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Leader Balance Wiki
Leader Balance Wiki - Used by the community to hash out ideas on the future of Civ 5's leaders.
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
*UA: Hellenic League: City-state influence degrades half as fast and is recovered twice as fast. Each city has +1 culture.
*UU: Hoplite: Mov 2, CS 13, +50% vs mounted, faster great generals 2, 65 Hammers, replaces spearman
*UB: Odeon: 125Hammer Amphitheater replacement, +2 tourism when you reach Philosophy, No Great Work Slot
Unique E&D choices:
1 Develop the Phalanx formation: Need at least 5 hoplites, Iron Working; 400 Gold, 1 magistrate.
Get: All hoplites are instantly upgraded to pikemen and gain the "phalanx" promotion. (+25% CS when adjacent to a friendly unit)
2 Rally the Philhellenes: Needs Industrial Era +, at least 2 complete policy trees, at least 3 city ctate allies; 600 gold, 2 magistrates.
Get: Allied city states will gift military units whenever Greece enters into war against a major civilization.
Suggested Ideas
Make Hoplite more expensive but also gain more buff, such as an 50% increase in defense when fortified. Ancient Greek sees being a soldier as a profession and requires extensive training. (Wiley)
Give Hoplite exta bonus CS when near a great general.
Give Hoplites a promotion that gains great writer points when killing an enemy (Trojan war style)
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
*UA: Bushido: Your units' Combat strength increases when they are wounded. +1 culture from fishing boats, +2 culture from atolls.
*UU: Samurai/ Mov 2, CS 25, quick study, can create fishing boats, faster great generals II, 140 Hammers + 1 iron, replaces longswordman
*UB: Dojo: 200Hammers replaces Armory, +5 XP +1 culture to horses and iron. Needs Chivalry instead of Steel
Unique E&D choices:
1 Appoint the Shogun: 1 Time Needs: 50% of Cities w/ Castles; 500 Gold, 2 Magist
Get: 1 GG, 2 Samurai, +2 Culture from Castles
2 Patronise the Theatres: 1 Time Needs: 1 Ampitheatre, 1 Opera House; 500 Gold, 2 Magist
Get: 1 GMusician, Ampitheatres and Opera Houses +1 Culture and +1 Happiness
Suggested Ideas
Give Samurai the March Promotion (heal even after taking action)
Have the Dojo either give another 5XP, or have the Dojo give land units a special promotion (maybe a unique promotion like Martial Arts: +15% when defending (or something similar).
Dojo gives +1XP per turn to units garrison/adjacant to the city. (would there be a cap?)
Samurai have a promotion "renowned warrior", giving them extra CS for each level they have. (this could become OP rather quickly, especially if the promotion carries over after upgrading)
Samurai have a promotion "renowned warrior", giving +50% against units of lower level. (not so useful, more advanced units already pummel lower-tech units)
Make Samurai stronger against melee(supreme fighting skills), but weaker against archers (inferior armour) (Wiley) <--- This sounds like an interesting idea!
A "Banzai" or "Kamikaze/Suppuku" promotion: When attacking with the Samurai, if the attack kills the Samurai, it inflicts double damage on that attack (suicide Samurai units for a bit of nasty damage output). This effect would not be triggered if the Samurai dies while defending, only when attacking. This synergizes with Japan's Bushido ability, which is otherwise not that impressive. And it is interesting and fun.
Add the Kamikaze promotion described above to the Dojo. Units built in the city gain the promotion. This replaces the Dojo's rather weak +5XP effect. And yes, the promotion would apply to air units too!
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
*UA: +25% production for buildings that exist in your capital
*UU: Legion: Mov 2, CS 17, can build roads and forts, cover I, 95 Hammers + 1 iron, replaces swordsman
*UB: Triumphal Arch: 55Hammers replaces Monument, +1 production/turn and +3 Golden age points and +3 great general points when destroying an enemy unit.
Unique E&D choices:
1 Introduce Concrete: Need Engineering, 110 science, 1 magistrate.
Get: +10% production on buildings / wonders in the capital.
2 Panem et Circenses: Needs post-ancient era, 100 gold, 1 magistrate. Enactable once per era.
Get: "We Love the King Day" in all cities.
Suggested Ideas
Legion gains a formation bonus: +25% CS for each other Legion adjacent to them.
Legion gains "chop forest" action, creating a lower CS catapult when it finishes instead of giving production to the closest city.
The UA also gives a bonus to forts (since legions can build forts).
The Legion gets +50% CS when fighting next to a fort.
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
*UA: Gateway to Africa: Receive +3 Gold, +1 Culture, and +2 Golden Age Points (per turn) for each Trade Route with a different Civ or CS. Others receive +2 Gold for their Trade Routes to Morocco.
