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2.2 Blade: UI components

Lucas F. Lu edited this page Jan 29, 2020 · 1 revision

1. Date picker:

A built-in date selector control, can be easily inserted into a form.

Blade template file: /views/components/form/DatePicker.blade.php


                'id'=>'element ID',
                'label'=>'Label text',
                'value'=>'Default Value'

2. File Uploader:

Insert a uploader interface for user to process uploads.

Blade template file: /views/components/FileUpload.blade.php



Parameter & options:

parameter name Values Description
custom_action string Custom URL for the upload control. Default to route('LF_FileUploads'), URL:'/lf_uploadfiles/'
formID string Element ID, default to 'LF_fileUploads_form'
multifile boolean If multiple of files are allowed to be uploaded

note: Controller "LF_FileUpload_Controller@processUploads" is used to process the files uploaded.

Initially, files are stored at "storage/LF_FilesUpload/"

3. Datatable:

A one stop-shop table control that renders html tables with filters, ajax data source, row-highlights, etc. This control uses a third-party plugin called DataTables. For more information, please visit DataTables Official website.

Blade template file: /views/components/DataTable.blade.php


html contents...

Parameter & options:

parameter name Values Description
header string table header text
tableID string html element ID
headerList array list of header text. eg: ['idx','name','age',...]
JsSetting array additional dataTable js configurations. eg:['serverSide'=>true,'columnDefs'=>['targets'=>1,'className'=>'cost','width'=>'20%']]. For a complete list of js available options,please visit DataTables Website
header_bg string bootstrap color class for the table header. [dark,primary,success,danger,info,etc...]. Refer to the css portion of the wiki for a complete list of color classes.
FilterLocation string set the location of the filter bar. [header or footer]
footer string footer text of the table
tableData json Initial table data.

4. Navigation Menu:

Adding menus to the navigation bar.

Blade template file: /views/components/sidebarMenu.blade.php



Parameter & options:

parameter name Values Description
active boolean if the link is active
subMenus false/string Default:false. html text to be displayed as submenus
icon string fontawesome icon name without "fa". For a list of all icons, please visit fontawesome

5. Notes control:

A complete note pad control with interface is available to be inserted anywhere on the page.

Blade template file: /views/components/Notes.blade.php


    html contents...

Parameter & options:

parameter name Values Description
custom_note_action string custom URL for saving the notes. Default: route('LF_SaveNotes'), URL:'/savenote/'
formID string element ID. Default: "LF_notes_form"
active boolean if class active is set
default string default notes contents

6. Bootstrap Modal control:

A bootstrap Modal control pack into one directive.

Blade template file: /views/components/Modal.blade.php


    html contents...

Parameter & options:

parameter name Values Description
modal_class string class name of the modal
modal_direction string direction of the modal. Default: top
modal_ID string ID for the element
modal_size string modal size. Default: modal-lg
has_form string if create a form tag within the modal
form_action string target URL for the form
form_name string name of the form tag
form_id string ID for the form tag
header_bg string modal header background color class. Default: primary
header string modal header contents
footer_bg string modal footer background color class. Default: gray-light
footer string modal footercontents