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API Group Account

DeclanBuckley edited this page Jan 25, 2021 · 24 revisions

Home / API / Group Account


Reads Group Account. Both the GroupID and CcnUsername parameters are optional. If no parameters are sent, all data is returned. If just the GrpCode parameter is sent then all User/Group combinations for that group are returned. If just the CcnUsername parameter is sent then all user/group combinations for that user are returned. If both parameters are sent, then the user/group combination for that User and Group are returned, if it exists.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Power User

Method: PXstat.Security.GroupAccount_API.Read


Name Type Default Description
GrpCode String null Group Code
CcnUsername String null AD User Name

Return: Array [ Object ]

Name Type Description
CcnUsername String AD User Name
GrpCode String Group Code
GrpName String Name of the Group
GccApproverFlag Boolean Indicates whether or not the user is a Release Approver for this Group


Create the GroupAccount, i.e. creates a Group Membership.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Power User

Method: PXstat.Security.GroupAccount_API.Create


Name Type Default Description
GrpCode String Group Code
CcnUsername String AD User Name
GccApproveFlag Boolean Indicates whether or not the user is a Release Approver for this Group

Return: String with value of success


Updates a Group account entry, i.e. changes the value of the Approver Flag.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Power User

Method: PXstat.Security.GroupAccount_API.Update


Name Type Default Description
GrpCode String Group Code
CcnUsername String AD User Name
GccApproveFlag Boolean Indicates whether or not the user is a Release Approver for this Group

Return: String with value of success


Deletes a username/group combination.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Power User

Method: PXstat.Security.GroupAccount_API.Delete


Name Type Default Description
GrpCode String Group Code
CcnUsername String AD User Name

Return: String with value of success

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