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Global Code Configuration

damiancosmoschapman edited this page Dec 13, 2022 · 4 revisions

Home / Configuration / Global Code

How to configure and customise the Global Interface.

This allows the sharing of the same parameters between the Client and Server Interfaces.

The Global configuration is stored and managed under the Server Tier.


In order to immediately implement any configuration changes from these files, you must call the PxStat.Security.Configuration_API.Refresh API after making and saving the changes.

A config item is returned in code by the following example: Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig("configuration-item").

Configuration item Description Type
language Language object object
language.iso Language ISO Object
language.iso.code ISO 639-1 language code String
url url object Object
url.logo url of logo to be displayed in Excel sheets for output String
dataset dataset object Object
dataset.officialStatistics Default value for OFFICIAL STATISTIC in a PX file Boolean
dataset.threshold The maximum number of datapoints allowed in a dataset Long
worflow Workflow object Object
workflow.embargo Embargo object. Limits the times and days for dataset releases Object
workflow.embargo.time Time of day allowed for a scheduled data release Time List of weekdays (as integers) when scheduled data releases are allowed Integer array
workflow.fastrack.response Details of user eligibility for fastracking workflow response Object
workflow.fastrack.response.approver States whether an approver-moderator may fastrack response Boolean
workflow.fastrack.response.poweruser States whether a Power User may fastrack response Boolean
workflow.fastrack.response.administrator States whether an Administrator may fastrack response Boolean
workflow.fastrack.signoff Details of user eligibility for fastracking workflow signoff Object
workflow.fastrack.signoff.poweruser States whether a Power User may fastrack signoff Boolean
workflow.fastrack.signoff.administrator States whether an Administrator may fastrack signoff Boolean
regex Regex object Object Phone number Object Regex pattern for a phone number String Placeholder pattern for a phone number String
regex.matrix-name Regex pattern for a matrix name String
autoResponse List of Security Privileges that are allowed skip the Response stage in a Workflow String array
autoSignoff List of Security Privileges that are allowed skip the Signoff stage in a Workflow String array
report Report object Object Minimum date allowed in days from now time for date validation Integer Maximum date allowed in days from now time for date validation Integer
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