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RecursiveVision edited this page Oct 13, 2021
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Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
void | AddMessage(string sMessage, opt PlayerID iNotifyPlayer) |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
void | ChangeBaseYieldRateFromMisc(YieldType iYield, int iChange) | Change the yields you get from "Traits and Other Sources" (as said in the UI) |
void | ChangeCityAutomatonWorkersChange(int iChange) | Change the change in the number of automaton workers in the city. |
void | ChangeCityWorkingChange(int iChange) | Changes the change in plot working range due to local buildings in the city. |
void | ChangeDisloyaltyCounter(int iChange) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | ChangeFaithPerTurnFromReligion(int iChange) | Change the faith per turn due to religion in this city. |
void | ChangeJONSCulturePerTurnFromReligion(int iChange) | |
void | ChangeLoyaltyCounter(int iChange) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | ChangeOverflowProduction(int iChange) | |
void | ChangePlagueCounter(int iChange) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | ChangePlagueTurns(int iChange) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | ChangeResistanceCounter(int iChange) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | ChangeTourismRateModifier(int iChange) | Changes the tourism modifier for great works in the city. |
int | CountFeature(FeatureType iFeature) | Returns the total number of plots in the city which have the specified feature. |
int | CountImprovement(ImprovementType iImprovement) | Returns the total number of plots in the city which have the specified improvement. |
int | CountNumImprovement(ImprovementType iImprovement) | Returns the total number of plots in the city which have the specified improvement. |
int | CountNumWorkedFeature(FeatureType iFeature) | Returns the number of worked plots in the city which have the specified feature. |
int | CountNumWorkedImprovement(ImprovementType iImprovement, opt bool bIgnorePillaged = true) | Returns the number of worked plots in the city which have the specified feature. |
int | CountNumWorkedResource(ResourceType iResource) | Returns the number of worked plots in the city which have the specified resource. |
int | CountNumWorkedRiverTiles(opt TerrainType iTerrain = NO_TERRAIN) | Returns the number of worked plots in the city which are river tiles. If no terrain is specified, counts all worked river tiles. Otherwise, counts only worked river tiles of the particular terrain type. |
int | CountPlotType(PlotType iPlotType) | Returns the number of plots in the city which are of the specified type. |
int | CountResource(ResourceType iResource) | Returns the total number of plots in the city which have the specified resource. |
int | CountTerrain(TerrainType iTerrain) | Returns the total number of plots in the city which have the specified terrain. |
int | CountWorkedFeature(FeatureType iFeature) | Returns the number of worked plots in the city which have the specified feature. |
int | CountWorkedImprovement(ImprovementType iImprovement) | Returns the number of worked plots in the city which have the specified improvement. |
int | CountWorkedPlotType(PlotType iPlotType) | Returns the number of worked plots in the city which are of the specified type. |
int | CountWorkedResource(ResourceType iResource) | Returns the number of worked plots in the city which have the specified resource. |
int | CountWorkedTerrain(TerrainType iTerrain) | Returns the number of worked plots in the city which have the specified terrain. |
void | ChangeYieldFromTraits(YieldType iYield, int iChange) | Changes the Yield of the city by that amount, shows up in the UI as coming from a Civ Trait. |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
void | DoCancelCityEventChoice(CityEventChoiceType iChoice) | Stops the specified event choice at the city. |
void | DoCityEventChoice(CityEventChoiceType iChoice) | Activates the specified event choice at the city. Does not require the city event to already be active. |
void | DoCityStartEvent(CityEventType iEvent) | Activates the specified event at the city. |
void | DoFranchiseAtCity(City pCity) | Builds the caller city's owner's corporate franchise at the argument city. |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
int | FoodConsumptionSpecialistTimes100() | Returns the food consumption of a specialist. Can depend on the era and other modifiers. |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
int | GetActiveSpyYieldMod(YieldType iYield) | What is the yield modifier in the city due to the player having active spies? |
int | GetAdditionalFood() | Returns the food cost reduction per citizen set by Lua. See SetAdditionalFood. |
int | GetAutomatons() | The number of automaton workers in a city. |
int | GetBaseYieldRateFromCSAlliance(YieldType iYieldType) | Yields from having city state friends and allies. |
int | GetBaseYieldRateFromGreatWorks(YieldType iYieldType) | |
int | GetBaseYieldRateFromLeague(YieldType iYieldType) | |
int | GetBaseYieldRateFromProcess(YieldType iYieldType) | |
