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Community Patch: AI
- AI logic regarding Deals made variable - value and demand for resources based on supply, proximity of player, relative strength and happiness.
- AI trained to better engage in naval warfare - more likely to land an army on the shore before attacking (as opposed to a pure naval operation). Will send more boats, and will be more likely to simply engage in a naval bombard before using land troops.
- AI prioritizes protecting embarked troops, avoiding unnecessary embarkation, and staying out of ranged fire if possible.
- AI less likely to send units alone to assault a city.
- AI now prioritizes targeting units that are dug-in, so as to force them to retreat or destroy them.
- AI more aggressive towards human players (based on difficulty).
- AI randomness regarding movement and tactical decisions reduced
- AI settler placement, including turn 0 settling, optimized to focus on strategic locations rather than purely resource-based locations.
- AI military targeting considers pathfinding as well as mobility around a target when evaluating how difficult a city is to capture.
- AI warmonger values dynamic, based on more than just conquest - religion, ideology, past history, WC decisions, and co-op wars all play a part in how much warmonger is earned from aggression.
- WC logic reevaluated to make the AI more likely to form coalitions of similar interests and to push through beneficial resolutions.
- Tactical AI optimized to encourage moving-shooting and proper positioning for ranged units.
- AI targeting and positioning for melee units optimized.
- AI trained to spend gold on units and buildings it desires.
- More nuanced diplomacy with regards to warmonger and other values.
- AI more attuned to victory conditions and proper use of Great People.
- AI flavors for leader personalities optimized based on CEP's changes.
- AI army and navy size/composition optimized.
- AI missionary and prophet logic optimized to reduce spam.
- AI trained to effectively understand and use all new gameplay systems added by the Community Patch.
- AI has multiple 'tourism defeat' announcements based on era. No more 'blue jeans' in the Classical period!
- AI more intelligent about faith purchases, and should manage its missionaries and prophets much, much better (should build faith buildings and buy great people, etc. much, much more often)
- Spy-related diplomacy messages can now spawn only once every 40 turns (limits spam)
- Flavors optimized for new policies and ideologies
- Adjusted Deal AI to trade resources for gold more often
- AI will more intelligently use trade routes to combat poverty, famine, and illiteracy
- Improved AI belief choice algorithms
- AI defense of CSs during rebellion events optimized
- AI workers won't scatter across the map to do tasks as often (Whoward's 'Local Workers' mod)
- AI more intelligently builds great person improvements (removed ninaroku'h hardcoded stuff, added flavor-based system)
- AI much more intelligent regarding belief choices (randomization removed)
- Flavor text regarding AI victory competitiveness added
- AI will warn player when they are sure that they and the player are approaching the same victory condition. This is purely for flavor, and to help the player figure out what the AI is doing in the late game.
- AI less likely to send ranged units alone to assault a city.
- AI better understands the danger of water, and the importance of staying on land if possible.
- AI more likely to respond to assaults on their land if they are also engaged in an offensive.
- AI better able to reposition bombers to attack.
- AI Naval invasions optimized to have a better mix of damage-dealing ships.
- AI Armies more flexible in size and composition.
- AI more likely to disengage if losing a fight.
- AI will no longer send prophets and missionaries to cities that they are at war with
- AI trained to better engage in naval warfare - more likely to land an army on the shore before attacking (as opposed to a pure naval operation). Will send more boats, and will be more likely to simply engage in a naval bombard before using land troops.
- AI prioritizes protecting embarked troops, avoiding unnecessary embarkation, and staying out of ranged fire if possible.
- AI values luxuries based on the quantity of happiness they can receive from them
- AI values lump gold over gold per turn slightly.
Custom versions of two popular mods created to work alongside the CBP:
- Events and Decisions, by Sukritact AND
- Health and Plague by FramedArchitect
- Unified Yields integrated (all existing secondary and primary yield tables can use any yield type, where logical to do so)
- Integrated code base for Whoward's DLL, CSD's DLL, and Civ IV DF's DLL changes. Hundreds of bugfixes and changes (most identified on the respective pages for these mods)
- Over 40 new functions, and over 50 new secondary tables, all of which add new abilities and actions to buildings, policies, units, and more.
- Additional yields, (YIELD_GOLDEN_AGE, etc.) added to allow buildings, policies, and more to add different types of values.
- DLL changes optimized to limit performance impact.
- Dozens of new LUA hooks for non-dll functionality (primarily of interest to modders. List to be outlined soon.
- Custom lua for new happiness system (see below), as well as Custom LUA for Culture Overview screen (courtesy KyteM)
- LUA added for most new yields - limited integration of LUA for all unified yields tables (to-do)
Community Balance Patch:
- Raw Happiness reduced/removed on many buildings. Almost all raw happiness now comes from luxuries, policies, and beliefs, and wonders.
Watermill - Maintenance reduced from 2 to 1. Aqueduct - +1 food to Lakes, Oasis. Reduces unhappiness from poverty slightly. Garden - +1 food to Citrus, Wine. No terrain prereq. 100 hammers cost Hospital - -1 maintenance. 210 hammers cost. Reduces unhappiness from poverty. Medical Lab - 350 hammers cost. Reduces unhappiness from poverty. Recycling Center - Reduces unhappiness from poverty greatly.
Temple - +1 faith on incense and wine, -1 maintenance. Shrine no longer a prereq
Amphitheater - +1 culture to Dye, +2 culture. Opera House - +3 culture, +1 culture with Silk. Amphitheater no longer a prereq Museum - Opera House no longer a prereq Broadcast Tower - Museum no longer a prereq
Barracks - No change. Reduces unhappiness from Disorder slightly. Armory - 20xp for new units. Reduces unhappiness from Disorder slightly. Military Academy - 20xp for new units, +5 to city heal
Colosseum - +1 happy, reduces unhappiness from boredom slightly. Zoo - +1 happy, reduces unhappiness from boredom. Stadium - +1 happy, reduces unhappiness from boredom greatly. 320 hammers Circus - +1 maintenance. Reduces unhappiness from boredom.
