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API Cube PxAPIv1

DeclanBuckley edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 32 revisions

Home / API / Cube PxAPIv1


The PxAPIvi interface uses a REST-like endpoint to return data and metadata. This is included for backward compatibility and it emulates the version used by Statistics Sweden, see

The following data/metadata may be returned by the interface:

  • Available Subjects.
  • Available Products for a Subject.
  • Current data tables for a Product.
  • Metadata for a table.
  • Data for a table. This will require a query object being passed, as a Query Definition . The query will filter the data to be returned. Data requested in the formats "csv" and "xlsx" will be pivoted on the time dimension by default. This data may be pivoted on any of the other dimensions by specifying it in the url.

Request url.

The format of the Request url is as follows:

/api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.PxAPIv1/{language}/[subject]/[product]/[table]/[pivot-dimension]?[query definition]

Optional parameters are shown in square brackets, however if an optional parameter is included then all of the preceding parameters must be included as well. The number of parameters included will define the nature of the returned data.

Read Subjects.

The call shown below will return a list of valid live Subjects. English language versions will be delivered where possible:


The "language" parameter in this case represents the user's preferred language. If the data is available in that language, the output will be in that language. If not, then the data will be delivered in the default language of the system.

The language parameter must conform to the ISO 639-1 code, e.g. English="en", Irish="ga", Swedish="sv" etc.

Output example for /api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.PxAPIv1/en/:

              "id": "11",
              "type": "l",
              "text": "Business Expenditure on Research and Development"
              "id": "4",
              "type": "l",
              "text": "Census 2016"
              "id": "7",
              "type": "l",
              "text": "jcsubject"
              "id": "8",
              "type": "l",
              "text": "LMNEW"
              "id": "3",
              "type": "l",
              "text": "Prices"
              "id": "2",
              "type": "l",
              "text": "RPSubject"


Name Type Description
id String Subject Identifier
type String 'l' in the case of a Subject
text String Name of the subject

Read Products.

The call shown below will return a list of valid live Products for a given Subject:

/api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.PxAPIv1/language/subject Output example for /api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.PxAPIv1/en/4:

               "id": "C2016P3",
               "type": "l",
               "text": "Profile 3 - An Age Profile of Ireland"
               "id": "CODE2",
               "type": "l",
               "text": "Profile 1 - Housing in Ireland"
               "id": "CODE3",
               "type": "l",
               "text": "Profile 1 - Housing in Ireland"
              "id": "CP1HII",
              "type": "l",
              "text": "Profile 1 - Housing in Ireland"


Name Type Description
id String Subject Identifier
type String 'l' in the case of a Product
text String Name of the Product

Read Collection for Product.

The call shown below will return a list of live tables for a given Product.

/api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.PxAPIv1/language/subject/product Output example for /api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.PxAPIv1/en/4/C2016P3

                  "id": "E3002ENOnly",
                  "type": "t",
                  "text": "Population 2011 to 2016"
                  "id": "CENSUS2",
                  "type": "t",
                  "text": "Population by local gov districts"
                  "id": "AHM04",
                  "type": "t",
                  "text": "Agricultural Input and Output Price Indices (Base 2015=100)"
                  "id": "AHM04DR123",
                  "type": "t",
                  "text": "Agricultural Input and Output Price Indices (Base 2015=100)"
                   "id": "LIAMTESTFNA08",
                   "type": "t",
                   "text": "Foreign Nationals in Employment (Number)"
                   "id": "LIAMTESTPEC18",
                   "type": "t",
                   "text": "Projected Annual Births"


Name Type Description
id String Table Identifier
type String 't' in the case of a Table
text String Name of the Table

Read Metadata of a Table.

The call shown below will return the metadata for a table.


Output example for /api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.PxAPIv1/en/4/C2016P3/TSA02.

