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7. BluePrints

Lucas F. Lu edited this page Jan 30, 2020 · 5 revisions

BluePrint is magical!

Like I mentioned at the introduction of this tutorial. I like the idea of building something by answering a few questions. Therefore, I build something called BluePrint, that you can use to build the entire site through a wizard.

I also build a few builder commands to enhance the experience when making a controller, model or migrations, because I always wanted "php artisan make:controller" to give me the option to store the controller somewhere other than app/http/controllers/.

The idea of Blueprint is that you build the site base on a list of definition called BluePrint. Within that file are portions of how page should be like, how migrations are defined and how models are structured. You then take this blueprint anywhere on any server, the same website will be built within seconds.

BluePrint has the following commands:

  • makeController
  • makeMigration
  • makeModel
  • makePage
  • BuildSite

The remaining of the chapter will go over these commands in detail.