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HungryForFood edited this page Feb 2, 2021
5 revisions
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
void | AddArchaeologicalRecord(GreatWorkArtifactType iArtifactClass, EraType iEra, PlayerID iPlayer1, opt PlayerID iPlayer2) | Adds an archaeological record, which can potentially become an artifact. Does not override permanent improvements, great person improvements, or other archaeological records the game considers more significant. |
void | AddMessage(string sMessage, opt PlayerID iNotifyPlayer) | |
void | AddPopupMessage(string sMessage, opt float fDelay, opt PlayerID iNotifyPlayer) | Popup messages are texts which appear directly on the map. |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
void | ChangeYield(YieldType iYield, int iChange) | Changes the yield of the plot. This yield change is independent from other sources of yield changes, and is reserved for Lua use. |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
int | GetEffectiveFlankingBonus(Unit pUnit, Unit pOtherUnit, Plot pOtherPlot) | Calculates if the specified unit has a flanking bonus on the other unit. This plot should be the plot the unit is on, while the other plot should be the one the other unit is on. Flanking bonus exists if the other units has more enemies adjacent than this unit does. |
int | GetIndex() | Returns the plot index. |
PlayerID | GetPlayerResponsibleForImprovement() | Returns the player who pays the maintenance for the improvement. |
PlayerID | GetPlayerThatBuiltImprovement() | |
PlayerID | GetPlayerResponsibleForRoute() | Returns the player who pays the maintenance for the route. |
PlayerID | GetPlayerThatClearedBarbCampHere() | Who is the last player who cleared a barbarian camp on this plot? Returns -1 if there is no player. |
int | GetTurnDamage(bool bIgnoreTerrainDamage, bool bIgnoreFeatureDamage, bool bExtraTerrainDamage, bool bExtraFeatureDamage) | |
int | GetUnitLimit() | How many units can be stacked at this plot? |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
bool | HasAnyNaturalWonder() | |
bool | HasDig() | Does the plot have an artifact resource on it? |
bool | HasFeature(FeatureType iFeatureType) | |
bool | HasImprovement(ImprovementType iImprovementType) | |
bool | HasNaturalWonder(FeatureType iFeatureType) | |
bool | HasPlotType(PlotType iPlotType) | |
bool | HasResource(ResourceType iResourceType) | |
bool | HasRoute(RouteType iRouteType) | |
bool | HasTerrain(TerrainType iTerrainType) |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
bool | IsAdjacentToFeature(FeatureType iFeatureType) | |
bool | IsAdjacentToIce() | |
bool | IsAdjacentToImprovement(ImprovementType iImprovementType) | |
bool | IsAdjacentToPlotType(PlotType iPlotType) | |
bool | IsAdjacentToResource(ResourceType iResourceType) | |
bool | IsAdjacentToTerrain(TerrainType iTerrainType) | |
bool | IsBlockaded(PlayerID iPlayer) | Is the plot blockaded by the specified player? |
bool | IsCivilization(CivilizationType iCivilizationType) | Is the plot owner the specified civilization? |
bool | IsFeatureAtoll() | |
bool | IsFeatureFallout() | |
bool | IsFeatureFloodPlains() | |
bool | IsFeatureForest() | |
bool | IsFeatureJungle() | |
bool | IsFeatureLake() | |
bool | IsFeatureIce() | |
bool | IsFeatureMarsh() | |
bool | IsFeatureOasis() | |
bool | IsFeatureRiver() | |
bool | IsFriendlyCityOrPassableImprovement(Unit pUnit, bool bCheckImprovement) | Can the owner of the unit pass through the plot using naval units? bCheckImprovement does nothing, it is only for backwards compatibility. |
bool | IsImprovementEmbassy() | Used by the city state diplomacy mod. |
bool | IsNaturalWonder() | |
bool | IsPlotHill() | Is the plot type PLOT_HILLS? |
bool | IsPlotHills() | Is the plot type PLOT_HILLS? |
bool | IsPlotLand() | |
bool | IsPlotMountain() | Is the plot type PLOT_MOUNTAIN? |
bool | IsPlotMountains() | Is the plot type PLOT_MOUNTAIN? |
bool | IsPlotOcean() | |
bool | IsRouteRailroad() | |
bool | IsRouteRoad() | |
bool | IsTerrainCoast() | |
bool | IsTerrainDesert() | |
bool | IsTerrainGrass() | |
bool | IsTerrainHill() | Is the TerrainType TERRAIN_HILL? |
bool | IsTerrainHills() | Is the TerrainType TERRAIN_HILL? |
bool | IsTerrainMountain() | Is the TerrainType TERRAIN_MOUNTAIN? |
bool | IsTerrainMountains() | Is the TerrainType TERRAIN_MOUNTAIN? |
bool | IsTerrainOcean() | |
bool | IsTerrainPlains() | |
bool | IsTerrainSnow() | |
bool | IsTerrainTundra() | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfFeature(FeatureType iFeatureType, int iDistance) | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfImprovement(ImprovementType iImprovementType, int iDistance) | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfPlotType(PlotType iPlotType, int iDistance) | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfResource(ResourceType iResourceType, int iDistance) | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfTerrain(TerrainType iTerrainType, int iDistance) |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
void | SetArchaeologicalRecord(GreatWorkArtifactType iArtifactClass, EraType iEra, PlayerID iPlayer1, opt PlayerID iPlayer2) | Sets an archaeological record, which can potentially become an artifact. Overrides permanent improvements, great person improvements, or other archaeological records the game considers more significant. |
void | SetPlayerThatBuiltImprovement(PlayerID iPlayer) | |
void | SetPlayerResponsibleForImprovement(PlayerID iPlayer) | Set the specified player to pay for the maintenance for the improvement on the plot. |
void | SetPlayerResponsibleForRoute(PlayerID iPlayer) | Set the specified player to pay for the maintenance for the route on the plot. |
void | SetPlayerThatClearedBarbCampHere(PlayerID iPlayer) | The game will remember the specified player as the one who has cleared a barbarian camp on the plot, even if there was never a camp on the plot. This will remain until another player clears a camp on the plot. |
void | SetRoutePillaged(bool bPillaged) | Set the pillaged status of the route on the plot. |