int | GetBaseYieldRateFromTradeRoutes(YieldType iYieldType) | |
int, bool | GetBombardRange() | Returns both the range, and whether indirect fire is allowed. |
int | GetBuildingClassCultureChange(BuildingClassType iBuildingClass) | Deprecated. |
int | GetBuildingConversionModifier(BuildingType iBuildingType) | |
int | GetBuildingGlobalConversionModifier(BuildingType iBuildingType) | |
int | GetBuildingInvestment(BuildingTypes iBuildingType) | Returns the discounted cost of a building after investment, if the building has been invested. Otherwise returns 0. |
int | GetBuildingYieldChangeFromCorporationFranchises(BuildingClassType iBuildingClass, YieldType iYield) | How much yields does the building class get from franchises of the player's corporation? |
int | GetBuyPlotDistance() | How far out this city may buy plots. |
int | GetCityAutomatonWorkersChange() | What are the changes to the number of automaton workers in the city? Includes from the city, player, and team levels. |
int | GetCityBuildingRangeStrikeModifier() | Returns the change to city bombard range due to buildings in the city. |
int | GetCityEventChoiceCooldown(CityEventChoiceType iChoice) | Returns the number of turns before the specified event choice can be selected again. |
int | GetCityEventCooldown(CityEventType iEvent) | Returns the number of turns before the specified city event can activate again. Returns -1 for one shot events which have already activated before. |
string | GetCityUnhappinessBreakdown(opt bool bIncludeMedian = false, opt bool bFlavor = false) | Builds and returns text breaking down the unhappiness situation in the city. |
int | GetCityWorkingChange() | What is the change in plot working range due to local buildings? |
int | GetCityYieldModFromMonopoly(YieldType iYield) | Returns the yield modifier due to the player's resource monopolies. |
int | GetCounterSpy() | Returns the ID of the counter spy in the city. If none exists, returns -1. |
int | GetCultureModFromCarnaval() | What is the culture modifier due to the city celebrating 'We Love The King Day'? This is for the column WLTKDCultureBoost in the database table Traits. If the city is not currently celebrating, returns a 0. Note the typo 'Carnaval' in the method name. |
int | GetDisloyaltyCounter() | Method for JFDLC. |
string | GetDisabledTooltip(CityEventChoiceType iChoice) | Generates the tooltip explaining why a city event choice is disabled. |
int | getEmpireSizeMod() | What is the multiplier for happiness needs due to the player's number of non-puppet cities? |
int | GetEventBuildingClassYield(BuildingClassType iBuildingClass, YieldType iYield) | What is the yield change for the building class due to events? |
int | GetEventBuildingClassModifier(BuildingClassType iBuildingClass, YieldType iYield) | What is the yield modifier for the building class due to events? |
int | GetEventCityYield(YieldType iYield) | What is the yield in the city due to events? |
int | GetGreatWorkYieldMod(YieldType iYield) | What is the yield modifier due to the number of great works? |
int | GetGPRateModifierPerXFranchises() | Returns the great person rate modifier per x number of franchises for the city. |
int | getHappinessDelta() | Returns the excess happiness in the city. |
int | getHappinessThresholdMod(YieldType iYield) | What is the happiness threshold modifier in the city for the specified yield? |
int | GetLocalBuildingClassYield(BuildingClassType iBuildingClass, YieldType iYield) | What is the change in yield for the building class due to other buildings in the city? |
int | GetLoyaltyCounter() | Method for JFDLC. |
LoyaltyStateType | GetLoyaltyState() | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetModFromGoldenAge(YieldType iYield) | Returns the golden age yield modifier for the city. If the player is not currently in a golden age, returns 0. |
int | GetModFromWLTKD(YieldType iYield) | Returns the yield modifier in the city when celebrating 'We Love The King Day'. If the city is not currently celebrating, returns 0. |
int | GetNumAvailableGreatWorkSlots(GreatWorkSlotType iSlot) | How many unfilled great work slots of the specified type does the city have? |
int | GetNumBuildingClass(BuildingClassType iBuildingClassType) | How many buildings belonging to building class type does the city have? |
int | GetNumGreatWorksFilled(GreatWorkSlotType iSlot) | How many great work slots of the specified type have been filled? |
int | GetNumPoliciesNeeded(BuildingTypes iBuilding) | How many policies does the player need to have for the building to be unlocked? |
int | GetNumTimesOwned(PlayerID iPlayer) | How many times has this player owned this city? |
int | GetNumTotalBuildings(opt bool bSkipDummy = true, opt bool bSkipWorldWonder = true, opt bool bSkipNationalWonder = true) | Counts the total number of buildings in the city. Can be toggled to include dummy buildings, world wonders, and national wonders. |
int | GetOrganizedCrime() | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetPlagueCounter() | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetPlagueTurns() | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetPlagueType() | Method for JFDLC. |
int | getPopThresholdMod() | Returns the population of the city multiplied by BALANCE_HAPPINESS_POP_MULTIPLIER in defines divided by 100. |