*UU: Berber Cavalry: Costs 300Hammers 40CS Mov 4 (Cavalry) with faster movement in Desert. Combat Bonus in Friendly Lands + 25% and Dersert +50%.
*UI: Kasbah: Fort that is available at Masonry. +2 Gold (1 more w/ Chemistry), +1 Food, +1 Production (1 more w/ Industrialization) ,(1 Culture w/ Radio)
Unique E&D choices:
1 Establish the Black Guard: 1 time Needs: Renaissance; 5 Kasbahs, 1 Magistates
Get: Melee and Gun Units get +25% in Friendly Territroy
2 Plunder Campaign: 1 Time Needs: Gunpowder; 200 Culture, 2 Magistates
Get: Units Gain Gold from Kills
Suggested Ideas
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
*UA: Gain a Free Tech when CONQUERING a City. Also only once per city.
*UU: Siege Tower: Costs 65Hammers 12CS Mov 2 Available at Military Training. Melee Siege Unit w/ Cover 1 and Sapper (Catapult)
*UB: Royal (Library): Costs 125Hammers +1 Sci per 4 Pop (+5%) Has 2 Slots of Writing that give XP to new units
Unique E&D choices:
1 Call for Ilku-Services: Need Mathematics, 2 magistrates. Enactable once per era.
Get: Recieve a Military Unit for every City.
2 Issue Resettlement Orders: Need Bronze Working, 400 gold, 1 magistrate. Must be at war.
Get: All pillaged improvements within 3 tiles are repaired whenever a city is captured.
Suggested Ideas
The E&D need to be strengthened: Call for ilku should cost 1 magistrate and gold.
Siege tower is too strong. SAPPER_BONUS_RANGE should be reduced to 1. And it's logical too, only units next to siege tower should get the bonus.
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
*UA: Scholars of Jade Hall: +2 Science from Specialists and GP Improvements. Receive a tech boost when a Science Building or Wonder is built in the Capital.
*UU: Hwach'a Costs 150Hammers 11CS 26RS Mov 2 No city attack bonus (Trebuchet)
*UB: Seowon Costs 225Hammers +2 Faith +20% GP Rate (University)
Unique E&D choices:
1 Introduce Hangul: 1 Time Needs: Medieval OR Renaissance; 136 Sci, 2 Magistrates
Get: +1 Science from Farms
2 Subsidise Gunpowder Weaponry: Needs: Physics, 500 Gold; 2 Magistrates
Get: 2Hwach'a +15% when training Gunpowder and Siege Units
Suggested Ideas
- Give the Hwach'a more movement points. It was of a lighter weight than other cannons. Civ 5 Wiki (Phantomax)
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
*UA: Tanzimat: Completing an Internation (Civ/CS) Trade Route grants 50 Science, Production, and Food to the Origin City. Free Caravansaries in every City.
*UU: Janissary: 200Hammers 24Cs Mov 2 (Musketman), +25% When Attacking, +50 Hp when killing unit
*UB: Siege Foundry: 350Hammers(-100), (Arsenal), +2 Engineers, +50% when training Siege units, Gives SiegeUnits Volley, Available at Gunpowder(Metalllurgy)
Unique E&D choices:
1 Become Gunpowder Empire: 1 Time Needs: Gunpowder; 500 Gold, 2 Magistates
Get: Gunpowder and Siege get + 50% vs. Cities
2 Law Code of Suleiman: 1 Time Needs: Renaissance; 300 Culture, 2 Magistates
Get: +1 Happy per City
Suggested Ideas
- Tanzimat could be tweaked to give less food, production and science but give it to every city of the empire when an international trade route ends.
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
*UA: Sacrifical Captives
*UU: Jaguar:
*UB: Floating Garden:
Unique E&D choices:
1 Form the Imperial Jaguars: 1 time Needs: 5 Units w/ the Jaguar's Combat Bonus in Forest/ Jungle
Get: 30XP for all those units
2 Instigate the Flower Wars: 1 Time Needs: Civil Service; 300 Culture, 2 Magistrates
Get: 3 Influence per turn from CS you can demand from.
Suggested Ideas
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
*UB: Wat: (University)
Unique E&D choices:
1 Create the Thai Alphabet: 1 Time Needs: Wats in ALL Cities; 250 Culture, 1 Magistrate
Get: 1 Free Tech
2 Send Out Embassies: 1 Time Needs: To know 4 CS, Renaissance or Industrial; 1000 Gold, 2 Magistrates
Get: +10 to +40 Influence w/ all met CS, Resting point w/ CS +10
Suggested Ideas
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
*UA: Gold bonus for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced if first to discover it). Culture, Happiness, and tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled.