Stables - Add +1 production. All mounted units gain +15% production. Forge - removed from game Stoneworks - No longer has a terrain prereq.
Seaport - +2 prod, 25% bonus to naval production. +1 gold to sea resources. Harbor no longer a prereq.
Market - +1 gold spices and sugar, +1 Gold per 5 citizens (removed % modifier). Mint - +2 gold, +2 gold to copper, silver, gems, gold Caravansary - +1 gold, +1 gold to truffles, cotton, fur. Bank - +1 Gold per 4 citizens (removed % modifier). Stock Exchange - +1 Gold Per 3 Citizens (removed % modifier).
Library - 1 scientist slot (was 0) , no increase in maintenance University - 1 scientist slot (instead of 2), +1 science to jungles (was 2), +1 maintenance. Boost to science when citizen is born. (removed % modifier). Public School - +1 maintenance Research Lab - +1 science to jungles (was 0), +1 maintenance. +1 Science per 2 citizens. (removed % modifier). Observatory - +5 science. Can be built on a city within 2 of a mountain tile
Windmill -125 hammers (was 250, 50% reduction) Hydro Plant - Requires watermill (no aluminum). -2 maintenance. 225 hammers
Constabulary - Reduces unhappiness from disorder. Police Station - Reduces unhappiness from disorder greatly.
Courthouse - 140 Production cost, Additional cost based on number of cities. Higher rush buy cost. Walls - 100 hitpoints (was 50) Castle - 150 hitpoints (was 25) Arsenal - 200 hitpoints (was 25) Military Base - 250 hitpoints (was 25) Bomb Shelter: +1 Happiness, +5 City Defense.
Pagoda - 1 great work of art slot, +2 culture, +2 Faith Cathedral - 1 great work of art slot, +2 Gold, +2 Faith Mosque - 1 great work of literature slot, +2 culture, +2 science
Royal Library - given two slows for great works, grants additional XP Burial Tomb - reduces Illiteracy unhappiness by 1 Bazaar - grants 3 faith, but no longer doubles luxuries Ceilidh Hall - moved to Classical, replaces Colosseum. Grants +1 Faith, +1 Culture, and +3 Happiness Mud Pyramid Mosque - grants +3 Culture, +3 Faith Longhouse - grants +15% Production, and is cheaper
New Buildings: Religious Buildings: unlocked with associated Follower belief: Stupa - +4 faith, +1 happiness - unlocked with Stupas Belief Synagogue - +2 faith, +2 production, 1 great work of literature slot - unlocked with Synagogues Belief Mandir - +2 faith, +2 food, 1 great work of music slot - unlocked with Mandirs Belief Order - +2 faith, +10xp for land units, free morale promotion - unlocked with Orders Belief Church - +2 faith, +1 happiness , 1 great work of music slot - unlocked with Churches Belief Palace Engineer- grants Engineer specialist (part of Oligarchy in Tradition policy tree) Triumphal Arch- unique Roman Monument - +1 Production, +2 Culture, grants +3 GA and Great General points when you win a battle. Odeon - unique Greek Amphitheatre - no Great Work slot, but grants +3 culture and 1 gold. Grants +2 Tourism when you research Philosophy. Well - more expensive Watermill, only buildable without access to river. Basilica- unique Byzantine Temple - no maintenance, +1 Gold, and grants additional faith based on city population. Reduces unhappiness from religious disorder. Indus Canals - Indian unique Aqueduct - retain 50% of food, cheaper and less expensive than standard Aqueducts. Boosts Production by +2, and +1 Food on Flood Plains, Oases and Lakes. Dojo - unique Japanese Armory. Grants additional experience, and adds +1 culture to nearby horses and iron Mission - unique Spanish Castle. Grants large amount of Faith when built, is cheaper/weaker than Castle, but grants +2 Production. Skola - unique Swedish Public School - grants additional culture, and +1 science for every two citizens in a city. Is cheaper and has lower maintenance than a public school. Baths - Acts like a Garden, except is more expensive and it cannot be built next to a river Wind Plant - +1 Production in every Grassland tile - only available when not next to Fresh Water.
National Wonder Changes: All National Wonders now require a certain national population to be constructed (instead of needing a specific building in every city). For Venice or OCC, this amount is reduced by 66%.
National College reduced to +3 Science, and +1 per 4 citizens. Circus Maximus - now reduces Disorder and grants +2 happiness. Grand Temple no longer requires a religion to be founded in order to be constructed. Reduces religious unrest.
New National Wonders added: Religious NW: Each requires 20% of global population to be following your religion in order to be built. Each unlocked by a different Founder belief) Building your religion's NW will allow you to pick a Reformation belief. Mausoleum - +6 Faith, Gain faith when an owned unit is killed in battle (unlocked via Ceremonial Burial) Celestial Throne - +3 Faith, +3 Culture, +3 food, +3 gold, +3 science, +3 production (unlocked via Mandate of Heaven) Great Altar - +5 Faith, +15% military unit production (umlocked via Hero Worship) Reliquary - +4 Faith, 4 slots for great works of art or artifacts, +2 culture (unlocked via Way of the Pilgrim) Divine Court - +4 Faith - +8 Gold Production (unlocked via Holy Law) Sacred Garden - +4 Faith, +5 Culture (unlocked via Path of Transcendence) Holy Council - +4 Faith, +5 Food (unlocked via Council of Elders) Apostolic Palace - +5 Faith, +4 Golden Age Points (unlocked via Apostolic Tradition) Grand Ossuary - +7 Faith (unlocked via Theocratic Rule)
Jelling Stones - unique Danish National Epic - has no Great work slot, but grants +3 Tourism, +3 Culture, and increases GP rate by 33% for the city. Grants a large amount of culture when completed, and starts a golden age. Doge's Palace - unique Venetian Palace - has no great work slot, but grants +2 to all Palace yields and defense (except culture, which is +1)
- Barbarian units buffed slightly.
