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API Matrix

damiancosmoschapman edited this page Sep 22, 2022 · 76 revisions

Home / API / Matrix


Returns the Matrix for a given release code and language.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Data.Matrix_API.Read


Name Type Default Description
LngIsoCode String System Default Language
RlsCode Integer

Return: Array [ Object ]

Name Type Description
MtrCode String Matrix Identifier
MtrTitle String Matrix Title
MtrNote String Matrix Note
MtrOfficialFlag Boolean Matrix Official Flag
MtrInput String Matrix data content
MtrId Int Matrix Id
CcnUsernameCreate String AD username that created the Matrix
DtgCreateDatetime DateTime Date and time of Matrix creation
CcnUsernameUpdate String AD username that most recently updated the Matrix
DtgUpdateDatetime DateTime Date and time of the most recent Matrix update
RlsCode Int Release code
RlsVersion Int Release version
RlsRevision Int Release revision
RlsLiveFlag Boolean Live flag indicator
RlsLiveDatetimeFrom DateTime Start date and time of Release
RlsLiveDatetimeTo DateTime End date and time of Release
RlsDependencyFlag Boolean Dependency Flag indicator
RlsEmergencyFlag Boolean Emergency Flag indicator
RlsReservationFlag Boolean Reservation Flag indicator
RlsArchiveFlag Boolean Archive Flag indicator
RlsAnalyticalFlag Boolean Analytical Flag indicator
RlsAlertFlag Boolean Alert Flag indicator
LngIsoCode String ISO Language code of Matrix
LngIsoName String Name of the Language of the Matrix
CprValue String Copyright value
CprCode String Copyright code
CprUrl String Copyright Url
FrqValue String Frequency value
FrqCode String Frequency code
FrmType String Format type
FrmVersion String Format version
GrpCode String Group code
GrpName String Group name
GrpContactName String Group contact name
GrpContactPhone String Group contact phone number
GrpContactEmail String Group contact email
CmmCode Int Comment code
CmmValue String Comment value
SbjCode Int Subject code
SbjValue String Subject value
PrcCode Int Product code
PrcValue String Product value


Returns a list of matrix codes and titles that are associated with the supplied product code.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Data.Matrix_API.ReadByProduct


Name Type Default Description
PrcCode String Product Code

Return: Array [ Object ]

Name Type Description
MtrCode String Matrix Identifier
MtrTitle String Matrix Name


Returns a list of matrix codes and titles that are associated with the supplied Copyright code.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Data.Matrix_API.ReadByCopyright


Name Type Default Description
CprCode String Copyright Code

Return: Array [ Object ]

Name Type Description
MtrCode String Matrix Identifier
MtrTitle String Matrix Description


Returns a list of matrix codes and titles that are associated with the supplied Language code.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Data.Matrix_API.ReadByLanguage


Name Type Default Description
LngIsoCode String Language Code

Return: Array [ Object ]

Name Type Description
MtrCode String Matrix Identifier
MtrTitle String Matrix Description


Returns the list of matrices base on the user profile. If a version of the matrix exists in the LngIsoCode parameter, the matrix title will be returned in that language. Otherwise the default language version is returned.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Data.Matrix_API.ReadCodeList


Name Type Default Description
LngIsoCode String Default language Iso Language Code

Return: Array [ Object ]

Name Type Description
MtrCode String Matrix Code
MtrTitle String Matrix Title


Reads a release history of datasets. If a version of the matrix exists in the LngIsoCode parameter, the matrix title will be returned in that language. Otherwise the default language version is returned.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.Data.Matrix_API.ReadHistory


Name Type Default Description
LngIsoCode Language IsoCode
DateFrom Date ('YYYY-MM-DD') Date From
DateTo Date ('YYYY-MM-DD') Date To

Return: Array [ Object ]

Name Type Description
MtrCode Int Matrix code
RlsCode Int Release code
RlsLiveDatetimeFrom DateTime Start date and time of Release
RlsLiveDatetimeTo DateTime End date and time of Release
RlsVersion Int Release version
RlsRevision Int Release revision
GrpCode String Group code
GrpName String Group name
CcnUsername String Username
CreateDateTime DateTime Date and time of creation
MtrTitle String Matrix title*
RqsValue String Request Value
RqsCode String Request Code
RspValue String Response Value
RspCode String Response Code
SgnValue String Signoff Value
SgnCode String Signoff Code
*If a version of the matrix exists in the LngIsoCode parameter, the matrix title will be returned in that language. Otherwise the default language version is returned.


Validates a .px file. If a validation error is identified then details are returned. The time dimension is obtained from the TIMEVAL key in px. If a TIMEVAL is not specified then the user must choose which dimension is to serve as a time dimension. Therefore when this situation is identified, a list of candidate dimensions is returned to the user in the FrqValue array.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: Method: PxStat.Data.Matrix_API.Validate


Name Type Default Description
MtrInput String The contents of the px file (Base64)
GrpCode String The Group code
FrqValue String The chosen dimension to serve as a time value
Overwrite Boolean false The Overwrite flag

Return: Object as below - Alternatively, an array of validation errors

Name Type Default Description
Signature String A validation token - returned if success
FrqValue String[] An array of candidate dimensions. Returned if valid but no time dimension identified


Creates a matrix from the contents of a .px file.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: Method: PxStat.Data.Matrix_API.Create


Name Type Default Description
MtrInput String The contents of the px file (Base64)
GrpCode String The Group code
FrqValue String The dimension value chosen as the time value where a TIMEVAL doesn't exist
Overwrite Boolean false The Overwrite flag

Return: String with value of success

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