             "title": "Greenhouse Gas Emissions",
             "variables": [
             "code": "Statistic",
             "text": "Greenhouse Gas Emissions",
             "values": [
             "valueTexts": [
             "Greenhouse Gas Emissions (CO2, N2O, CH4, HFC, PFC, SF6)",
             "Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions",
             "Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emissions",
             "Methane (CH4) Emissions"
             "elimination": false
             "code": "TLIST(A1)",
             "text": "Year",
             "values": [
             "valueTexts": [
             "elimination": false
             "code": "C02597V03821",
             "text": "Sector NACE Rev 2",
             "values": [
             "valueTexts": [
             "Coke and refined petroleum products (19)",
             "Chemicals and chemical products (20)",
             "Basic pharmaceutical products and preparations (21)",
             "Computer, electronic and optical products (26)",
             "Electrical equipment (27)",
             "Machinery and equipment n.e.c. (28)",
             "Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (35)",
             "Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01 to 03)",
             "Mining and quarrying (05 to 09)",
             "Industries and construction (05 to 43)",
             "Food products, beverages and tobacco (10 to 12)",
             "Textiles, wearing apparel and leather products (13 to 15)",
             "Wood, paper, printing and reproduction of recorded media (16 to 18)",
             "Rubber and plastic products, other non-metallic mineral products (22,23)",
             "Basic metals and fabricated metal products (24,25)",
             "Transport equipment (29,30)",
             "Furniture, and other manufacturing, repair and installation of machinery and equipment (31 to 33)",
             "Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (36 to 39)",
             "Construction (41 to 43)",
             "Services (45 to 96)",
             "Total emissions"
             "elimination": false

Metadata: The metadata consists of:

  • "title" : String value of the table title.
  • Array of "variables" - see below. A variable is a representation of a dimension including its dimension items.


Name Type Description
code String Dimension code
text String Dimension description
values String[] Array of codes for the dimension items
elimination Boolean Indicates if elimination is used in the table. For PxStat this will always be false

Read Table Data.

The call shown below will return the data for a table. The query object enables us to filter the data by any combination of dimension value or values. The query will exist either as a Query Definition at the end of the url (e.g. a GET request) or in the Request Body (e.g. a POST request).

GET Request /api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.PxAPIv1/language/subject/product/table?query={query} for example: /api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.PxAPIv1/en/4/CODE2/E1022?query={"query":[{"code":"STATISTIC","selection":{"filter":"item","values":["E1022C01","E1022C02"]}},{"code":"TLIST(A1)","selection":{"filter":"item","values":["2011","2016"]}}],"response":{"format":"json-stat"}}

Query Definition:

Name Type Description
query Array of Query dimensions Query dimensions
response response Description of returned data


Name Type Description
format String The required format of the output

Allowed values of format

  • json-stat - returns the data in JSON-stat 2.0 format
  • csv - returns the data in csv format
  • xlsx - returns the data in xlsx format
  • px- returns the data in PX 2013 format


Name Type Description
code String Dimension code
selection selection Selection description


Name Type Description
filter String default to 'item'
values String array list of item codes

In the example below, we want to filter as follows:

  • Only data for STATISTIC with code E1022C01 and E1022C02 (2 items).
  • Only data for TLIST(A1) with codes 2011 and 2016 (2 items).
  • Looking at the metadata tells us there's a called C02196V02652. However, as we want all values of C02196V02652, we do not include a filter for this dimension. There are 8 items in this dimension.
  • There is also a dimension called C02699V03267. Again we want all values for this dimension and so we don't include a filter for it. There are 4 items in this dimension.

The total number of datapoints returned will be 2 x 2 x 8 x 4, i.e. 128 datapoints. The ordering is per the metadata, i.e. STATISTIC, TLIST(A1), C02196V02652, C02699V03267.

Data Pivoting.

By default, data requested in the csv and xlsx formats will be displayed pivoted on the time dimension, i.e. a value will be shown for each item in the time dimension on any given tuple. If the data needs to be pivoted on any other dimension, this may be done by specifying the dimension code in the request url. For example:


The "C02010V02440" parameter will ensure that the data will be pivoted on the C02010V02440 dimension instead of the time dimension.

Data may only be pivoted on one dimension at a time.


The following data is retained by the system as part of the API read process:

  • All HTTP logs.
  • IP address of caller.
  • Parameters of the call.
  • Data for analysis, e.g. browser type, operating system etc
  • Date and time.
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