- New unit: Cruiser: (Dynamite) – upgrade between Frigate and Battleship - uses 1 Iron
- All ranged units have their combat strength (i.e. melee power) reduced by 5-15% (depending on era), but ranged siege units have been buffed a little.
- Catapults, Trebuchets, Cannons, and Artillery now require Iron.
- Siege Tower does not, and is available at Military Training (UU boost)
- Renamed Great War Infantry as Riflemen, Riflemen as Fusiliers, Great War Bombers as Bombers, and Bombers as Heavy Bombers.
- Infantry moved to Atomic Theory (from Plastics)
- Anti-Tank Gun removed
- Anti-Tank promotion given to Bazookas and Rocket Artillery.
- Lancers now upgrade into Cavalry and Knights into Lancers
- Lancers moved to Metallurgy, cost reduced
- All mounted units received a strength increase
- Pikemen now upgrade into Musketmen
- Terrain and Target-Specific Promotions removed for land, naval, and air units, replaced with % boosts to combat strength. This benefits the AI greatly.
- Instant heal removed – all promotions now grant 10hp when taken.
- Upgrade tree for melee ships: Trireme -> Caravel -> Corvette -> Ironclad -> Destroyer
- Moved Trireme to Optics, Galleass to Physics, Caravel to Compass, Privateer to Astronomy (renamed Corvette)
- Quinquereme still available at Sailing (UU boost)
- Upgrade tree for ranged ships: Galleass -> Frigate -> Cruiser -> Battleship -> Missile Cruiser
- Missile Cruisers cost 1 Iron
- Destroyers cost 1 Coal
- All late-game units now require some kind of resource, except for Carriers and Mechanized Infantry. This keeps resources useful for the whole game.
- Moved Carrier to Electronics, Gunship to Mobile Tactics
- Submarines may now attack coastal cities (only if directly on the coast) in addition to units in the water. This should help the AI.
- Submarines moved to Penicilin, cost 1 Iron
- Nuclear Submarines cost 1 Iron
- Cargo ship moved to Optics
- Moved Apollo program to satellites
- Moved guided missile to rocketry
- Landships now cost 1 Iron instead of 1 Oil
- SS parts moved to last 4 techs on tech tree
TECHS Tech tree completely redesigned:
- Built to be more AI friendly
- More flexible early game
- Techs built in ‘pyramid’ fashion, so that it is impossible to get to later eras without taking all techs from earlier eras
- Tech progression and location optimized to force players to make diverse choices of techs to get to units, buildings, etc.
- Techs more expensive – slower tech progression generally
- Tech tree more historically logical
- Archery renamed “Military Training” – Barracks moved there (only naming change - Why? Purely because Archery and the Wheel are not next to each other anymore, so Chariot Archers were possible without archery, which is silly)
- Moved Wealth process to Mining, Research to Military Training (archery)
- Trading Posts moved to Pottery
Ancient: Pyramids - free Settler (instead of two workers), move to Calendar Temple of Artemis - fine Stonehenge - make +3 faith, and +25 Faith (lump), move to wheel, tie to Piety Halicarnassus - +2 Gold Statue of Zeus - +1 Faith
Classical: Great Library - fine Hanging Gardens - fine Great Lighthouse - +2 Production Colossus - fine Terracotta Army - lump of Culture from completion, reduces disorder in all cities Parthenon - +1 Culture Oracle - +2 Science Petra - move to Horseback Riding, make food/production +1 gold, affects flood plains (not desert) Great Wall - free Great General
Medieval: Alhambra -fine Hagia Sophia - fine Djenne - move to Education, rename University of Sankore, grant +2 science, disconnect from Piety Borobudur - move to Guilds Maccu Piccu - move to Physics Notre Dame - move to Machinery Cichen Itza - move to Astronomy Angkor Wat - move to Currency, +2 Faith
Renaissance: Forbidden Palace - move to Civil Service Pisa - move to Chemistry Globe Theater - same Himeji - same Uffizi - move to Economics Porcelain Tower - move to Scientific Theory Taj Mahal - +2 Culture Sistine Chapel - +20% culture Red Fort - free Castle, big defense boost, no global defense, free GE
Industrial: Kremlin - rename St. Basil’s, remove Order requirement, grants Reformation, move to Theology, holy city required Louvre - fine Branaenburg Gate - fine Big Ben - fine Eiffel Tower - moved to Dynamite Neuschwanstein - fine Slater Mill - avail. at Steam Power - 2 Free Coal, free Factory, +5 production
Modern: Statue of Liberty - move to Combustion Cristo Redentor - fine Broadway - fine Prora - fine Red Square - available at Replaceable Parts - big reduction to disorder in all cities, free police station, immunity to tourism boosts via technology - requires Order
Atomic: Pentagon NEW: Bretton Woods - Free GP of choice, free Hotel - available at electronics NEW: Bletchley Park - two free Spies, level up spies, 15% defense
Information: CN Tower - fine Sydney Opera House - fine Hubble - fine Great Firewall - fine NEW: CERN - big science boost, boost to CS relations unlocked at particle physics
Leaders (changes added to original bonus unless otherwise noted)
Ahmad Al-Mansur - Kasbah buffed (additional gold and culture), golden age points added to trade route UA.
Alexander - +2 Culture per each city.
Ashurbanipal - Royal Library buffed Askia - Mosque buffed
Attila - (replacement) Scourge of God: Raze Cities at double speed. +1 Production from Pastures. Upon defeating a Barbarian unit inside an encampment, there is a 75% chance you earn 50 Gold and they join your side.
