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6.4 Flow of theme loading

Lucas F. Lu edited this page Jan 30, 2020 · 1 revision

How everything fits together

The framework loads theme pages with the following sequence.

  1. Html tage first
  2. Check and build for any route named menus
  3. Check for forced third party libraries such as bootstrap, jquery, etc.
  4. Child header blade is loaded.
  5. Child footer blade is loaded.
  6. Child sidebar blade is loaded.
  7. Take care of framework script list. Creating named sections, stacks from the list.
  8. Header tag is created.
  9. Yield header section, render headerstyle and header script stacks. Set csrf token.
  10. Body tag is created.
  11. Child index blade is loaded. You may freely set locations of your contetns, sidebars, footer, menu, stacks, and sections.
  12. At the very bottom of body tag, OutletReource stack is rendered together as part of footerscripts stack.
  13. footerstyles stack is rendered.
  14. JsBeforeReady stack is rendered.
  15. DocumentReady is rendered just before closing body tag.