*UU: Conquistador. cost:160. moves:4. CS:25. Requires horse, replaces knight.
*UB: Mission. cost:175. Defense +8. HP +75. Production +2. Grants a large amount of Faith when constructed. Boosts Pressure of Religious Majority emanating from this city by 25%, and increases the city's resistance to conversion by 25%. Does not require Walls in order to be built. Replaces castle.
Unique E&D choices:
1 Establish the Spanish Enquisition: 1 Time. Needs: Majority religion, 5 gold , 1 magistrate. Get: all non-majority religions removed from spanish empire.
2 Fund Columbus's Expedition: 1 Time. Needs: Astronomy, 500 gold. Get: 2 caravels, great admiral
Suggested Ideas
- UA depends on map generator. Give them more gold, culture, etc. from goody huts.
- Fund Columbus's Expedition is too good. Change requirement to 1000 gold and get 3 caravels instead of 2.
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
*UU: Impi (Musketman)
*UB: Ikanda (Barracks)
Unique E&D choices:
1 Recruit Udibi - 1 per Era Needs: Ikandas in all your Founded Cities; 2 Magistrates
Get: Land Military units get +10 XP and full Health
2 Implement Amabutho Conscription - 1 Time Needs: Civil Service, 3 Pop in all Cities; 1 Pop from all cites, 3 Magistrates
Get: A Military Unit every 4th time the City grows
Suggested Ideas
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
*UU: Cossack (Cavalry) - 33% Damaged Enemy Bonus
*UB: Krepost (Baracks)
Unique E&D choices:
1 Found the Streltsy - 1 Time Needs: Gunpowder; 1 Magistrate, 500 Gold
Get: 6 Musketman near that Capital
2 Send the Oprichniki to Moscow [or other City] - Many Times Needs: Constabulary And: Before Atomic Era; 1 Magistrates
Suggested Ideas
UA/UU/UB/UI as of last version (03/24/15):
Unique E&D choices:
Suggested Ideas
UA List
Ahmad al-Mansur - Morocco
Gateway to Africa: Receives +3 Gold, +1 Culture, and +2 Golden Age Points for each Trade Route with a different civ or City-State. The Trade Route owners receive +2 Gold for each Trade Route sent to Morocco.
Alexander - Greece
Hellenic League: City-state influence degrades half as fast and is recovered twice as fast. +1 Culture in every City.
Ashurbanipal - Assyria
Treasures of Nineveh: When a city is conquered, gain a free Technology already discovered by its owner. Gaining a city through a trade deal does not count, and it can only happen once per enemy city.
Askia - Songhai
River Warlord: Triple Gold from pillaging Encampments and Cities. Land units gain the War Canoe and Amphibious promotions, move faster along Rivers. Upon researching The Wheel, Rivers can be used to create City Connections.
Attila - The Huns
Scourge of God: All Mounted Melee Units receive the Flank Attack promotion, and all Mounted Ranged Units the Withdraw Before Melee promotion. Barbarian units defeated inside Encampments join your side.
Augustus Caesar - Rome
The Glory of Rome: +25% Production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital.
Bismarck - Germany
Realpolitik: Receive +1 Gold and +1 Culture in all owned cities for every City-State you are allied with. For every 3 City-State alliances, receive 1 additional Delegate in the World Congress.
Boudicca - The Celts
Duidic Lore: +2 Faith per city with an adjacent unimproved Forest. Bonus increased to +4 Faith in Cities with 3 or more adjacent unimproved Forest tiles.
Casimir III - Poland
Solidarity: Receive a free Social Policy when you advance fo the next era.
Catherine - Russia
Siberian Riches: Strategic Resources provide +1 Production and Horse, Iron and Uranium Resources provide double quantity.
Darius I - Persia
Achaemenid Legacy: Golden Ages last 50% longer. During a Golden Age, units receive +1 Movement and a +25% Combat Strength bonus.
Dido - Carthage
Phoenician Heritage: Cities produce a large sum of Gold when founded, and coastal Cities also gain a free Harbor. Units may cross mountains after a Great General is earned, taking 20 HP damage if they end a turn on one.
Elizabeth - England
Sun Never Sets: +2 Movement for all naval units. Receive one or more additional Spies based on the number of City-States.
Enrico Dandolo - Venice
Serenissima: Cannot gain settlers nor annex cities. Double the normal number of trade routes available. A Merchant of Venice appears after researching Optics. May purchase in puppeted cities.
Gajah Mada - Indonesia
Sumpah Palapa: Every time you found a city, one or three unique Luxuries will appear next to or under the City. No Unhappiness from Isolation.