Augustus - Ballista removed, replaced with Triumphal Arch
Bismarck- (replacement) Receive +5 Gold in all owned cities for every City-State you are allied with. For every 3 City-State alliances, receive 1 additional vote in the World Congress.
Boudicca - Ceilidh Hall moved to Classical Age, buffed
Carthage - (replacement) Cities produce a large sum of Gold when founded, and coastal Cities also gain a free Harbor. Units may cross mountains after a Great General is earned, taking 20 HP damage if they end a turn on one.
Enrico - Galleass removed, replaced with Doge's Palace
Gajah - (replacement) A unique luxury appears near your first three cities, with an additional luxury appearing if the city is your Capital, or if it is founded on a different landmass than your Capital. -- Candi buffed
Gandhi - replaced ability: 'Cannot build Missionaries. Pressure for your majority Religion increases in all Cities based on the number of Followers in them. Does not produce Unhappiness from Religious Strife.' replaced Mughal Fort with Indus Canals
Genghis - Automatically annexes city-states that are very afraid.
Gustavus - Hakkepelitta replaced with Skola
Haile - (replacement) Combat bonus (+20%) when fighting units from a Civilization with more Cities than Ethiopia. When you complete a favorable Peace Treaty, a Golden Age begins.
Harald - Ski Infantry replaced with Jelling Stones
Harun - Bazaar changed, religion spread via trade boosted.
Hiawatha - all land military units receive Woodsman promotion, Longhouse buffed
Isabella - Tercio replaced with Mission
Kameameha - Moai buffed (additional production) and combat bonus increased to range 4.
Napoleon- (replacement) Theming bonuses doubled in Capital. Plunder Great Works of Art based on the number of empty slots in your empire. If none can be plundered, receive a temporary Culture boost based on the population of the conquered city.
Oda- Zero replaced with Dojo
Ramesses - Burial Tomb changed
Suleiman - replaced ability: 'Innovation Through Commerce: Recieve 40 science and golden age points every time you complete a trade route, and a free Caravansary in your first four cities.
Theodora - replaced Dromon with Basilica.
Washington - B17 Replaced with Frontiersman
William - Polder boosted (+1 Production from start) (replacement) +3 Gold per turn for every Resource you Export to other Civilizations, and +2 Culture for every resource you import from other Civilizations and City-States.
New Units: Frontiersman - unique American settler. Moves faster, has better vision, and always evades capture by barbarians (unless it is trapped, at which point it is destroyed). Pioneer: Mid-game settler unit. Starts with 3 citizens, 3 extra tiles, and a collection of ancient/classical buildings automatically constructed. Colonist: Late-game settler unit. Starts with 5 citizens, 5 extra tiles, and a collection of ancient/classical/medieval/renaissance buildings automatically constructed.
Unit Changes: Coming soon!
Minor Civs: Declaring war on a minor civ leads to 15 turns of permanent war, and the change for a -5 drop in base influence with all known CSs.
Barbarians: Barbarians can heal, and will use ranged attacks out of camps. Barbarians can also steal gold if in your territory.
Religion: Religious system overhauled. Reformation beliefs now earned when you construct your religion's National Wonder (based on your chosen Founder Belief). There are quite a few faith-based buildings as well (in the Follower beliefs section), and all beliefs have been buffed across the board.
- Ancestor Worship: 1 Faith per 5 population and +1 production in Capital
- Dance of the Aurora: +1 Food, +1 Faith from Tundra Tiles with Improved Resources
- Desert Folklore: +1 Gold, +1 Faith from Desert Tiles with Improved Resources
- Earth Mother: +1 Faith from Mines on Improved Resources, +1 Gold from Walls
- Faith Healers +15 HP healed per turn if adjacent to a friendly city, 3 faith from each heal that happens this way
- Fertility Rites: +1 Faith from Granaries, 10% faster Growth Rates
- God of Craftsmen: +1 Faith for every 10 gold/turn generated, +1 Production in cities with Pop of 3+
- God of the Open Sky: +2 Culture from Stables, +1 Faith from Pastures.
- God of the Sea: +1 Production from Lighthouses, +1 Faith from Fishing Boats.
- God of War: +1 Faith from Colosseums, gain Faith if you win a battle anywhere.
- Goddess of Festivals: +1 Faith and +2 Culture for each unique Luxury resource you own
- Goddess of Love: +5 Faith, + 5 Golden Age Points every time a Citizen is born
- Goddess of Protection: +1 Faith from Barracks, +30% increase in city Ranged Combat Strength
- Goddess of the Hunt: +1 Faith, +1 Food from Camps
- God-King: Palace provides +2 Faith, Culture, Gold, Production and Science
- Messenger of the Gods: +1 Faith, +2 Science in cities with a City connection
- Monument to the Gods: +1 Faith from every World Wonder, +10% Production of Ancient/Classical Wonders
- One With Nature: +4 faith, +2 culture from Natural Wonders
- Oral Tradition: +1 Faith from Plantations, +2 Culture from Amphitheaters
- Polytheism: +2 Faith in Capital, and +1 Happiness for every known civ with a Pantheon
- Religious Settlements: 5 Faith from border growth, 10% faster border growth
- Places of Power - +2 Faitg from Mountains, Oases, and Atolls, and +1 Happiness from Cities on Rivers
- Sacred Path: +1 Faith, +1 Culture from Jungle tiles
- Stone Circles: +1 Faith from Quarries, +2 Culture from Stone Works
- Sun God: +1 Food on Farms, +2 Faith from Palace
- Goddess of Wisdom: +1 Faith per 10 science generated empire-wide
Founder Beliefs: -- Mandate of Heaven: Unlocks the Celestial Throne National Wonder Holy City produces +25% of its yields during a Golden Age.
-- Hero Worship: Unlocks Great Altar National Wonder Receive Faith and Golden Age points when you conquer a City. Bonus scales with City population and Era.