int | getPotentialUnhappinessWithGrowth() | If the city's population increases by 1, what is the potential increase in unhappiness? |
int | GetProcessProductionTurnsLeft(ProcessTypes iProcess, int iNum) | Used for the stockpile process mod. iNum can be any value. |
int | GetProvinceLevel() | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetReligionBuildingYieldRateModifier(BuildingClassType iBuildingClass, YieldType iYield) | Yield modifier to the specified building class due to religion. |
int | GetReligionYieldRateModifier(YieldType iYield) | What is the modifier for the specified type due to religion? |
int | GetRemainingFreeSpecialists() | Returns the number of specialists that still can be assigned without causing unhappiness. |
int | GetResistanceCounter() | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetResourceQuantityPerXFranchises(ResourceType iResource) | Returns the number of resources per x number of franchises for the city. |
string | GetScaledEventChoiceValue(CityEventChoiceType iChoice, bool bYieldsOnly) | Generates the tooltip showing the event choice yields after era scaling. |
int | GetSpecialistCityModifier(SpecialistType iSpecialist) | Returns the great person rate modifier for the specific great person type. |
int | GetSpecialistYieldChange(SpecialistType iSpecialist, YieldType iYield) | What is the change in specialist yields in the city due to religion and events? |
int | GetStaticTechDeviation() | Returns the increase in needs to prevent unhappiness due to the global technology level. |
int | GetTheoreticalUnhappinessDecrease(BuildingType iBuilding) | Calculate the theoretical decrease in unhappiness if the building is built in the city. If the building cannot be built in the city, returns 0. |
int | getThresholdAdditions(YieldType iYield) | Happiness mod related. |
int | getThresholdSubtractions(YieldType iYield) | Happiness mod related. |
int | GetTotalSpecialistCount() | What is the total number of worked specialists in the city? |
int | GetTourismRateModifier() | |
int | GetTradeRouteCityMod(YieldType iYield) | Get the yield modifier due to the city being connected to another city with the player's corporate franchise. |
int | getUnhappinessAggregated() | Calculates the total unhappiness due to various sources. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromCulture() | Calculates the unhappiness due to a deficit of culture, after applying a hierarchy of needs. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromCultureDeficit() | Calculates the additional culture per citizen required before eliminating unhappiness due to culture. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromCultureNeeded() | Calculates the culture per citizen needed to eliminate unhappiness due to culture. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromCultureYield() | Calculates the culture per citizen. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromDefense() | Calculates the unhappiness due to a deficit of defense, after applying a hierarchy of needs. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromDefenseDeficit() | Calculates the additional defense per citizen required before eliminating unhappiness due to defense. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromDefenseNeeded() | Calculates the defense per citizen needed to eliminate unhappiness due to defense. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromDefenseYield() | Calculates the defense per citizen. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromConnection() | What is the unhappiness in the city due to not being connected to the capital? |
int | GetUnhappinessFromGold() | Calculates the unhappiness due to a deficit of gold, after applying a hierarchy of needs. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromGoldDeficit() | Calculates the additional gold per citizen required before eliminating unhappiness due to gold. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromGoldNeeded() | Calculates the gold per citizen needed to eliminate unhappiness due to gold. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromGoldYield() | Calculates the gold per citizen. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromMinority() | What is the unhappiness in the city due to religious conflict? |
int | GetUnhappinessFromPillaged() | What is the unhappiness in the city due to having pillage tiles? |
int | GetUnhappinessFromScience() | Calculates the unhappiness due to a deficit of science, after applying a hierarchy of needs. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromScienceDeficit() | Calculates the additional science per citizen required before eliminating unhappiness due to science. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromScienceNeeded() | Calculates the science per citizen needed to eliminate unhappiness due to science. |
int | GetUnhappinessFromScienceYield() | Calculates the science per citizen. |
int | getUnhappinessFromSpecialists() | What is the unhappiness in the city due to the number of specialists worked? |
int | GetUnhappinessFromStarving() | What is the unhappiness in the city due to starvation? |
