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4.1.2 WidgetChart
Located at "/vendor/feiron/felaraframe/src/widgets/lib/fe_Widgets/WidgetChart.php"
This widget is primarily used to render chart within a widget frame. While sharing every behavior from a generic widget, you can further, set the chart types to be line, bar, pie, etc.
Note: This widget uses third-party JS library "morris.js". You can find out more about the JS settings from Morris Chart Office website
- Simply add the widget into the service container and give it a unique KeyName.
- Set widget specific configurations from the second parameter of "addWidget" method.
$this->app->WidgetManager->addWidget('Unique_Key_Name', [
'Description' => 'Widget Chart Example as the description',
'Widget_header'=>'Sales records for the last <strong>6 Months</strong>',
["year" => '2008', "value" => 20],
["year" => '2009', "value" => 10],
["year" => '2010', "value" => 15],
["year" => '2011', "value" => 100],
["year" => '2012', "value" => 150],
["year" => '2013', "value" => 30],
["year" => '2014', "value" => 70]
note: "addWidget" takes 2 parameters. First is the key name within the widget list. Second is the widget definition (dictionary format) that;
- sets widget type (default to "widgetGeneric" if left empty) by key "widgetType"
- sets description of the widget when browsed by user by key "Description"
- specify widget parameters to further customize the widget by key "widgetParam". You can write one widget and reuse it with different options!
- Create a class (in this example we use class name "MyChart") and extend feiron\felaraframe\widgets\lib\fe_Widgets\WidgetChart
- Define or initialize some default widget settings/parameters within the constructor. Set chart type by parameter "chartType"
Additional settings for the chart widget can be set by using $this->UpdateWidgetSettings() in according to Morris Json Setting option list Lines, Bars, Donuts
Eg: $this->UpdateWidgetSettings(['resize'=>true,'colors'=>['red','green','#0088cc']])
note: Refer to the last section of this chapter for a list of all available widget parameters. note: In addition to all parameters from generic widget, chart specific parameters are:
- HeaderIcon: font-awesome class name. eg: "line-chart"
- chartType: line,bar,pie,etc.
- settingList: json contents to be transferred onto front-end chart js configuration.
- Define the setData function for the chart to get its data, or define an AJAX route for the chart to retrieve its data.
- Bind the new widget class to the Widget Resolver.
- Add the widget class to the Widget manager.
$this->app->WidgetManager->addWidget('AChart', ['widgetType' => 'MyChart', 'Description' => 'This is shown to the user when choose a widget to display.']);
// ... MyChart.php
namespace App\lib\myWidgets;
use feiron\felaraframe\widgets\lib\fe_Widgets\WidgetChart;
class MyChart extends WidgetChart{
public function __construct($viewParameters){
$defaultParameters['Width'] = '3';
$defaultParameters['Widget_header'] = 'This is a testing chart widget';
$defaultParameters['chartType'] = 'donut';
parent::__construct(array_merge($defaultParameters, ($viewParameters ?? [])));
return $this->getSalesByStore();
private function getSalesByStore(){
return [
["label" => 'Store 1', "value" => 500500],
["label" => 'Store 2', "value" => 154587],
["label" => 'Store 3', "value" => 654488],
["label" => 'Store 4', "value" => 65847]
// ... app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{
public function register(){
$this->app->WidgetManager->addWidget('ChartWidget', ['widgetType' => 'MyChart', 'Description' => 'This is shown to the user when choose a widget to display.']);
Feedback is much appreciated! I can be reached at [email protected]