-- Ceremonial Burial: Unlocks Mausoleum National Wonder Receive Faith and Culture whenever a Great Person is expended. Bonus scales with Era.
-- Holy Law: Unlocks Divine Court National Wonder. Receive Faith, Science, and Gold when you purchase a Policy. Bonus scales with Era.
-- Way of the Pilgrim: Unlocks Reliquary National Wonder. Receive Tourism when you spread your Religion to foreign cities. Bonus scales with Era.
-- Path of Transcendence: Unlocks Sacred Garden National Wonder. Receive a large boost to all national yields when you enter a new Era. Bonus scales with Era.
-- Council of Elders: Unlocks Holy Council National Wonder. Receive a boost to current Science research when a city adopts your Religion. Bonus scales with Era.
-- Apostolic Tradition: Unlocks Apostolic Palace National Wonder. Receive Golden Age points when you spread your Religion to cities other than your Holy City. Bonus scales with Era.
-- Theocratic Rule: Unlocks Grand Ossuary National Wonder. We Love the King Day boosts the Faith, Culture, Gold and Science output of a city by 25%.
Follower Beliefs:
-- Cathedral: Use Faith to purchase Cathedrals (+2 Faith, +2 Gold, 1 Great Work of Art slot).
-- Pagoda: Use Faith to purchase Pagodas (+2 Faith, +2 Culture, 1 Great Work of Art slot).
-- Mosque:Use Faith to purchase Mosques (+2 Faith, +2 Science, 1 Great Work of Writing Slot).
-- Sword into Plowshare (Now Church): Use Faith to purchase Churches (+2 Faith, +1 Happiness, 1 Great Work of Music Slot).
-- Guruship (Now Mandir): Use Faith to purchase Mandirs (+2 Faith, + 2 Food, 1 Great Work of Music Slot).
-- Holy Warriors (Now Synagogue): Use Faith to purchase Synagogues (+2 Faith, + 2 Production, 1 Great Work of Writing Slot).
-- Monasteries (Now Stupa): Use Faith to purchase Stupas (+4 Faith, +1 Happiness).
-- Feed the World (Now Thrift): +1% Gold for each follower (max +10%).
-- Peace Gardens (Now Cooperation): Receive a boost to all yields every time a Citizen is born in the City. Bonus scales with Era.
-- Choral Music (Now Scholarship): +1% Science for each follower (max +10%).
-- Religious Art (Now Mastery): Scientists, Merchants and Engineers produce +1 of their normal yield.
-- Liturgical Drama (now Veneration): +1% Food for each follower (max +10%).
-- Religious Center (Now Order): Use Faith to purchase Orders (+2 Faith. +10 XP and the Morale promotion for Land Units built in the city.
-- Religious Community is Now Diliegence
-- Divine Inspiration (Now Inspiration): +1 Culture for each follower (max 5 Culture)
Enhancer Beliefs: -- Religious Texts: Religion spreads 25% faster (50% with Printing Press), +1 Science and +1 Culture for every 6 followers of this Religion in Foreign Cities.'
-- Tithes: +200 Gold when each City first converts to this religion, +1 Gold, +1 Faith for every 4 followers of this religion in Foreign Cities.
-- Underground Sect: Your spies exert religious pressure on the cities they occupy. Inquisitors and Prophets reduce your religious presence by half (instead of eliminating it.
-- Holy Warriors: Use Faith to purchase land units. Missionaries convert adjacent Barbarian units to this civilization.
-- Religious Celebrations: +1 Happiness for every two Cities following this religion, +1 Happiness for every 4 followers of this religion in non-enemy foreign cities. 1 );
-- Sainthood: Prophets 25% stronger and earned with 25% less Faith, Gain 100 Faith each time a Great Person is expended.
-- Now Scholar-Priests: Missionary conversion strength +25%, Gain Science when a Missionary spreads this religion to cities of other religions.'
-- Holy Order: Missionaries and Inquisitors cost 30% less Faith, Religion spreads to cities 30% further away.'
-- Religious Unity: Religion spreads to friendly City-States at double rate, +15 to Influence resting point with City-States following this religion.
Reformation Beliefs: -- Now Missionary Influence: Missionaries grant +20 Influence with a City-State when you spread your Religion to that City-State.
-- Crusader Zeal: +15% Combat Strength in enemy lands versus players that have founded an opposing Faith.
-- Defender Faith: +15%Combat Strength in own lands versus players that have founded an opposing Faith.
-- Jesuit Education: same
-- The One True Faith: Receive 3 additional votes in the World Congress. Missionaries performing the Spread Religion action erode existing pressure from other religions.
-- Sacred Sites: All buildings purchased with Faith provide 3 Tourism each. Hermitage provides +10 Culture and +10 Tourism.
-- Glory of God: same
-- Now Faith of the Masses: May build Opera Houses, Museums and Broadcast Towers with Faith.
-- Knowledge Through Faith: Holy Sites produce +5 Science, Academies produce +5 Faith.
Happiness Happiness System completely revised. See below.
Luxuries: Luxuries now grant their bonuses as a factor of total empire population. The higher your pop, the more happiness your luxuries provide. This makes luxuries less vital early on, as +1/+2 isn't as big of a deal, yet it does not punish tall or wide strategies because the focus is on overall population, not # of cities.
National Happiness: Rather than having a flat penalty at -1 unhappiness and below, unhappiness penalties scale with each point of unhappiness below zero, up to a certain maximum threshold. This scale affects all yields, though in varying amounts. This makes expansion/unhappiness less binary, and allows players to be slightly unhappy without catastrophic problems.
City Happiness: The big one. City happiness is now no longer affected directly by the # of citizens in a city. Instead, happiness is based on a set of functions that look at the variables below. Overall, population is still king, however per-city unhappiness is a bit easier to manage (and tailor to certain playstyles), whereas the penalty per # of cities is dramatically reduced. This makes Tall and Wide gameplay equally feasible, so long as your empire is well-managed.