int | GetUnhappinessFromYieldRaw(YieldType iYield) | Calculates the raw unhappiness due to a deficit for the specified yield type. |
int | GetUnitInvestment(UnitClassType iUnitClass) | Returns the discounted cost of a unit class after investment, if the it has been invested in. Otherwise returns 0. |
int | GetWorkPlotDistance() | How far out this city may work plots. |
int | GetWorldWonderCost(BuildingTypes iBuilding) | Returns the percent increase to world wonder cost due to the player having already built world wonders. iBuilding needs to be a world wonder for the method to work, though it doesn't matter which one. |
int | GetYieldChangeFromCorporationFranchises(YieldType iYield) | How much yields do the buildings in the city get from corporate franchises? |
int | GetYieldChangeTradeRoute(YieldType iYield) | Returns the yields in the city due to being connected to the capital. Only includes the yields due to policies, rather than traits. |
int | GetYieldFromCityYield(YieldType iYield) | What is the yield for the specified type due to yields of other types? Related to the database table Building_YieldFromYieldPercent. |
int | GetYieldFromCrime(YieldType iYield) | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetYieldFromDevelopment(YieldType iYield) | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetYieldFromHappiness(YieldType iYield) | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetYieldFromHealth(YieldType iYield) | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetYieldFromUnitsInCity(YieldType iYield) | Returns the yields in the city due to units on the city plot. |
int | GetYieldModifierFromCrime(YieldType iYield) | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetYieldModifierFromDevelopment(YieldType iYield) | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetYieldModifierFromHappiness(YieldType iYield) | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetYieldModifierFromHealth(YieldType iYield) | Method for JFDLC. |
int | GetYieldPerPopInEmpireTimes100(YieldType iYield) | Related to the database table Building_YieldChangesPerPopInEmpire. |
int | GetYieldPerTurnFromMinors(YieldType iYield) | Returns the yields in the city due to city state alliances. |
int | GetYieldPerTurnFromTraits(YieldType iYield) | Returns the yields in the city due to the player's civilization traits. |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
bool | HasAnyDomesticTradeRoute() | |
bool | HasAnyInternationalTradeRoute() | |
bool | HasAnyNaturalWonder() | |
bool | HasAnyReligion() | |
bool | HasAnyWonder() | |
bool | HasBelief(BeliefType iBeliefType) | |
bool | HasBuilding(BuildingType iBuildingType) | |
bool | HasBuildingClass(BuildingClassType iBuildingClassType) | |
bool | HasCounterSpy() | |
bool | HasDiplomat(PlayerID iPlayer) | |
bool | HasFeature(FeatureType iFeatureType) | |
bool | HasImprovement(ImprovementType iImprovementType) | |
bool | HasLoyaltyState(LoyaltyStateType iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
bool | HasNaturalWonder(FeatureType iFeatureType) | Functionally the same as HasFeature. |
bool | HasOffice() | Does the city have the owner's corporate office? |
bool | HasOrganizedCrime(int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
bool | HasPlague() | Method for JFDLC. |
bool | HasPlotType(PlotType iPlotType) | |
bool | HasProvinceLevel(int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
bool | HasReligion(ReligionType iReligionType) | |
bool | HasResource(ResourceType iResourceType) | Does any of the plots within the city's working range contain the resource? The player must be able to see the resource. This method does not count resources granted directly by buildings. |
bool | HasSpecialist(SpecialistType iSpecialistType) | |
bool | HasSpecialistSlot(SpecialistType iSpecialistType) | |
bool | HasSpy(PlayerType iPlayer) | |
bool | HasTerrain(TerrainType iTerrainType) | |
bool | HasTradeRouteFrom(City pCity) | |
bool | HasTradeRouteFromAnyCity() | |
bool | HasTradeRouteTo(City pCity) | |
bool | HasTradeRouteToAnyCity() | |
bool | HasWonder(BuildingType iBuildingType) | Functionally the same as HasBuilding. |
bool | HasWorkedFeature(FeatureType iFeatureType) | |
bool | HasWorkedImprovement(ImprovementType iImprovementType) | |
bool | HasWorkedPlotType(PlotType iPlotType) | |
bool | HasWorkedResource(ResourceType iResourceType) | |
bool | HasWorkedTerrain(TerrainType iTerrainType) |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
bool | IsAddsFreshWater() | Does any of the local buildings in the city add fresh water to the adjacent plots? |
bool | IsAdjacentToFeature(FeatureTypes iFeatureType) | |
bool | IsAdjacentToImprovement(ImprovementType iImprovementType) | |
bool | IsAdjacentToPlotType(PlotType iPlotType) | |
bool | IsAdjacentToResource(ResourceType iResourceType) | |
bool | IsAdjacentToTerrain(TerrainType iTerrainType) | |
bool | IsBlockadedTest() | Is the city being blockaded? |
bool | IsCityEventChoiceActive(CityEventChoiceType iChoice, opt bool bInstantEvents = false) | Is the city event choice currently in effect? |
bool | IsCityEventChoiceValid(CityEventChoiceType iChoice, CityEventType iEvent) | Checks if the city event choice is valid to be selected. The specified city event needs to be a parent of event choice, and must be activated. |
