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5.2 Build your own outlet placeholder

Lucas F. Lu edited this page Jan 30, 2020 · 4 revisions

Why is there a Outlet Placeholder?

Outlets you registered with the framework will need a place to be shown to the user. Usually this could be a general page that serves as a collection of many features represented by many different outlets.

Create a placeholder

Creating an outlet placeholder is very easy. Simply register an outlet name within a service provider's register method.


Note: Outlet Names should be unique. It will be used as key to identify placeholders among others.

Use the placeholder

  1. Render the outlets

    You can render the outlets in blade files or anywhere you like. Each outlets registered with the placeholder has a method called "getView()". Use this to render your outlet in a blade file.

       @foreach (app()->frameOutlet->getOutlet('MyOutletName') as $OutletItem)
                if ($__env->exists($view->Name(),$view->getData())){
                        echo $__env->make($view->Name(),$view->getData())->render(); 

    Note: To differentiate each section, you can use $OutletItem->MyName() to set titles or tab names for the section of the outlet contents.

  2. Attach outlet resources

    Should your outlet contents have any asset files to be inserted before rendering the contents. You could process them within any header files or push them into a blade stack. Use the following to fetch and insert all assets files.

        foreach(app()->frameOutlet->OutletResources('MyOutletName') as $asset){

    Note: app()->FeFrame->enqueueResource is a method used by the framework to uniquely register a library to a list. It takes 3 parameters.

    • First parameter is the resource file
    • Second parameter is the location name of the stack. All resources will be pushed to this named stack and you are free to place that @stack anywhere in any blade files. Default is the framework's headerstyles, and it's loaded just before the body tag.
    • Third parameter is either to push the asset to the end or prepend it to the beginning of the list.

Real life example

I know this could be overwhelming and perhaps my approach to accomplish such feature might even be less effective. But to look at a complete example of how to use a placeholder, output their contents, generate a stack tag, push assets to stacks and to render the stack, consider reviewing the following.

For registering assets with tags for every outlets
/vendor/feiron/felaraframe/src/resources/views/controlPanel.blade.php Line:23-25

For rendering outlets within tab structures 
/vendor/feiron/felaraframe/src/resources/views/controlPanel.blade.php Line:32-52

"OutletResource" stack is placed under 
/vendor/feiron/felaraframe/src/resources/views/index.blade.php Line:53