The yield-based functions combine your city's yields, dividing this value by your city's population. This value is then compared to the rate value per citizen as a global average of all city yields per pop. If the rate value per citizen is higher than your city's yields (i.e. you are not producing as much as the rate value expects), the difference between the two is multiplied by the per-citizen unhappiness value and the unhappiness is generated. In other words, if your cities are significantly behind other global cities in yields per pop, the difference will be converted into unhappiness.
Keep in mind that, since the unhappiness per citizen element of the game was removed, you are almost always going to have one or more of the following 'problems' in your cities. This is necessary in order to keep happiness from skyrocketing up to 100+, and is fairly realistic. No city is perfect, so don't fret if you have poverty or illiteracy in your cities.
Poverty: This looks at a city's food and gold yields. If these yields do not exceed the rate criteria, your city has some element of poverty. This is largely inevitable in all but the wealthiest cities or most fertile cities.
Illiteracy: This looks at a city's culture and science yields. If these yields do not exceed the rate criteria, your city has some element of illiteracy. This is largely inevitable in all but the smartest or most wonder-heavy cities.
Religious tension: This looks at a city's majority religion, and compares it to the number of citizens that are not part of that religion. If that value exceeds the rate value of the function, you will have some religious strife (note: as I stated earlier, this does not mean that religious minorities = unhappiness, but rather that a mix of religions in a city runs a higher risk of creating religious unrest. That's all. Seriously.). This is largely inevitable in most large cities, but should never be a major source of unhappiness. This value also decreases gradually as the game progresses. You can reduce this value further by building more faith-producing buildings in the city (high faith production has the ability to subtract from a city's minority population), or simply converting people to your one, true faith.
City connections (Isolation): This is simple. Blockades or a lack of a city connection will generate unhappiness based on a rate per citizen value. Should only be a problem if you are besieged from the sea, your routes are pillaged and/or you haven't connected your cities together.
Pillaged tiles: Similar to city connections, this function will generate unhappiness based on a rate per citizen value which looks at the number of pillaged tiles. The more pillaged tiles there are, the higher this unhappiness. No one likes looking at burning fields.
Starvation: This one can be fatal, so be careful. If a city is starving, this function looks at the value of that starvation (i.e. the negative value of food being consumed) and compares that to the rate value of the function. Don't starve people.
Disorder: This function looks at your cities defensive capabilities and your city's garrison. Taking defense as a 'yield' (i.e. the defense produced by defensive structures) and increasing it by a factor of your city's garrison), this value is then divided by your population. If lower than the expected rate per citizen, the difference is multiplied by the unhappiness per citizen rate.
Specialists also generate unhappiness (1 point per 2 specialists in a city).
- Unhappiness reduction on buildings based on city population. Explanation: formerly, a building’s unhappiness reduction was 1 * -100 (so -100), where 1 was the variable in the XML. Now, the function is 1 * (x * -1), where x is the city’s population. This means that buildings become more useful the bigger you city, however it is harder and harder to deal with thresholds as cities grow, so there is now a trade-off (in other words, instead of ICS being a viable strategy, you now have to be careful about overextending your ability to deal with small city unhappiness, as bigger cities get more bang for their buck from unhappiness-reduction buildings). This also makes these buildings less immediately impactful, thus making unhappiness a more important force overall, particularly in the early game.
Other: Added Process 'Arts,' which allows conversion of Production to Culture (at Drama).
Opener: +2 Culture in Capital, +5% growth in all cities, and +3% additional growth per unlocked Tradition policy. Unlocks Hanging Gardens.
Aristocracy: +1 Gold per 5 citizens in Capital, +1 in every city.
Legalism: Capital growth increased by 25%, Golden Ages 25% longer.
Monarchy: Capital gains +1 Culture for every 5 citizens, and a free Engineer specialist slot.
Landed Elite: +2 Food in all cities, +25% yield from internal trade routes, city borders expand 25% faster.
Oligarchy: Receive 50 Gold when a citizen is born in any city, and 20 golden age points when a citizen is born in your capital.
Finisher: +25% GP rate, allowed for Great Engineer purchase with Faith in Industrial Era.
Opener: 10 Culture received when a building is built or a tech is research. Receive +2% production towards buildings for every Liberty policy taken. Unlocks Parthenon.
Citizenship: Tile improvement rate increased by 25%. Free worker.
City Planning: +1 Citizen in all cities, and new cities start with an extra citizen.
Civil Engineers: +1 Production in all cities. Road/rail maintenance halved.
Meritocracy: When you expend a great person, receive 40 Golden Age points and 40 science. Bonus scales with era.
Representation: 1 Happiness per 6 citizens in a city. +1 movement for workers and settlers.
Finisher: Free GP of choice. Unlocks Great Writers in Industrial.
Honor (now Might):
Opener: +33% Strength vs. Barbarians, and receive Notifications when Encampments appear. Earn Culture from defeating units, capturing Cities and clearing Encampments. +3% Production when building land Military units for every Honor policy taken. Unlocks Statue of Zeus
Imperialism: No Unhappiness from Isolation. A Free Settler appears in the Capital.
Martial Law: Garrisons reduce unhappiness in occupied cities by 50%. Gold Maintenance for all units reduced by 15%.
Logistics: Gain science whenever you kill a unit. All melee units heal for 20 points after killing a military unit.
Conscription: Units gain +10% Combat Strength. A ranged unit spawns in your Capital, and in every city settled after taking this Policy.
Tribute: A free Great General appears outside your capital. Gain food and culture whenever a city expands its borders.
