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API Product

damiancosmoschapman edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 36 revisions

Home / API / Product


Reads Products. If neither Subject Code SbjCode nor Product Code PrcCode are supplied then all Products will be returned. If either or both of these parameters are supplied then the products corresponding to these codes will be returned.

If ISO Language Code LngIsoCode is supplied then the API will return a translation of the product and subject names if they exist. If there is no translation available then the API will return product and subject names in the default language of that Product.

Authentication: Anonymous

Privilege : Public

Method: PxStat.System.Navigation.Product_API.Read


Name Type Default Description
SbjCode Integer 0 or empty Subject Code
PrcCode String null Product Code
LngIsoCode String null ISO Language Code

Return: Array [ Object ]

Name Type Description
PrcCode String Product Code
PrcValue String Product Name
SbjCode Integer Subject Code
SbjValue String Subject Name
RlsLiveCount Integer Release Live Count
MtrCount Integer Count of Tables featuring this Product
MtrAssociatedCount Integer Count of Associated Tables featuring this Product


Creates a new Product.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Moderator , Power User

Method: PxStat.System.Navigation.Product_API.Create


Name Type Default Description
PrcValue String Product Name
SbjCode Integer Subject Code of the Product

Return: String with value of success


Updates a Product. If ISO Language Code LngIsoCode is supplied and if this Language is different from the current Product Language then it is assumed that we are adding or updating a translation of the Product name to the alternative Language. If ISO Language Code LngIsoCode is not supplied then any update of Product name will be in the Product's default Language.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Power User

Method: PxStat.System.Navigation.Product_API.Update


Name Type Default Description
PrcCode String Product Code
SbjCode Integer Subject Code
PrcValue String Product Name
LngIsoCode String null Language of the Product name

Return: String with value of success.


Deletes a Product.

Authentication: Windows

Privilege : Administrator , Power User

Method: PxStat.System.Navigation.Product_API.Delete


Name Type Default Description
PrcCode String Product Code

Return: String with value of success.

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