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RecursiveVision edited this page Aug 19, 2021
8 revisions
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
bool | CanBecomeVassal(TeamID iTeam) | Can this team become the specified team's vassal? |
bool | CanEndVassal(TeamID iTeam) | Can this team stop being the specified team's vassal? |
bool | CanEndAllVassal() | Can this team stop being the vassal of someone? |
bool | CanLiberateVassal(TeamID iOtherTeam) | Can this team liberate their vassal, the other team? |
bool | CanMakeVassal(TeamID iOtherTeam, bool bIgnoreAlreadyVassal) | Checks if this team can make the other team its vassal. Can be toggled to ignore if the other team is already a vassal of someone. |
bool | CanSetVassalTax(PlayerID iPlayer) | Checks if this team can set vassal taxes on the specified player. Will be false if it is too soon since the last time. |
void | ChangeCityWorkingChange(int iChange) | Change team-level changes to the city working range. Usually this is from technology. |
void | ChangeCityAutomatonWorkersChange(int iChange) | Change the change in the number of automaton workers in cities at the team level. |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
void | DoApplyVassalTax(PlayerID iPlayer, int iPercent) | This team applies vassal taxes on the specified player, if it is valid and not too soon since the last time. |
void | DoBecomeVassal(TeamID iTeam, opt bool bVoluntary = false) | This team becomes the specified team's vassal, given that it is valid. |
void | DoEndVassal(TeamID iTeam, bool bPeaceful, bool bSuppressNotification) | This team stops being the specified team's vassal, no matter if this is valid or not. |
void | DoLiberateVassal(TeamID iOtherTeam) | This team liberates their vassal, the specified other team, if possible. |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
int | GetCityAutomatonWorkersChange() | What are the changes to the number of automaton workers? Includes the team level only. |
int | GetCityWorkingChange() | What is the team-level change to city working range? Usually this is from technology. |
TeamID | GetMaster() | What team is the master of this team? Returns -1 if there is no master. |
int | GetNumCitiesWhenVassalMade() | Returns the number of cities this team has when it started becoming someone's vassal. |
int | GetNumNaturalWondersDiscovered() | How many natural wonders has this team discovered? |
int | GetNumTurnsAtWar(TeamID iOtherTeam) | How many turns has this team been at war with the other team? |
int | GetNumTurnsIsVassal() | How many turns has this team been a vassal? |
int | GetNumTurnsSinceVassalEnded(TeamID iTeam) | How many turns has it been since this team ended being the specified team's vassal? |
int | GetNumTurnsSinceVassalTaxSet(PlayerID iPlayer) | How many turns has it been since this team set the current vassal tax rate on the specified vassal player? |
int | GetNumVassals() | Returns the number of vassal of this team. |
int | GetTotalPopulationWhenVassalMade() | Returns this team's total population when it started becoming someone's vassal. |
int | GetTurnsSinceMeetingTeam(TeamID iOtherTeam) | How many turns have passed since this team met the other team? |
int | GetVassalTax(PlayerID iPlayer) | Returns this team's vassal tax on the specified vassal player. |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
bool | HasSpyAtTeam(TeamID iTeam) |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
bool | IsCorporationsEnabled() | Checks if this team can found corporations. Corporations are enabled by certain technologies. |
bool | IsCityAutomatonWorkersChange() | Does this team have any changes to the number of automaton workers on the team level? |
bool | IsCityWorkingChange() | Does this team have any changes to the city working range on the team level? Usually this is from technology. |
bool | IsMajorCiv() | Checks that this team is not a city state, barbarians, or an observer. |
bool | IsTooSoonForVassal(TeamID iTeam) | Is it too soon for this team to become the specified team's vassal? |
bool | IsVassal(TeamID iTeam) | Is this team a vassal of the specified team? |
bool | IsVassalLockedIntoWar(TeamID iTeam) | Is this team locked into a war with the other team because their Master is at war with them? |
bool | IsVassalOfSomeone() | |
bool | IsVassalageTradingAllowed() | |
bool | IsVoluntaryVassal(TeamID iTeam) | Is this team a voluntary vassal of the other team? |
bool | IsWarBlockedByPeaceTreaty(TeamID iTeam) | Are we prevented from going to war with the other team due to a peace treaty? |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
void | SetForcePeace(TeamID iOtherTeam, opt bool bValue = false) | Toggles this team having forced peace with the other team. |
void | SetOpenBorders(TeamID iOtherTeam, opt bool bValue = false) | Toggles this team allowing open borders to the other team. |