bool | IsCivilization(CivilizationType iCivilizationType) | |
bool | IsColony() | Method for JFDLC. Checks if the city is a colony. |
bool | IsConnectedTo(City pCity) | Is the city connected to the other city via road, rail, or sea connections? |
bool | IsConnectedToCapital() | Is the city connected to the capital via road, rail, or sea connections? |
bool | IsFoodRoutes() | Can the city send food domestic trade routes? |
bool | IsFranchised(PlayerID iPlayer) | Does the city have the specified player's corporate franchise? |
bool | IsHasBuildingClass(BuildingClassType iBuildingClassType) | |
bool | IsOnFeature(FeatureType iFeatureType) | |
bool | IsOnImprovement(ImprovementType iImprovementType) | |
bool | IsOnPlotType(PlotType iPlotType) | |
bool | IsOnResource(ResourceType iResourceType) | |
bool | IsOnTerrain(TerrainType iTerrainType) | |
bool | IsProductionRoutes() | Can the city send production domestic trade routes? |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfFeature(FeatureType iFeatureType, int iDistance) | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfImprovement(ImprovementType iImprovementType, int iDistance) | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfPlotType(PlotType iPlotType, int iDistance) | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfResource(ResourceType iResourceType, int iDistance) | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfTerrain(TerrainType iTerrainType, int iDistance) | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfUnit(UnitType iUnitType, int iDistance, bool IsFriendly, bool IsEnemy) | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfUnitClass(UnitClassType iUnitClass, int iDistance, bool IsFriendly, bool IsEnemy) | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfUnitCombatType(UnitCombatType iUnitCombat, int iDistance, bool IsFriendly, bool IsEnemy) | |
bool | IsWithinDistanceOfUnitPromotion(UnitPromotionType iUnitPromotion, int iDistance, bool IsFriendly, bool IsEnemy) | |
bool | IsWorldWonder(BuildingType iBuilding) | Checks if a building type is a world wonder. |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
void | Purchase(UnitType iUnitType, BuildingType iBuildingType, ProjectType iProjectType, YieldType iYieldType) | City purchases the unit/building/project using gold/faith. Purchase must be valid. Yields will be deducted as normal. |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
void | RefreshTourism() | Prompts the game to recalculate the tourism values of the city. |
Return | Method (arguments) | Description |
void | SetAdditionalFood(int iValue) | Set the reduction in food cost per citizen for the city. Stacks additively with other sources of food cost reduction, until a minimum of 1 food per citizen. |
void | SetAutomatons(int iValue, bool bReassignPop) | Set the number of automaton workers in a city. bReassignPop should be true unless you really know what you are doing. |
void | SetCityEventChoiceCooldown(int iCooldown) | Sets the number of turns before the city event choice can be selected again. |
void | SetCityEventCooldown(int iCooldown) | Sets the number of turns before the city event can activate again. |
void | SetColony(bool bValue) | Method for JFDLC. Sets the colony status of the city. |
void | SetDisloyaltyCounter(int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetLoyaltyState(LoyaltyStateType iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetNumFreeBuilding(BuildingType iBuildingType, int iCount) | The city will have a number of the specified free building. Free buildings cost no maintenance and resources. Note that this method will not change any real buildings if they already exist, you'll need to take care of that in your code. |
void | SetLoyaltyCounter(int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetOrganizedCrime(int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetPlagueCounter(int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetPlagueTurns(int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetPlagueType(int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetProvinceLevel(int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetResistanceCounter(int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetYieldFromCrime(YieldType iYield, int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetYieldFromDevelopment(YieldType iYield, int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetYieldFromHappiness(YieldType iYield, int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetYieldFromHealth(YieldType iYield, int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetYieldModifierFromCrime(YieldType iYield, int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetYieldModifierFromDevelopment(YieldType iYield, int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetYieldModifierFromHappiness(YieldType iYield, int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetYieldModifierFromHealth(YieldType iYield, int iValue) | Method for JFDLC. |
void | SetYieldPerTurnFromMinors(YieldType iYield, int iValue) | Set the yields in the city due to city state alliances. |