Dropped unhappy war % penalty from 2% to 1% per unhappiness point
- LUA and tooltips/text for happiness system adjusted for new system.
- Tooltips for trade routes show new sources of gold due to influence.
Core Patch v55.1: Dropbox, Google Drive
Balance Patch v5: Balance, Google Drive
Lua Changes:
- Modified happiness text for all pages for brevity and clarity.
- Added full happiness tooltips to...
- City View (hover over city name at top),
- City List (hover over each city name),
- Economic Overview (hover over each city name)
- Added condensed tooltip to City Banner on map (hover over city name - includes total unhappiness, as well as general 'status' for the three yield-based unhappiness sources). If you are not experiencing unhappiness from Poverty, you'll see 'Prosperous' on the City Banner. 'Secure' will appear if not experiencing vulnerability problems, and 'Cultured' if not experiencing illiteracy problems.
- If running a surplus of yield v. threshold (i.e. your yield is higher than your threshold), the tooltip now tells you by how much, so you can see how close (or far) you are from unhappiness for each yield-source of unhappiness.
Note: lua in the LUA/Active folder designed to be used with CSD. If not using CSD, move the two lua files from the 'inactive' folder into the 'active' folder.
Happiness Changes:
- Fixed errors and excessive unhappiness related to calculations for pillaged and famine tests.
- Redesigned threshold/yield mechanics to express in decimal, to allow for more granular tooltips
- Yields no longer divide by population, so scaling is less severe at high populations
- Thresholds now scale by a fraction of population combined with a base amount, so that small cities produce unhappiness faster, whereas big cities do not.
- Thresholds also include a % of yield in their calculations, to scale better in the late game
- Values modified to reflect changes - values are fairly balanced, though some tweaks will still be needed.
Gameplay Changes:
- Changes to Aurora and Desert pantheons return! Requires improved resource to gain faith from these tile types.
- Barbarians now gain promotions based on where they spawn (most of the time).
Core Patch v55: Google Drive, Dropbox
Balance Patch v4: Dropbox
- Production trade routes are broken and give massive bonuses
- Added proper test to encourage garrisons for AI when experiencing unhappiness from vulnerability
- Fixed calculation errors for yield tests
- Tweaked calculation for pillage, famine, minority and connection tests
- Modified values for happiness scaling to better scale for late-game (with new changes under consideration)
- Fixed tooltips and errors in test policies and buildings
- Fixed CSD compatibility for CSD's national wonders (see CSD's Options.sql file for more on this).
- CSD: added new artwork for embassy (SV icon, improvement icon, etc.) from Lord Tirian. Complements 3d model by Ekmek and Lord Tirian.
- Tweaked Embassy - no longer able to be planted on resources in CS land (fixes incompatibility issue with More Luxuries Mod)
- Small AI tweaks in CP and CBP to encourage aggression and balance army composition
- Tweaked starting happiness and AI values for difficulty levels in CBP
- Modified flavors for happiness tests to reduce AI building spam.
- Modified Civ IV Diplomacy Mod - pushed back tech trade to Replaceable Parts, pushed Map trading to Steam Power (more historical, and limits AI/player abuse of map trading with regards to CSD's CS quests).
Core Patch v54.1: Dropbox
Balance Patch v3.1: Dropbox
Older versions are not available at this time.