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API Account

liamie edited this page Jul 19, 2021 · 79 revisions

Home / API / Account


Reads Account - If a CcnUsername parameter is supplied then details for that user will be returned.

If not, then details for all users will be returned.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.Read


Name Type Default Description
CcnUsername String null AD User Name
PrvCode String null AD Privilege Code

Return: Array [ Object ]

Name Type Description
CcnUsername string AD Account User Name
PrvCode string Code for user privilege
PrvValue string Privilege description
CcnEmail string Email of the account
CcnName string First and last names of user


Reads the currently logged in user. If a Privilege Code PrvCode is supplied then the user will be returned only if that parameter the user has that privilege. If a User Name CcnUsername is supplied then details for that user will be returned.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.ReadCurrent


Name Type Default Description
CcnUsername String null AD User Name
PrvCode String null Privilege Code

Return: Array [ Object ]

Name Type Description
CcnUsername string AD Account User Name
PrvCode string Code for user privilege
PrvValue string Privilege description
CcnEmail string Email of the account
CcnName string First and last names of user
UserGroups Array [ Object] Groups to which the user belongs


Name Type Description
GrpCode string Group Code
GrpName string Group Name
GccApproveFlag bool True if the user is a Group Approver


Reads the currently logged in user similar to Read Current but in this case it doesn't return group membership information.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.ReadCurrentAccess


Name Type Default Description
No Parameters are defined

Return: Array [ Object ]

Name Type Description
CcnUsername string AD Account User Name
PrvCode string Code for User Privilege
PrvValue string Privilege Description


Reads the currently logged in user similar to Read Current but in this case it doesn't return group membership information.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.ReadCurrentWindowsAccess


Name Type Default Description
No Parameters are defined

Return: Array [ Object ]

Name Type Description
CcnUsername string AD Account User Name
PrvCode string Code for User Privilege
PrvValue string Privilege Description
CcnNotificationFlag Boolean Notification Flag indicator
CcnDisplayName string AD Account Display Name
CCcnEmail string AD Account Email
CcnId Int AD Account ID
CcAdFlag Boolean AD Flag indicator
CcnLockedFlag Boolean Locked Flag indicator
Lgn2Fa String


Creates an Account.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.Create


Name Type Default Description
CcnUsername String AD Account User Name
PrvCode String Code for User Privilege

Return: String with value of success

Create a non-Windows/AD remote account.

Creates a non-Windows/AD remote account.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.CreateLocal


Name Type Default Description
CcnEmail String Account Email/UserName
CcnDisplayName String Account Display Name
PrvCode String Code for User Privilege
CcnNotificationFlag bool true Flag to allow email notifications for Workflow
LngIsoCode String Language Iso Code

Return: String with value of success

Create a Windows/AD remote account.

Creates a Windows/AD remote account.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.CreateAD


Name Type Default Description
CcnUsername String AD Account User Name
PrvCode String Code for User Privilege
CcnNotificationFlag bool true Flag to allow email notifications for Workflow
LngIsoCode String Language Iso Code

Return: String with value of success


Updates an Account.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.Update


Name Type Default Description
CcnUsername String AD Account User Name
PrvCode String Code for User Privilege

Return: String with value of success


Updates a user's account to change email preferences for Workflow Notification. The username is taken automatically from the API call.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : none

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.Update


Name Type Default Description
CcnNotificationFlag bool true Flag to allow email notifications for Workflow

Return: String with value of success


Deletes an Account.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.Delete


Name Type Default Description
CcnUsername String AD Account User Name

Return: String with value of success


Tests if a user is an administrator. If no CcnUsername is passed then the api will test the current user.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.ReadIsAdministrator


Name Type Default Description
CcnUsername String null AD Account User Name

Return: true or false


Tests if a user is a Moderator. If no User Name CcnUsername is passed then the api will test the current User.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.ReadIsModerator


Name Type Default Description
CcnUsername String null AD Account User Name

Return: true or false


Tests if a user is a power user. If no User Name CcnUsername is passed then the api will test the current User.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.ReadIsPowerUser


Name Type Default Description
CcnUsername String null AD Account User Name

Return: true or false


Tests if a user is registered on the system. If no User Name CcnUsername is passed then the api will test the current user.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.ReadIsRegistered


Name Type Default Description
CcnUsername String null AD Account User Name

Return: true or false


Tests if a user is in Active Directory. If no User Name CcnUsername is passed then the api will test the current user.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.ReadIsInAD


Name Type Default Description
CcnUsername String null AD Account User Name

Return: true or false


Tests if a user is a Release Approver by they type of group membership and the group assigned to the Release. If no CcnUsername is passed then the api will test the current user.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Security.Account_API.ReadIsApprover


Name Type Default Description
RlsCode Int Release Code
CcnUsername String null AD Account User Name

Return: true or false

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