Gandhi - India
Font of Dharma: Cannot build Missionaries or receive Unhappiness from Religious Strife. Pressure for your majority Religion increases in owned cities based on the number of Followers in them. Starts with enough Faith for a Pantheon.
Genghis Khan - Mongolia
Mongol Terror: Mounted units have +1 Movement. +30% Combat Strength when fighting City-States. Can annex City-States by exacting Tribute. Receive Golden Age Points when you conquer a City-State.
Gustavus Adolphus - Sweden
Nobel Prize: Gain 90 Influence with a Great Person gift to a City-State. When declaring friendship, Sweden and their friend gain a +10% boost to Great Person generation.
Haile Selassie - Ethiopia
Combat bonus (+20%) when fighting units from a Civilization with more Cities than Ethiopia. When you complete a favorable Peace Treaty, a Golden Age begins.
Harald Bluetooth - Denmark
Viking Fury: Embarked units have +1 Movement and pay just 1 movement point to move from sea to land. All Melee units pillage without movement cost and plunder Gold when they assault a City.
Harun al-Rashid - Arabia
Ships of the Desert: All land military units move twice as fast in the Desert. Caravans gain 50% extended range, and your trade routes spread religion much more effectively. Oil resources are doubled.
Hiawatha - The Iroquois
The Great Warpath: Units move through the Forest and Jungle in friendly territory as if it is Road. These tiles can be used to establish City Connections upon researching The Wheel. Land military units start with the Woodsman promotion.
Isabella - Spain
Seven Cities of Gold: Gold bonus for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced if first to discover it). Culture, Happiness, and tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled.
Kamehameha - Polynesia
Wayfinding: Can embark and move over Oceans immediately. +1 Sight when embarked. +10% Combat Strength bonus if within 4 tiles of a Moai. Naval unit Gold maintenance reduced by 25%.
Maria I - Portugal
Mare Clausum: Resource diversity grants twice as much Gold for Portugal in Trade Routes. +3 Food in coastal Cities.
Maria Theresa - Austria
Diplomatic Marriage: Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your ally for 5 turns.
Montezuma - The Aztecs
Sacrificial Captives: Gains culture for the empire from each enemy unit killed.
Napoleon - France
Riches of Conquest: Theming bonuses doubled in the Capital. Plunder Great Works of Art when you conquer a City. Receive a temporary Culture boost if you cannot plunder.
Nebuchadnezzar II - Babylon
Ingeniuty: Receive free Great Scientist when you discover Writing. Earn Great Scientists 50% faster. Gold investments in Buildings reduce their Production cost by an additional 15%.
Oda Nobunaga - Japan
Bushido: The Combat Strength of your units increases as they take damage. +1 Culture from each Fishing Boat and +2 Culture from each Atoll.
Pacal - The Maya
The Long Count: After researching the Calendar, receive a bonus Great Person at the end of every Maya Long Count cycle (every 394 years). Each bonus person can only be chosen once.
Pachacuti - The Inca
The Great Andean Road: Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills. No maintenance costs for improvements in Hills; half cost elsewhere.
Pedro II - Brazil
Carnival: Tourism output is +100% during their Golden ages. Earn all Great People 50% faster during their Golden Ages.
Pocatello - The Shoshone
Great Expanse: Founded cities start with additional territory. Units receive a combat bonus when fighting within their own territory.
Ramesses II - Egypt
Monument Builders: +20% Production towards Wonder construction. +1 Production in every City.
Ramkhamhaeng - Siam
Father Governs Children: Food, Culture and Faith from friendly City-States increased by 75%.
Sejong - Korea
+2 science for all specialists and for all Great Person tile improvements. Receive a tech boost each time a scientific building/Wonder is built in the Korean capital.
Shaka - The Zulus
Iklwa: Melee units cost 50% less maintenance. All units require 25% less experience to earn their next promotion.
Suleiman - The Ottomans
Tanzimat: Completing an International Trade Route grants 50 Science, Production, and Food to the origin City. Receive a free Caravansary in every city.
Theodora - Byzantium
Patriarchate of Constantinople: Choose one more Belief than normal when you found a Religion. A free Great Prophet appears near your Capital when you research Theology.
Washington - America
Manifest Destiny: All land military units have +1 sight. 50% discount when purchasing tiles. Can acquire tiles already owned by other Civilizations, though at a much higher cost than normal.
William - The Netherlands
Duch East India Company: Receives +3 Culture for every Luxury Resource you import from other Civilizations and City-states, and +3 Gold for every Luxury Resource you export to other Civilizations.
Wu Zetian - China
Art of War: The Great General combat bonus is increased by 15%, and their spawn rate is increased by 50%.