Finisher: Cities increase the culture cost of policies by 25% less than normal. Gain Golden Age Points when you conquer a City. Great Generals can be purchased with faith at the Industrial Era
Opener: +1 Faith in Capital, Shrines and Temples produce +1 Culture. Faith purchase costs reduced by 4% for every policy taken in Piety. Unlocks Stonehenge.
Divine Right: Cities that follow majority religion generate +2 production and +2 Faith. Border growth doubled during a GA.
Monasticism: Can purchase Monasteries with Faith (+1 Faith, +2 Food, +1 Science, 1 Scientist slot). Free Monastery in Capital.
Organized Religion: Temples and Shrines produce +1 Faith and are produced 50% faster. Grand Temple boosts city culture by 10%
Tolerance: City with majority religion gets pantheon belief of second most popular religion. Reduces unhappiness from religious strife by 50% in all cities, and an additional 50% in the Capital.
Trade Fairs: +2 Gold from Temples and +2 Gold from Markets in a city if majority religion is present. Trade Routes generate +1 gold, and majority religion spreads 50% faster along Trade Routes.
Finisher: Holy Sites produce +3 Gold and Culture, and all specialists produce +1 Faith. Unlocks Great Artists in Industrial.
Aesthetics: improves your ability to generate Culture and Tourism. Adopting Aesthetics allows you to earn Great Writers, Artists, and Musicians 5% faster, with each additional Aesthetics policy unlock increasing this by 5%. Receive a large amount of Culture every time you expend a Great Person. Unlocks building the Uffizi. Adopting all policies doubles the theming bonus you receive from Museums and Wonders, and grants all Great Person Improvements +1 Culture. It also allows the purchase of Great Musicians with Faith starting in the Industrial Era.
Humanities: All Culture buildings that can hold Great Works produce +1 Culture and +1 Science.
Public Galleries: 50% of excess Happiness added each turn to the amount of Culture that may be spent on Social Policies. All Great Works produce +1 Gold.
Flourishing of the Arts: Culture increased by 20% in all cities which have built a World Wonder and the empire immediately enters a Golden Age.
National Treasure: A Great Person of your choice appears near your Capital.
Cultural Exchange: Increases the Tourism modifier for shared religion, trade routes, and open borders by 20% each.
Industry: provides bonuses to empires focused on Gold and Production. Adopting Industry will grant 30 Gold every time you construct a building. Purchasing items in Cities requires 5% less Gold when you adopt Industry, and an additional 5% less for each Industry policy you adopt. Unlocks building Big Ben. Adopting all Policies in the Industry tree will grant +1 Gold and +1 Production from every Trading Post. It also allows the purchase of Great Merchants with Faith starting in the Industrial Era.
Mercenary Army: Allows the purchasing of Landsknechts, Foreign Legions, and Mercenaries as their prerequisite technologies are researched. Gold maintenance for all military units reduced by 15%.
Turnpikes: +4 Gold from all your land trade routes. Maintenance for Improvements reduced by 25%.
Mercantilism: +1 Science and +1 Culture from every Mint, Market, Bank, and Stock Exchange.
Entrepreneurship: Great Merchants are earned 25% faster, and all specialists grant +2 Production.
Protectionism: Receive an additional Trade Route, and receive +2 Gold from naval Trade Routes.
Imperialism: enhances your ability to spread your empire through military power, particularly naval (and later air) supremacy. Adopting Imperialism gives +1 Movement for Naval units and +1 Sight for Naval combat units. Receive a +5% production speed boost for all naval and air military units, and +4% for each additional policy unlocked in Imperialism. Unlocks building the Louvre. Adopting all policies grants you 1 additional Happiness for every owned Luxury, and 1 Happiness for every city with a Garrison. It also grants +2 Science from Ocean tiles, and allows the purchase of Great Admirals with Faith starting in the Industrial Era.
Organization: +2 Production and +1 Gold from Seaports, Workshops, and Factories.
Exploitation: +2 Food and +2 Production from Snow, Mountain, and (non-Floodplain) Desert tiles.
Military Tradition: Earn Great Admirals and Great Generals 33% more quickly. Barracks, Armories and Military Academies provide +1 Science and +1 Culture.
Exploration: Receive two free Archaeologists near your Capital. Allows you to see Hidden Antiquity Sites.
Civilizing Mission: Receive a free Factory, and a large sum of Gold, when you conquer a city. No Gold maintenance for Garrisons.
Patronage: enhances the benefits of City-State friendship and Global Diplomacy. Adopting Patronage will cause Influence with City-States to degrade 25% slower than normal and raise the resting point for Influence with all City-States by 5, with each subsequent Patronage policy you unlock increasing this by 3. Unlocks building the Forbidden Palace. Adopting all policies in the Patronage tree will cause allied City-States to occasionally gift you Great People. If using CSD, also grants Great Diplomat purchase with faith.
Philanthropy: Receive double Influence from Quests completed for City-States, and +10 Influence with all known City-States every time you expend a Great Person.
Consulates: Gain two additional votes in the World Congress, and the change of rigging elections in City-States is increased by 33%.
Scholasticism: All City-States which are Allies provide a Science bonus equal to 33% of what they produce for themselves. If using CSD, also grants +25% Great Diplomat production.
Cultural Diplomacy: Quantity of Resources gifted by City-States increased by 100%. Happiness from gifted Luxuries increased by 100%.
Merchant Confederacy: +3 Gold and +1 Influence (per turn) for each Trade Route with a City-State.
Rationalism: focuses on maximizing Growth and Science output. Adopting Rationalism immediately begins a Golden Age. Receive +1 Science in every city, and an additional +2 Science in your Capital for every Rationalism policy acquired. Unlocks building the Porcelain Tower.Adopting all Policies in the Rationalism tree boosts your Great Scientist rate by 33%, and increases the Growth of all cities by 25%. It also allows the purchase of Great Scientists with Faith starting in the Industrial Era.
Enlightenment: +10% Science when your empire is Happy.
Scientific Revolution: +1 Science and +1 Production from all Strategic Resources.
Academics: +1 Science and +1 Gold from every Specialist.
Sovereignty: +1 Happiness for every city Connection with the Capital, and +5 Happiness in your Capital.
Free Thought: +1 Science from every Trading Post, and +1 Culture from every Great Work.
Ideology changes:
Academy of Sciences: Reduces Illiteracy by 10% in all cities. Receive a free University in every City.
Cultural Revolution: +34% Tourism to other Order civilizations. Spies steal technologies at double the normal rate.
Dictatorship of the Proletariat: +34% Tourism to civilizations with less Happiness. +1 Happiness from Factories.
Double Agents: Receive an additional Spy. Spies twice as likely to capture enemy spies attempting to steal a technology.
Hero of the People: Your Great People increases by 25%. A Great Person of your choice appears near your Capital.
Iron Curtain: Free Courthouse upon city capture. Internal trade routes provide 50% more Food or Production, and City connections generate +3 Gold.
Party Leadership: +2 Food, Production, Science, Gold, and Culture per city.
Guerilla Warfare: +15% attack bonus when fighting in friendly territory. 2 Infantry units spawn near your Capital.
Resettlement: New Cities start with an extra 3 Population. All cities gain 2 Citizens immediately.
Communism (was Skyscrapers): Gold cost of purchasing buildings reduced by 33%. +10% Production when building Wonders.
Socialist Realism: Receive a free Museum in every City.
Worker Faculties: Factories increase City Science output by +3. Build Factories in half the usual time.
Great Leap Forward (was Young Pioneers): Receive a free Technology.
Peace, Land, Bread (was Universal Healthcare): Reduces Poverty by 20% in all cities.
Arsenal of Democracy: +15% Production when building Military Units. +20 Influence from Military Unit gifts to City-States.
Avant Garde: The rate at which Great People are born is increased by 33%.
Capitalism: 5 Specialists in each of your cities no longer cause Unhappiness.
Covert Action: Chance of rigging election in City-States doubled. Receive an additional Spy.
Creative Expression: +1 Culture from Great Works. Culture buildings that can hold Great Works provide +1 Culture.
Economic Union: Receive an additional Trade Route. +3 Gold from trade routes with civilizations following Freedom.
Media Culture: +34% Tourism and +1 Happiness generated by cities with a Broadcast Tower.
Their Finest Hour: Combat Strength of Cities increased by 33%. A Great General appears near your Capital.
Universal Healthcare; Receive a free Hospital in every City.
Universal Suffrage: Golden Ages are 50% longer, and all Cities produce +1 Happiness for every 10 Citizens.
Urbanization: Farms, Plantations and Camps produce +1 Food.
Legacy of Clausewitz: Receive a 25% attack bonus to all Military Units for the first 50 turns after this policy is adopted, and receive one free Policy.
Cult of Personality: +50% Tourism to civilizations fighting a common enemy. A Great Person of your choice appears near your Capital.
Elite Forces: Wounded Military Units inflict 25% more damage than normal. Newly created Military Units receive +15 Experience.
New World Order (was Fortified Borders): Reduces Disorder in all Cities by 20%. Police Stations and Constabularies provide +2 Culture and +1 Production.
Futurism: +250 Tourism with all known civs when a Great Person is born.
Lebensraum (was Industrial Espionage): Receive a large sum of Culture and Production every time your City borders expand. Citadel tile-acquisition radius doubled.
Lightning Warfare: +3 Movement for Great Generals. Armor and Gun units gain +15% attack, +1 Movement and ignore enemy ZOC.
Air Supremacy (was Militarism): Receive a free Airport in every City. +25% Production when building Air units.
Military-Industrial Complex: Gold cost of purchasing units reduced by 33%. Defense buildings and Citadels produce +2 Science.
Police State: +3 Local Happiness from every Courthouse, and +1 Happiness from Police Stations. Build Courthouses in half the usual time.
Third Alternative: Quantity of Strategic Resources produced is increased by 100%. +10 Food and +10 Science in Capital.
Total War: +25% Production when building Military Units and Workers construct improvements 25% more quickly.
United Front: Militaristic City-States grant units twice as often when you are at war with a common foe. +10 Influence from Military Unit gifts to City-States.
Autarky (was Universal Healthcare): Internal Trade Routes grant +10 Gold, and City Connections provide +3 Production.
Gameplay Changes:
Difficulty adjustments: AI no longer receives free techs at start, but instead receives incremental bonuses per era (Gold, science, free units, etc.). Wonders you are beaten to now provide a boost to your culture, instead of Gold. Tourism influence levels generate additional gold from trade routes with those civs, and great works generate +3 tourism. Removed 'free map' Goody Hut Added free Golden Age points Goody Hut Added free Production Goody Hut City strength reduced, city strength increase from tech/pop reduced (makes defense buildings more important)
Spies: Spies can now engage in multiple activities while in a city. Every turn, there is a random chance (based on spy level and previous actions) of a spy
performing an advanced action. These actions have a small change of leading to death, or to a promotion, and can be discovered like normal spy actions.
Spy actions (effects strengthened based on Rank of spy). Sorted based on % possibility (least to most likely)
Actions announced in notification tab, though level of knowledge of who/what was done may change based on your counterintelligence/intelligence.
Damage Wonder construction - removes a % of current production towards a Wonder. Rebellion - causes damage to city and spawns rebel units (only possible if target civ is unhappy) Riots - causes city resistance and destroys all of city's food (only possible if target civ is unhappy) Assassinate GP - removes GPP from most advanced GP progress meter Damage building construction - removes a % of current production towards a building. Damage unit production - removes a % of current production towards a unit. Steal gold - steals % of gold from treasury
Terrain Snow and Desert cost 2 movement points. Imported Terrain changes from CEP Improvements Imported improvements from CEP